Chapter 1 - Kladora & Dunclet

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hey, so I changed my book a little bit so that I can write characters story's, cause honestly, it's easy writing those than it is to write stories about people who aren't together.  I will still write story's about the cast just not as many! ❤️  This is inspired by two of  @ ShwahGamer 's oneshots, I liked the two ideas a lot so I decided to put my own spin on them.  


Isadora POV

I was sitting in Mrs. Baas, bored out of my mind obviously.  All she does is talk about her measurements.  I learn more from reading a book about HaRrY pOtTeR than I would in this class.  I was starting to fall asleep when i felt something cold touch my leg.  I looked down to see Klaus handing me a note.   I looked at him with a confused look.  He gave me a look that said: " READ IT!" So I did.  I opened the note. ( this will be like dialogue back and forth)

You ok? - Klaus

I looked at him with a surprised look,  I quickly looked at the note.  

 I'm fine just feel sick, I guess - Isadora

Do you need to go back to the dorm, cause I can go back with you? - Klaus

I'm fine, probably just cramps or something. - Isadora 

I handed the note back to him, and he read it and looked back at me with a soft smile.  I blushed a little.  Man who knew someone could make you feel like your on the moon.   He wrote back faster than I thought he would.  

Well, I hope you feel better, we can talk after class - Klaus 

I nodded and turned back to listen to Mrs. Baas drown on about measurements.   Right before class ended I felt another note on my leg.  

Ask to go to the bathroom and meet me outside the classroom. - Klaus 

I looked to Klaus and nodded at him.  

" Mrs. Baas, can I go to the bathroom?  I asked as I grabbed my backpack.

" Yes, Get out of here." 

I got up and walked out of the classroom,  getting looks from people on the way out. 

I walked out the door and turned towards the bathroom, as I waited for Klaus.  I was starting to get worried, but finally, I heard the door open.    

I got up off the floor, where I was waiting.  Klaus walked up to me and pulled me to him.  He closed the space between us, putting his lips on mine.  We continued this till we heard the bell ring.  Then we pulled apart and headed to lunch.  

Violets POV 

When the bell finally rang for lunch, me and Ducan ran out of our English class and right into the lunch room.  When we arrived we saw Klaus and Isadora sitting at the table, talking to each other.  When me and Duncan sat down, I could not help but notice that Isadora seemed a bit happier than her normal self.  I decided that I would ask her later.  All of us didn't have classes after lunch.  

When lunch was over, I decided that I would pull Isadora and ask her what was up with her.  After all, I had a hunch that my dear brother had something to do with it.  

Isadora POV 

I was walking out of lunch, with Klaus, Violet, and Duncan.  When Violet yanked me into the girl's bathroom.  

"WTH Violet?" 

"Calm Down Isadora, I just have a question." 

" Well then what is it"

" Why are you so smiley today? And what does my brother have to do with it?" 

When Violet asked me this question I was stunned, I didn't realize I was visually happy.  I was happy but really honestly, didn't know why.   Obviously "hanging out" before lunch with Klaus was part of it but I didn't think I was overly happy.  

" I....umm.. me and Klaus might have ditched class." 

Violet looked at me with a surprised look on her face.  

"ISADORA! that's not like you to skip class, what has my brother done to you!"

"Sorry, I didn't feel well anyways so," I said feeling really bad about how I was.  

" Hey, its fine as long as you weren't doing anything....."

"NO!" I said quickly.

She smiled and gave me a hug.  We walked out of the bathroom to find our boyfriends standing outside the door.   

They both looked a little concerned since we both did just run into the bathroom without saying anything.  


Klaus POV 

I was very worried about what my sister had said to Isadora.  I decided to talk to her since it was only us two that night. 



" What did Violet say to you when she pulled you into the bathroom?" I was really hoping that she hadn't told my sister about what had happened during class.  But if she did I wouldn't mind. 

"Umm...Well... she asked me if I was okay....cause I had said this morning that I didn't feel well." 

I looked at her, I felt like she was lying but I choose to believe her.  We decided that we would lay down, cause she didn't feel well.  She didn't know why, or maybe she did she just didn't want to tell me. (haha lol) Isadora ended up falling asleep a few minutes later, in my arms. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and laid back down next to her.

Duncan Pov ( Sorry this story is tedious, this chapter has deep kissing in it so BEWARE)

Me and Violet were sitting in her room reading when she came and sat on my lap.  I was surprised by this action mostly cause it was so unlike her.  I looked at her very surprised.  She then proceeds to kiss me, even though I was taken back by this action, I gave in to it.  I kissed her back making the kiss more passionate.  We were still kissing, when she pushed me back on to the bed, so she was now on top of me.  I flipped her over and started to kiss her jaw down to her neck.  Her breath hitched.  I moved back up to her lips and continued to kiss her.  Unfortunately, the need for oxygen made us stop.  We pulled back and laid down on the bed.  She looked at me and gave me one last kiss and fell asleep in my arms.  I glanced at her neck and laughed. "Man Klaus is not gonna be happy when she sees those." I thought.


Thanks for reading this story, it's the longest story I have written so far.  I hope you liked it.  I'm going to start writing one with a cute moment between the siblings.  That one will have Quigley in it hopefully.  

Word Count: 1152 

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