Chapter 18 (I'm back!!)

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Author's Note: I'm back guys!! I've been really busy with school, which is why I haven't updated in a while. As I mentioned before, only a couple more chapters left. We are officially nearing the end and I am extremely grateful for all the support the story has had so far. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!! (Extra author's note at the end: Please read!)


"So how do we fix this. Time is running out and this is our only option. Do you guys know any other way to transfer chakra? At this point, we have to try something different. And we need to do it now." The younger Sasuke said and I agreed with him. We needed to think of another way to transfer chakra.

As I was thinking, it suddenly came to me. It was a way I had learned while I was traveling years ago. It's a risky method, but at this point, we have no other option.

"I have an idea, but it isn't easy," I said and they all got silent and let me explain what we were going to do.


(Note: I made this up lol)

"I'm going to rip the chakra out of you guys," I said and the younger Sasuke looked at me like I was crazy. "I didn't phrase that right, but there isn't time to explain. Just trust me, I'm the oldest one here." He said and the younger Sasuke scoffed but listened.

Itachi didn't question my decision and just nodded his head. I concentrated my chakra to my hands and put each one of them on their chest. I then started to channel their chakra and suck it out of then. They screamed in pain and I instantly felt bad. I knew that it would hurt and I never thought that I would have to use it.

I could feel it working so I continued but I had to be careful. If I mess up, I could end up killing them and everything will be messed up. "Ah!" The younger Sasuke yelled and I tried to hurry it up.

After another minute of torture, I was finally done. I removed my hand and they both fell to the floor panting. "You... Dick... Head...." The younger Sasuke said as he tried to catch his breath. "Where did you even learn this.

"A crazy man," I answered before helping them both up. I could feel their chakra in me and I knew that I could now return with Boruto. I knew that the time was ticking and there wasn't any time to waste. I could feel the enormous amounts of chakra flowing through me and I needed to use it before I overdo it.

"You should leave quickly..." I looked over at a panting Itachi and I smiled. I was ready to leave but I felt like I had just gotten him back to only never see him again. I feel like I still gave so much to say, do, ask, but I can't do it. I don't want to get attached.

"I know," I said calmly. As I looked over at him, I was glad for this experience, but I had already lived through this time and need to go back to my own. I can't fix my past, but I can change my future. And to do this, I first need to get the children back home where they belong.



"That's a lie. I know my friends well. No one would do that to me." I didn't look back at him and just started to walk away but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

He moved his head toward my ear and whispered a name into it. I gasped at who he said and pushed him away. There was no way what he was saying was true. My friend would never do that to me. "Liar!" I yelled as I backed away from him.

He sighed and for once his smile was gone. "I'm not lying. I'm just trying to look out for you by pointing out someone who may not be your real friend. I completely understand why you wouldn't believe me but sooner you will find out. It's better that you prepared for it."

I paced around not really knowing what to think. Like last time, a part of me seriously beloved him. "I need to go," I told him and started to walk away, and for once, and didn't stop me.

I walked back in silence. I still couldn't believe what he had said. There was no way ~~~ could have betrayed me. Deep down, I believed his words, but it all just didn't make sense. If that were to be true, everything would have then been a lie. I would have just been used and manipulated.

I was distracted from my thoughts when I saw Shikadai and Sarada walk up to me. I put on a fake smile and tried to not show my worries. "Where were you and where is the food? You took way to long and Sasuke called us back. There were able to find us a way back. All we need now is for you to do your mind thing on everyone." Shikadai said.

I didn't respond but just nodded which earned a sigh from Shikadai as I walked back with them. I knew that for now, I had to focus and worry about what I now know later. There is a bigger problem going on that affects everyone I hold dear to me. Even those who betrayed me.

"Are you okay, Boruto? Your acting really strange right now. I thought that you would happy to hear the news of us being able to go back?" Sarada said as stopped in front of me. I looked away and thought of what to say. My mind was still being foggy about all the events going on.

"I am. I'm just sad to leave after becoming close with everyone. That's all." I said with a smile to make it seem more convincing and it seemed to have worked since she backed away and we all continued to walk together.

I didn't completely lie about what I had just said. It's true, I would miss this place, but I have other missions to carry out right now.

I have a psycho with powerful unknown abilities I need to defeat, an angry and confused family I will need to explain to, and a supposedly backstabbed I need to confront.

Everything up to this point was just the beginning, but what happens next will be the end.

Extra Author's note: I just wanted to further apologize for the late update. I lost the way the story was going and with the stress of school added onto that, I decided to just push it aside. But as I read the comments, I felt bad that people were waiting and I just didn't know what to write. This is also why this chapter is sort but at least I now know where I'm heading with the storyline. Thank you all again for your support and I hope that you continue to enjoy the chapters!!

Q: What did you guys think of the Boruto back to the future arch? I have mixed opinions and would like to know what you guys thought of it.

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