Chapter 19 - Kladora

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Hey sry for not posting in literally a year almost but umm I have been really busy and I had no inspiration. 

Also, I started writing this around 7 months ago and I am just now starting to edit it, if this is bad and awkward then I am very sorry.  If it is let me know in the comments and I will delete it.  

(Klaus 13, triplets  14, and Violet 15)
the teen's ages make no sense for the story (somewhat) so please go along with it!!
Isadora pov
I woke up to the feeling of arms snakes around me.  I looked to my side and there sat Klaus, we had fallen asleep reading a book.  I was laying there enjoying Klaus' company and cute face, when I felt a sharp jab in my lower stomach, I groaned in pain.  I slowly got up and went to the bathroom thinking maybe I just need to go.  I got in there and went to the bathroom when I saw blood on my pants. I somewhat freaked out, I realize that I probably shouldn't have but I did anyway.  I'm a generally smart girl, I knew what was happening but I just didn't know what to do.  My parents are dead and I have only brothers, I never exactly had anyone to explain what to do to me.  I was freaking out, my brothers well, they are my BROTHERS.  I screamed for Klaus, knowing he could get Violet. I heard Klaus running to the bathroom door.

"Izzie, what's wrong are you ok?" Klaus said worriedly. 

" could you go and Violet for me...I umm..need..her help.." I said stuttering, I realized he probably knew what was wrong considering I was asking for Violet's help and not his.

"Uh yeah, sure I will be right back, hold tight."

Klaus POV
I ran to the bathroom door when I heard Isadora yell for me. 

"Izzie, what's wrong are you ok?" I asked.

" could you go and Violet for me...I umm..need..her help.." She said stuttering.

"Uh yeah, sure I will be right back hold tight," I said as I went to the room next to ours, to get my sister.  I didn't know why I couldn't help her, but I wasn't gonna argue with her. 

I walked into Violets room, her and Duncan were laying on the bed reading together.  Violet looked up from her book as I walked into the room.

"Good morning Klaus." She said smiling.

"Hi, um Isadora needs your help," I said.

"Oh well ok where is she?" She asked with a concerned look plastered across her face.

"She's um well in the bathroom," I said.

"Ohhhhhh ok, I will be back in a minute just wait here ok." She said as she walked out. 

I turned to look at Duncan, he shrugged his shoulders.  I went and sat down on the bed and waited for Violet to come back.  The girls shared the bathroom in me Izzy's room so I thought maybe something broke or was gone from Izzy's stuff and she thought maybe Violet knew where it was.  I didn't know. 

Duncan and I were having a conversation when Violet walked back into the room.  I looked at her, a questioning look on my face.  She noticed and said, "Not my place to tell you, she will tell you if she is comfortable." I nodded and walked back to my room. 

Isadora POV
I was sitting in the bathroom still freaking out, my hands were shaking.  I heard a knock on the door, followed with "Izzy's it's Violet, can I come in?"
"Yes," I said in a small voice.
She opened the door and looked at me and gave me a small smile.  I looked at her with the look of 'help' across it. 

"Isadora you need to calm down, your gonna be fine."

Violet helped me and gave me some of the products she had in her cabinet, Violet left and then I put on a pad and then walked out.  Violet had left and gone into the room with my brother.  I  went and curled up onto my bed to rest because honestly, I was just tired.  

Klaus POV

I walked through the door and saw Isadora curled up on the bed, her arms wrapped around her waist.  She looked at me, her face had a tired look on it. I walked over to her and laid down next to her.

"Izzie what's wrong? I question.

"I umm...I got my period." She said hiding her face in her hands embarrassed.

"Hey hey it's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed, it's normal."

"I know but I just didn't want this to happen. My parents being gone my mom never told me about any of this.  I thought my whole life that I would have her but she's gone now." 

"Even if they are gone, you're here with us.  You have me and your brother and Violet.  We will always be here for you." I said.

"Thank you, Klaus, your amazing." She said with a soft kiss on the cheek.  


I hope that wasn't too awkward for anyone. Please leave me prompts cause I am trying to update this book.  Thank you for reading! <3

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