Chapter 4- Dunclet and Klaudora

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So here's this it could go good or bad but you know what we are gonna try our best. Sorry for this and let's BEGIN!! PSA. I came up with this idea while watching ASoUE with my friend so yeah! If there's spelling errors of names I'm very sorry. SPICYNESS(just making out  nothing more!!)


Isadora POV
it was very early in the morning, I was on my way to the bauldalaires shack. Duncan had woken up very sick, with a fever of 100°. I told him he needed to stay in the broom closet for today, or at least until he's better. When I got to the shack, I knocked on the door. "Come in" I heard come from Klaus. "Hi" I said joyfully, I walked in and gave Klaus a peck on the lips. He smiled at me. "Hey, Isadora where's Duncan?" "He's really sick today." "Oh." Violet said sounding worried. "He might enjoy your company." I said winking. "Ok!" She said happily. Violet walked out of the shack and head to the broom closet.

Duncan POV
I was laying in bed, I am sick today so isadora is making me stay in bed. Honestly I don't think I could get out of bed anyway. I was laying in bed, without a shirt on cause I was really hot from the fever. I heard a knock on the door, I figured it was isadora coming to check on me but then I checked my watch. She was already in class. I thought mabye it's violet. I looked down at myself and remembered I didn't have a shirt on. I figured it was okay, plus I didn't think I would be able to get up and put my shirt on. "Come in" I said. I pulled the blanket up over me as Violet walked into the closet. "Hi" I said weakly. "Duncan are you ok? You look really warm. Take the blanket off." I blushed. "I-i uhh don't have a shirt on and I don't have strength to get one on." I said blushing a lot. "Oh. If you comfortable with it. I don't mind." I smiled at her, I tried to sit up and took the blanket off.  I blushed, when I looked at Violet who was now blushing as well.  I unfortunately at that moment felt really sick.  I looked at Violet.  "Violet I think I'm gonna be sick!" "Hey its ok I'm right here." and then......well yeah. 
Violet POV
I sat down, with Duncan next to me sleeping.  He had just cleaned up from himself.  He had gotten sick.  I felt really bad for him, he was really miserable.  I checked the time, it was 2:40.  Klaus and Isadora were probably back at the shack, doing something I didn't want to know.  I decided I would go and check on them later.  I lashed down next to Duncan, I slowly fell asleep.
Isadora POV
I walked out of class with Klaus.  I was kind of worried about going back to the closet cause if Duncan is sick and throwing up. Then I can't sleep there.  I have a fear of people throwing up, and so I get uncontrollable panic attacks when people get sick.  I decided to ask Klaus if I could sleep with him tonight.  When we got back to the shack, I asked Klaus what I needed to ask him.  "Klaus can I sleep with you tonight? I ave a fear of getting sick so." "Hey isadora, it's fine of course you can!" "Yay! Thank you so much!" I gave him a passionate kiss.  Which he returned, but deepened the kiss.  I put my hands to his neck, as he placed his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him.  He moved his lips to my neck, slowly sucking on my sensitive spot.  I let out a small moan, I felt him smirk against my neck, as he continued his actions.   I decided to do something that would definitely surprise him.  I moved from my position on the hay bail and sat on klaus's lap.  I was in the position of straddling him.  He looked at me with wide eyes, but he quickly continued his actions.  I moaned loudly, probably to loudly.  He smiled at me and moved back to my lips.  We kissed for a little while longer until we pulled away from each other.  "Wow!" I said, "That was amazing."  "Where- What- How..." Klaus.  He looked at my neck and went wide-eyed.  "What?" I asked very concernedly.  " Ummm... you have..uhh a few hickeys on your neck."  "What!" "I'm sorry Izzie! Honestly, I didn't mean to."  "Its fine Klaus, I enjoyed it anyway." I walked out of the shack and headed to the broom closet.  I walked in to find Duncan awake and Violet sleeping on Duncan's bed.  I looked at him and quickly remembered why I was here, I pulled up my sweatshirt and covered the marks.  " Hey, Dunc how are you feeling? " A lot better actually." He said eyeing me suspiciously.  "Hey, what's on your neck? Izzie! are those hickeys?" I quickly turned away and ran into my corner of the closet.  " don't kill me."  


Okay so this is going to be a two-part story.  Thanks for reading. LOVE YOU ALL>   byee.

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