Chapter 10

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I continued to run after I sensed my chakra. I was different at this time, I was a murderer. I didn't care about anything but revenge and in the end, it turned me into a monster.

I heard some commotion happening, so I sped up and sensed the chakra getting closer and closer. I could now sense Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, Sarada, Karin, Jugo, Suigetsu, and myself. I was frightened by what could be happening. I could tell they were fighting.

I was close to exiting the forest. I didn't have anything planned, but for now, I just needed to see Sarada and make sure she was okay.

I stopped a bit and hid behind a tree to see what was going on. I didn't just want to show up before knowing what was happening. I saw Kakashi fighting Suigetsu and Sakura trying to heal Naruto. I noticed Boruto running, he looked injured and was barely holding on.

Everything stopped when I saw why he was running. I was holding Sarada by her neck and had a Chidori ready. "Sarada!" I heard Boruto yell and then I heard a voice I know all too well. "Chidori!"

Then I teleported



"Sarada!" I yelled as Sasuke got ready to Chidori her. There was no way I could stop it. I tried teleporting once again, but I couldn't. All my training... What was it for if I could even save her. I don't get why my eye isn't working, everything is over for us if my eye doesn't start to work. 

Suddenly a gust of wind appeared in front of us. I covered my eyes and stepped away. After the air cleared I had seen what had happened. My uncle Sasuke had grabbed Sarada and taken the Chidori to the shoulder.

This caught the attention of everyone. They all looked at our Sasuke and then at theirs. I got up and walked over to them. "Uncle Sasuke, how are you here." Everyone gasped. The other Sasuke looked at him shocked.

"I thought I sensed you guys. I guess I was right..." He trailed off as he handed Sarada to me. She had tears in her eyes and her breathing wasn't right. She was still in shock after seeing all of this.

"You idiot." Our Sasuke said pushing the other away. "I almost forgot how much of a douchebag I was during this time." He said sternly.

"So what she said was true. You guys are from the future." The other Sasuke suddenly started to laugh. "You're pathetic. Did you forget everything that happened? Why do I have a child with Sakura, and why is Naruto still alive in that time!"

"He beat me. He beat you."

"I can't lose, I will not become you in the future. I don't want a wife and I don't want a daughter. All I want is revenge, revenge against my brother. Your brother!" He answered back, coming face to face with our Sasuke.

Sakura came over and checked on Sarada. She was still in shock and this made Sakura mad. "Don't you see what you did to her. You, her own father almost killed her-" She was suddenly cut off.

"I don't care about what you have to say! I don't care about her either-" He was cut off too, by a punch from our Sasuke.

"Don't talk about my daughter like that, and most definitely don't talk about my wife that way." Naruto and Kakashi used this to their advantage and restrained Sasuke. They put him over where the rest of his team was.

Our Sasuke came over to us. Sarada's immediately pulled him in for a hug. "I'm sorry." She said in between her tears. Sakura was tearing up as she saw them too.

"It's okay. You did nothing wrong, I'm the one who is responsible for all of this. I've told you before how evil I was at this time." Sarada pulled away and wiped her tears away. I turned her to look at me.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I was trying to get to you, but I just couldn't..." I broke off our eye contact. I felt guilty for dragging her into this and almost getting her killed in the process. I broke off from my thoughts when she suddenly hugged me too.

"You didn't drag me anywhere. I want to be wherever you are." She pulled away and I suddenly felt embarrassed. This all happened right in front of her parents. But it seemed like they hadn't noticed.



After making sure Sarada was at least a bit okay, I turned to Sakura. She was just staring at me, which caused me to chuckle a bit. She was taken aback by this too. "Sasuke-Kun...?" Her voice trailed off as I hugged her.

"I regret never doing this before. I'm sorry for everything Sakura." She didn't hug me back at first. It was most likely due to the shock.

I pulled away and turned to Boruto. He had changed a lot. He was no longer the little boy from before. "Boruto lets-" I was cut off by a voice I know all too well.

"Sasuke?! Is that really you." A younger Naruto said while running up to me and poking my chest. "How can someone like him, become you?!" He said, motioning over to the other Sasuke tied up on a tree.

"Hn, I almost forgot how annoying we were in this time period." His eye twitched a bit which made me laugh.

"Your laughing?! I knew it, something is not right here." I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Naruto, this may be hard for you to understand and all, but it's called growing up-" He pushed me away, clearly agitated.

"I fully understand it, I'm not dumb you know. If I was dumb, I wouldn't have become to Hokage, huh, right Sasuke!" I didn't remember him being this cocky, but he was right. But I would obviously not tell him this.

I turned back to Boruto and noticed his scar on his eye. "What happened to your eye?" He looked away, clearly angry at what I had asked.

"Those stupid shinobi my father sent after me years back." I didn't know what he was talking about until I remembered the incident where he put shinobi in the hospital only a but after he left. "They attacked me for no reason, and who gets blamed, me of course."

"They did that to you? They were told to not harm you..." I remembered the shinobi who were patrol g that day. They did give me weird vibes, but I ignored it. "I'm sorry that happened to you-" He then cut me off.

"It doesn't matter now. I'm still a criminal and I'm not going back." Boruto said while helping Sarada up. He whispered something to her and she went with him. I sneered. Where are they going to?! I was going to follow but Kakashi and up to me.

"Sasuke, let's talk."

Author's note: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry that it took me this long, yet again. I also wanted to say thank you for 1.1k views!!!! Never did I think this story would have this much. I'll try and finish that next chapter sooner in celebration.

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