Chapter 21

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"...." I opened my eyes slowly and saw the beaming sun shining down on me. My head felt dizzy and my pulse was racing like crazy. "Boruto..." I heard a distant voice say. "Boruto..." It got louder. "BORUTO!!" My head shot up in fright.

"What?! Here!" I said as my eye refocused on everything. And then it hit me. "We made it," I said as I saw Sarada looking down at me while Sasuke helped Shikadai up from the ground.

We were currently near the front of the village gates and I was surprised to see guards in the far distance. "The meeting must be going on. We must hurry." I heard Sasuke say as he helped support Shikadai who had an injured foot because of the loophole.

"But there are guards everywhere. If there is a threat and news get out that we are around, we can lose the only advantage that we have." I heard Sarada say to Sasuke and I agreed. Even though they are on our side, any one of them could be a villain and we shouldn't trust anyone but ourselves at this point.

I've witnessed first hand that the shinobi could be bad people and I wouldn't doubt that they would turn on me once again. I thought to myself as I touched my forever scarred eye. "Let's find a way to pass them and get into the conference room and scop it out to see if anything is wrong," I said quietly and they nodded.

Sasuke handed me Shikadai and led the way, instantly knocking out any shinobi without a sound. Even though his chakra was drained, he was still a skilled ninja. That is why he was my biggest role model going into my training. I strived to be like him so I left to see if I would get stronger if I left too, but I'm not sure how much I've improved.

My greatest fear is having not improved and still being the disappointment of the village. Sara's told me that they wanted me back and that they have forgiven me, but I wasn't sure what to believe at this point.

"You okay, Boruto?" I heard Shikadai say as we continued walking and I nodded quietly. I didn't want him to know my worried just yet. When the time came, I would tell him.

As we continued walking, we came to a stop when Shikamaru stood in front of us. He was in a fighting stance, but when he noticed us, it went down. But before I knew it, he had run over to me and pulled Shikadai into a hug as I watched them quietly. Would my dad react like this too when he saw me? I questioned.

"Your safe..." He said as he pulled away from the hug. "I have a lot to question you about, but there isn't time. Something happened to Naruto at the meeting but we can't get inside. Also, some of the shinobi are acting strange, almost like they are under mind control of some sort. "I'll lead you to them, " he said, but Shikadai stopped us.

"My dad would've questioned right away..." He said and we all froze. "Not hug me; he hasn't been that affectionate in years."

After he finished saying this, Shikamaru's face scrunched up and he started to laugh. "Your smart, I'll give you that, but your father wasn't." He said and Shikadai tried to attack him, but his injured foot set him back.

"What are you trying to achieve by doing all of this?" Sasuke asked him as he pulled out his sword.

"You're completely drained of chakra. If you wouldn't have been, I might have actually had been scared." He continued to mock as he laughed in a psychotic way.

It then hit me. "He's just distracting us, something bad is going on which is why he's just talking to us and hasn't attacked yet. Let's just attacks and go!" I said before making a Rasengan and directing it at him.

"You're right, Boruto. We can't just stand here forever arguing with the enemy with for all we know, the whole village could be in as we know it." Sarada said as she too got into a fighting stance, but what caught us off guard was that Shikamaru just ran away. He didn't even put up a fight.

"What...?" I said as I saw him run the opposite direction into the woods. But of course, we didn't follow him. We had to go find my dad at this point. "Let's just go, we can deal with him later if the problem is still going on," I said and we ran toward the meeting room.

To say that I was nervous would be an understatement, cause in a way, I was terrified. I know that my top priority at the moment is to focus on the target, but what people think of me is my greatest concern. But then I thought back to what he said to me. His words still deep in my mind, but for now, I again pushed them aside.

"This chakra, it's powerful..." I heard Sasuke say as we got closer. And he was right, I could fear the evilness from here. The type to give you goosebumps. Suddenly, as we got closer, we heard screams. "Let's hurry!" I yelled and we sped up. And before we knew it, we were in front of the doors.

"Do we just go in...?" Sarada questioned which made me wonder as well. We easily could but for all we know it could be a trap.

"I would usually say no and have us start thinking of a plan, but at this point, everyone could be already dead before we make it inside unless we hurry," Sasuke said and I agreed. I put on my hood and my mask before getting ready to go inside. I would feel less awkward fighting for a while if no one could see that it was me.

"Open the doors..." Sarada told me pulled back her hair and put it into a ponytail. To be honest, we were going into this blind and could end up injured or dead at the end of it, but everyone who watched me grow up was in there right now, and I couldn't just leave them.

I was about to defend the same people that shamed me years ago, the ones that at this point I didn't know if I could trust, but I also thought back to my family. The fear that my mother and sister may be inside injured. That my father might be dead...

And with these thoughts...

...I yanked the door open.

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