Chapter 8

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We were going to go on the search in a bit. Right now I'm at my dad's apartment, and Sarada was with Sakura. Everything felt extremely awkward. I don't think my dad took it lightly that we were rogue ninja. Yet again, he really doesn't know anything.

I finished getting dressed and met my dad in the living room. "You ready to go." I told him, and he nodded. "Where are we meeting them?" I asked him.

"In the entrance of the village." We grabbed our bags and made our way there.

Everyone was there but Kakashi. Typical. Sarada and Sakura were bonding with each other. I wish I could do that with my dad too, but we aren't really speaking. It is my fault though.

Later we all departed and headed toward our destination. Outside of the village was also different. Everything wasnt as bright as ours. The reason probably being that we weren't all in peace right now.

"So... what more can you tell us. Well, about the future I mean." Sakura asked. We could tell them everything we know, it wouldn't change anything in the future.

"Well... there is going to be a war in a bit." Everyone stopped. I probably should have started with something lighter.

"You mean that there is going to be another war!?" My dad yelled while running over to me. "Do we win, do we all die?"

I wanted to punch him, and then punch myself. "If you guys had died, how would we be here, idiot." I said, motioning over to Sarada and I.

"So we won the war?" Kakashi asked and I nodded. "Who was behind it?" This would be awkward to explain.

"Well, Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara were the ones who started it. Then it was this werid Goddess lady." They looked confused, especially Kakashi.

"Uchiha Obito? That's impossible, he died." Kakashi yelled, he looked really upset.

"Madara found him, and trained him. But don't worry. In the end, he becomes good. All the nations teamed up with one another, and we still are now." Sarada answered.

Kakashi stayed silents and Sakura spoke up. "The future really is crazy. It's werid to think that all these changes will happen. However, the future does sound bright."



"Are you sure you're okay with this?" I asked Sasuke. He and just told me that he was going to use his power to go back in time. He has never used it before, so it was extremely risky. "Maybe we should just hold off on it."

"What if they are there, and are messing things up. Or worse, what if they are stuck." He had a point, but as I told him before hand, it's extremely risky.

"Ugh, I'll let you go, but if any complications happen, you have to return immediately." He just nodded and left the room.

I sighed and hit my head on the desk. Since Sarada went missing too, hes become a lot more alert. He hasn't left on a mission, becides looking for her and Boruto.

Also, even if he does find them, how is he sure they will want to come back? Boruto is sixteen and still hasn't come back. The older he gets, the more I lose hope. I don't want to think this way, but theres no other way I can look at it.

"As Sasuke said before 'The future ought to stay bright.' That's the only thing I can hold onto now."


Sasuke (surprise!)

I know that what Naruto said was right. This is a big risk and we aren't even sure that they are in the future. I don't even know how they would even get there. All I can come up with, is that Boruto learned something new while he was gone.

He's always been a fast learner. He really intelligent too. So that's why I believe that this was something he would have done.

I opened up a portal with my eye and jumped through it. Everything felt different from how I usually teleport. It made me feel sick, but I managed to hold it all in. Barely.

After seconds, which seemed like hours, I landed on the hard ground. My head felt dizzy, but I still managed to get up. I looked around and saw that I was in the middle of the forest.

I walked around, looking at my surroundings and making sure I was in the right place. I covered myself up for incase someone saw me. I still have to figure out how to fix the future if Boruto and Sarada messed with it.

I continued walking until I got to an open area. I dont want to admit I'm lost, however... I tried to just follow similar chakra I sense. Yet again, I sense many familiar chakra. I would have to get closer to be able to find Boruto and Sarada.

For the next hour I just wondered around the place. All the chakra I sensed led to dead ends. I know that Boruto learned how to hind his chakra, but I should still be able to find Sarada.

Finally after I bit, I sensed Sarada's chakra. She was in a group with many more familiar people. This meaning that Boruto is probably where she is too.

I headed toward the direction and started running. It was very faint, which meant that they were far. If they get put of my range, I will lose track of them.

I noticed that they had stopped moving. I was still far and it would take me a while to get there, so this was good. However, my guard went back up immediately.

Another familiar chakra was in my range. Multiple actually, but this one was evil. It seemed very familiar, but I still couldn't tell whose it was. The more I ran, the more familiar the chakra was getting.

I suddenly froze it place. I knew exactly who that evil chakra belonged too.

It was... mine?

Author's note: Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry again for the late update. I'll have the other one up as soon as possible.

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