Chapter 22

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Check out the edit above if you would like! Me and my brother recently wanted to try out editing and he made this. It's his first one, so don't judge him. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. This one's intense😬


As we yanked the door open, we were met with two sides facing off. But what confused me the most was that some of the villagers were against other villagers. But then I remembered Shikamaru and knew that they were probably under a mind control of some sort. But even knowing that it was still an impactful sight.

"Sasuke!" I heard someone yell our way and I turned to see my mother with her Bakugan out and I froze. She didn't seem to recognize me just yet. "I don't know what's going on. Naruto suddenly passed out and they took him and for some reason, people we know are trying to attack us." She said all in one breath. She was terrified and that made me mad.

I turned to look at the opposite direction and saw people like Sakura and Kakashi fighting with other villagers and shinobi trying to escape. This was bad, if one of us was to get under their mind control, it would be the end for us.

"Is Naruto still in here?" Sasuke questioned her and she nodded. "Don't worry Hinata, we'll get him back and make sure that things get back to normal," Sasuke reassured her and I felt jealous for some reason. I wanted it to be me say that but I was being a coward; afraid of being judged.

"Well... Well... Well..." We heard some strange voices say and we turned to see two men we hadn't seen before approaching us. "I was hoping that you guys wouldn't make it on time, but I guess that this will only make things more exciting for us." He teased before laughing.

"What are you trying to get out of all of this?" Sasuke said as he got in front of us. "Hiding behind your silly mind control games like a coward. Why don't you just face me right now? One on one." Sasuke challenged him and I gasped. He was out of chakra, there was no way he could win.

"Don't make me laugh." The man said with a smirk. "I can see that you're... out of chakra... Not that it would make much of a difference anyway..." He said, pausing in between some of his words. That was odd...

"Your injured as well. By the looks of it, it would be an even fight." Sasuke said with a monotone voice before I saw him move his shoulder ever so slightly, giving me a signal to go.

"Hm. Your smart, I'll give you that. But so was your little Hokage friend  look at him now... Oh, wait, you can't..." He said, mocking us with no remorse. At that point, I just wanted to rip his head off. After seeing what he had done to the village, to us, to my dad... I can't just stand here and watch-

But just as I was about to take action, Sasuke pulled out his sword and charged before I could. He must of seem me coming... "Boruto! Let's go, remember what Sasuke signaled." Sarada said and I knew that she was right. I can't be distracted right now. I had to find my dad and put a stop to this.

However, as we were heading away, Kakashi suddenly stood in front of us. But his eyes were blank, emotionless and he started straight at us. "I know it's you, Boruto." He suddenly said to me and I was caught off guard. "You don't even know how much the village has been burdened after you were gone. Your father wasn't thinking straight, shinobi would waste their nights trying to find you, and what we're you doing? Hiding like a lost child-"

I began to shake. I knew that he was under a mind control and that what he was saying wasn't true, but it still pierced through my heart. I've always wondered what the village thought of me while I was gone.

Could anything of what he said be true? I thought to myself before, this time, Shikadai snapped me out of it. His leg was a bit better, so he was able to walk up to me. "Ignore him, Boruto. You know that's not true so done let him get to your mind." He told me and took a deep breath, he was right, I can't let him get into my mind-


"So the village hates me..." I said and I heard Sarada gasp. "I know they do, but I hate them too. So what if they dislike me-" I continued to talk to him, get close and closer until I was in range. "But talking about all of this is making me sad. Be honest Kakashi, get out of that mind control and tell me what happened to you." I said as I activated my eye.

I didn't know if this would work, but I was out of options at this point. In order for us to find my dad and stop the villains, I need snap them out of whatever they are in. Even if I'm using the same method they were exposed to, to do it.

And just like that, Kakashi changed back. "What?-" He said confusedly as he looked out. I suddenly wondered for how long he would be like this. "I was out under a form of strong mind control by a man in white while I was setting up. He then forced me to take Naruto and hide him- AHHH!" He was following my command at first and telling me, but his screams suddenly filled my ears. "I can't say more..." He said before falling to the ground.

"Damn it!" I said before helping him up. I was glad that I now know how to end the mind control, but I still don't know where my father could be. For all I know, he could be dead. "Shikadai, take Kakashi and go rest. You both need it for in case things even worse than they are now... And don't even argue this, you know I'm right." I told Shikadai and he nodded.

"Wait!" I heard Kakashi say and he released himself away from Shikadai. "No matter what you hear, don't believe it all. They are two sides to every story." He said before coughing and falling back toward Shikadai again.

What did this mean?


I wish that I never would have found out.

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