Chapter 15 - Dunclet

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I honestly give up on writing.  Someone give me ideas to write.  Like I will write any prompts you all to give me.  I need like a ton so that I can Pre- Write some for when I am really busy.  

they are gonna be passing notes in a class cause that's what I do.

btw i am being a rebel i am not supposed to be doing this even though we are watching hidden figures lol!


violet pov 

I am in English class, I sit next to a girl named Alison and Duncan.  I was sitting dazing off into space when I felt something cold touch my leg.  I looked down to see Duncan's hand with a piece of paper on my leg.  I grabbed the note and unfold it carefully.  

want to sneak out of class - Duncan

 I looked up with wide eyes, I turned to Duncan and nodded.  He handed me another note, that read.

ask to go to the bathroom - Duncan 

I nodded, I grabbed my bag and zipped it up.   I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom.  I brought my bag with me, nobody asked questions cause well.....yeah.  (if you didn't get that then I apologize for my dumb immature humor lol) I walked out and winked to Duncan.  I started walking to the end of the hallway.  I heard a door close behind me.  I turned around as Duncan crashed his lips onto mine.  I kissed back and put my hands behind his neck.  I pulled away much to my dismay.  

"Duncan we need to go back to the dorm room, and then we can finish this," I said. 

He signed and then walked to the dorm room.  


I realize this is short but I need to do something with this story, the next part will be up soon I hope.  

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