Chapter 16

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Sorry for not updating at 5:00 pm. Wattpad was being weird and decided to remove it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


"Shikadai is gone too?" I said as I started to process what Shikamaru had just told me. He had said that while on the mission, Shikadai ventured off and hasn't been back since. Shikadai isn't like this, that's why I'm so worried.

"It's odd, it seemed like he had a lead. The whole time you could tell he was bored and didn't want to be there, but something caught his eye. I was an idiot and just let him go. He must have found something that took him."

I stopped and tried to think of what could have happened. A lot of odd things have been happening recently and I can't seem to figure them out. As the Hokage, it's my job to be able to figure things out and keep everyone safe. But I haven't been the same since Boruto left.

"It's not your fault, Shikamaru. How could you have known something was going to happen to him?" He just sighed and grabbed the mission papers. He was going to send out a group to try and find him. It's been a while since a threat has appeared so we are taking it seriously.

"I'll worry about this. You just worry about the meeting happening tomorrow. We have a lot to go over with the village." I felt even dumber now. I completely forgot about the work I have to do for tomorrow.

"Yeah, I'll try and get it all done by tonight." Shikamaru just nodded and left to go so what he has to do. I decided that now would be the right moment to finish up the paperwork. There is a lot of it and I don't have much time left.

After a couple of hours, I finally managed to finish everything. I was exhausted but also anxious to find out if Shikamaru had any leads on the disappearance of Shikadai. If he didn't have anything by now, I would have to go and check it out for myself. I don't want to waste any time if Shikadai is actually in danger.

I left the office and walked back home. But as I was walking, I suddenly felt an odd presence. Almost as if I was being followed. I then around to look at my surrounding but no one was there. I haven't been paranoid for a long time. I probably am now because of everything that's happened recently.



As the others were preparing to transfer their chakra, Shikadai, Sarada and myself decided to explore since we've been here, its been nothing but trying to find a way back. Now that we have one, we can finally relax.

"Hey, Sarada, why couldn't you transfer chakra?" Shikadai asked and I looked over at Sarada. I was wondering that too.

"Before we left, I asked my father if I could do it too, but he that I needed to save my energy. We don't know what's going to be happening when we get back. We can't take any risks, especially with my father being unable to fight back."

What she said made sense. We don't know what we are going to face and need to have as many people as possible to bring the threat down. Even if the threat isn't that big, we still can't take my chances. "I get it. He's right, your strong and we need you to help us fight whatever the thing was the brought Shikadai here."

"Me too, no regular villains could just send someone back in time. Hey, how did you guys get here by the way?" I laughed and looked over at Sarada.

"Well, you see, it's a long story but this is what happened..."

After I explained the whole story to him, we decided to relax. It has already been a while and we haven't heard any news from the Uchiha. As the more time passed, the more nervous I got. None of us were even sure that this would work. It was just the only idea that came to my head that made sense.

As we were resting, I decided to go get some food for all of us. I could tell we were all starving and we needed to keep our energy up high. "I'll be right back. I'm going to go get some food." They just nodded and I left to go see where I could get some.

As I was walking there, I felt like I was being followed. I didn't think much about it at first but then the footsteps got louder. I turned around expecting to see no one but a familiar man stood in front of me. I looked at him and tried to figure out where I've seen him before. Before I could even react he somehow teleported us into the forest.

I got ready to fight because I had no clue who this person was and why he sent me here. But as I looked at him closer, I knew who he was. "Wait, what are you doing here?!"



We started the process of transferring chakra. I wasn't sure how my body would take it. This being because of the different time zones. "Do you feel any change?" Itachi asked me and I shook my head. I felt exactly the same.

"It isn't working?" The younger me asked and I didn't know what to say. It could be working and I just don't feel it, but the odds of that were pretty unlikely.

"Somethings wrong. You should be able to feel chakra being given to you. Especially at this amount." Itachi pointed out and I agreed. We were going everything kike a normal chakra transfer, but it didn't seem to work.

"So how do we fix this. Time is running out and this is our only option. Do you guys know any other way to transfer chakra? At this point, we have to try something different. And we need to do it now." The younger Sasuke said and I agreed with him. We needed to think of another way to transfer chakra.

As I was thinking, it suddenly came to me. It was a way I had learned while I was traveling years ago. It's a risky method, but at this point, we have no other option.

"I have an idea, but it isn't easy," I said and they all got silent and let me explain what we were going to do.

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