Chapter 10 - Dunclet and Kladora Part 2

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Hey, so I am off of school again so I'm gonna try and catch up on some chapters.  I have a lot going on this weekend.  I'm going for an interview for a babysitting job.  My brother has a hockey game.  So I will try my best to write as much as I can.  BEGIN WITH PART TWO!!


Violet POV 

I ran up to my room in embarrassment and guilt.  I had just told Ducan that I would want to make out with him, and it was truth or dare.  Why truth or dare.  I would rather him find out, some other way.  I got to my room and sat on my bed.  I didn't know what to do.  Duncan would never be able to look at me normal because of it.   I could still hear Izzy and Klaus laughing downstairs, but I also heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  I sat there waiting for them to stop but they just got louder.  Louder. Louder. Louder.  Knock. Knock.  I sat up straight, I walked to the door and opened it.  There stood Duncan.  I motioned for him to come in.  

"Duncan I'm sorry, I don't know what I was saying.  Not that I didn't mean it but I just...."I rambled on and on. 

" Violet,"  he said as he put his hand on my hand"It's fine, it was sort of surprising, but I did want to ask you for clarification." 

Of course, he wanted clarification. How could I be so stupid?

"Welllllllllll...I like you, Duncan.  I have since I met you.  You mean so much to me.  I never want to lose you ever." 

I looked up at him,  and he closed the gap between us.  We connected our lips together.  He deepened the kiss, sweetly.  We stayed like that for as long as we could.  I pulled away reluctantly, needing air.  

"So....want to do what you said you would do," Duncan said.

"DUNCAN!" I said and shoved him playfully.  I got up and walked to the door.  I waited in the door frame.  I reached out my hand for his.  He got up and we looped our hands into each other.  We headed to the stairs to go join our siblings. But when we got to the top of the stairs, we saw something we definitely didn't want to see......

Isadora POV 

My dare had been successful, of course, I didn't mean to upset Violet shes my best friend.  But I did want to get them together.  My very concerned brother looked at me and glared.  Me and Klaus were on the floor laughing.  When we finally calmed down.  I noticed that my brother and best friend were both gone.  I shivered at the thought of what they could be doing.  I looked at Klaus.  I realized I was staring at him.  But what he did next surprises the crap out of me.  

Klaus pushed his lips to mine, it was a passionate but sweet kiss.  I was surprised at first but automatically kissed back, but deeper.  The kiss went from sweet to heated really fast.  I was fine with it, cause I knew that Klaus would respect me if I asked to stop, or if I was uncomfortable.  I deepened the kiss more which cause Klaus to pick me up and move us to the couch.  I was no sitting on his lap, straddling him.  I looked at him to make sure it was okay for me to sit like that, and he nodded with a sweet smile on his face.  We went back to our heated kiss, Klaus's hands were on my waist and my hands behind his neck.  His hands were under my shirt, resting on my hips.  His fingers slowly caressed my hips.  His soft touch made my stomach burst with butterflies.  We continued this heated and sweet kiss until *HEM HEM* came from behind us.  I turned around to see Violet and Duncan behind us HOlding hands.  I looked at them and smiled.  

"What is this Isadora Quagmire?" Duncan asked motioning to my position.  I quickly looked back at Klaus who was red with embarrassment.  I quickly got off him and apologized for my dumbness.  I could feel my face get red.  I looked to the floor, as Duncan finally spoke.  

"Izzie? Can I talk to you please?" Duncan said.  

"Su-sure," I said shakily.  I walked upstairs, and into Duncan's room.  We both sat on the bed.   "IZ, I trust that you didn't do anything farther than what I saw. "  "Duncan, I swear we didn't, even if we did, it would be under my consent.  Klaus would never do anything without asking me.  He cares about me and would never hurt me.  He means so much to me.  I hope you can except that because I really like Klaus and I would never hurt him and he would never hurt me."  "Izzie, as long as your happy I am to I know how much it hurt to watch him leave, so as long as he's here I know you will feel safe."  I pulled Duncan into a hug and thanked him for not killing Klaus.  

Little did they know that Klaus had been listening to the whole time. 


Sorry, I realize that there wasn't much Dunclet in this but my main ship is Kladora.  I will include Dunclet into more of them.  But anyway THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING.  Leave ideas to write please so that I can update more often. PSA: I will give you a mention if you give the idea.  

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