Chapter 4

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I don't know what compelled me to ask Boruto that. After I saw him it just came to me. I know that I will miss everyone here, but I missed him too. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to get stronger.

My dad is also busy, and can't always train with me. It seems like no one wants to train anymore. With no threats around, everyone forgot what a shinobi is. What the kage said was right. We couldn't win a war without them, we are just to weak.

Papa is on another mission right now, and mama is busy at the hospital. Training on my own is not working out. I can't learn anything from myself. I'm almost there on mastering my sharigan, and I did it alone.

I didn't understand why Boruto left. I thought he would be back in a week when the embarrassment died down. But as the weeks went by, I realized something. He wasn't embarrassed, he was just sad.

When the seventh said that Boruto attacked shinobi, it got me thinking. It was three trained shinobi, against him. I thought about how strong he must have gotten. He is becoming powerful on his own, while the rest of us are behind.

I quickly packed my bag in under five minutes. I wanted to be back quickly. It surprised me that he was so close to the village.

I looked at my room one last time. I wasn't sad, I will be back with Boruto when we get stronger.

I left the village and made my way to where he was. Before I got there I slipped into my disguise. After that was done, I went over to his shelter. I saw that he was already outside waiting. His face turned when he saw me, which made me giggle.




"..." I stared at her in silence. She just stared at me too. "What are you wearing? What did you do with your hair?"

She was wearing black legging with a red long sleeve top, which was cut in the middle from the bottom. It was something that Sakura would wear. And her hair... Was...


"You disguised yourself, so I thought I would too." She said nervously. "You dyed your hair black, which made sense because of your mom. So I dyed my hair pink, because of my mom."

We stared at each other a bit more before we bursted into laughter. "We look ridiculous, don't we?" I asked her while we still laughed.

"Yeah..." She replied, taking two boxes out of her bag. "I brought black dye, for in case I didn't like the look. I brought blonde too, just in case you wanted to go back." She threw the box over at me.

"I miss being a blonde." My disguise was already seen anyway, so there was no point in me staying with black hair.

We both went inside and put our hair back to the way it was. "Much better" she said, as we stared at ourselves in the mirror. "Now let's train!" She said, getting ready to run out.

"Wait, it's late and the last patrol comes by. Becides, it's dinner time." She turned toward the dinner table, where I have the open cans. "It's not the best dinner, but it's what I have."

"Hn... why don't I cook something!" It made me shutter a bit. One time, when I went to her house, she insisted on cooking. Sakura is a great cook, so I thought that she would be too. But after ten minutes, the kitchen was a mess and the smoke alarm was going off.

"Beans are fine... ha ha ha." She looked a bit down when I said that, but just nodded. Shit, now what do I do! "But I guess a little change wont hurt." Her eyes suddenly got excited. It was weird seeing her this happy. She was always so stubborn and arrogant.

She took out can of Chili, and some diced tomatoes. I looked over a bit frightened when we plugged in the mini stove. She took out a pot and first poured in the beans, after that the tomatoes, and lastly the chili. She mixed it together for ten minutes before it was done.

I was honestly surprised that my shelter wasn't burned down. Heck, even the chili smelled delicious. I've been living on canned beans and soup for three years. This is certainly a change for the better.

We sat down at the little table I had. It was kind of awkward at first, since none of us ate or talked first. I took the first bite of chili, and I felt as if I was in heaven. "This is the best thing I've had in a long time, Sarada!" I continued to eat it quickly.

"My mom taught me how to actually cook a while back. She probably didn't want me to end up burning the house down." She laughed st first, but then got silent. I could tell what she was thinking of.

"It's not to late, you know." She looked up at me with confused eyes. "I can tell you miss them, even though you say they are barley there."

"I do miss them, but I also missed you. It wasn't the same after you left. Everyone was more quiet, it wasn't fun anymore." I was shocked by what she said, I didn't think that anything would change with me gone.

"You missed me?" I asked her, still shocked by what she had told me.

"Yeah, everyone does. Hima always talks about how you will return to her one day. She gets mad at anyone who calls you a rogue ninja." I suddenly felt sad. I left without even thinking about how she would take it. I'm her older brother and I left her.

"She probably hates me. I bet everyone does. I left the village after cheating. I embarrassed my whole family and lost all my friends. It's better for everyone that I left." She came over and sat in the chair next to, and grabbed my hand.

"That's not true, Boruto. Your whole family misses you like crazy, even your dad. All your friends do too. Shikadi isn't the same without having to look out for you." At the mention of Shikadi, I felt bad. I still can't believe I cheated on our match.

"Well, even if it is true, I'm not going back right now. I still have a lot to learn." She sat back and nodded too.

"Me too. I want to fully master my sharigan." I remembered the book I got at the library. It isn't much help to me, but it could help her a lot with her training.

I got up and went to go get the book. She looked at it with surprise. "Why do you have a book on the sharigan?" She questioned, opening up the book to look inside it.

"I was just doing some research, but I'm done with it now." I didn't feel like telling her about my eye just yet. When the time is right, I will.

"This us perfect. This explains everything about it. With this I can train it on my own." She read through it a bit more. Excitement clear in her eyes. "I have something for you too."

I looked at her with confusion. "Something for me?" She went over to her bag and took out a book. She handed it to me and I looked inside. I instantly recognized that it was Hima's writing.

Dear big brother,

Sarada said that it would be a good idea for me to write you a note. You might never see this, but it can't hurt to write it. I wanted to tell you about stuff going on here. So that when you do come back, you are caught up.

Well to start, mama and papa are still looking for you. Papa hasn't been the same since you left, all he thinks about is finding you. As for mama, she just feels guilty. She felt as if she didn't do enough for you.

Becides this, everything is going okay. The village has forgotten about the incident at the chunin exams. But word is spreading that you are a criminal. I don't believe it though. I know that you wouldn't just attack them for no reason.

I guess what I'm trying to say by all this is that we miss you. Nothing is the same without you, big brother. Please come home.


I stared at the letter a bit more. Fighting back the tears. I miss her too, but I just can't go back. "Thank you for this, Sarada." What surprised me is that she came over and hugged me.

"Happy birthday, Boruto."

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