- About the author -

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Heyo hope you enjoy reading about me lol...I am using questions from a tag soo.


Name: My name starts with an H 

Eye Color: Blue 

Hair color: Blonde 

Age: 13 years young 

3 Facts about me: 

1. I actually hate writing!  But I have a big imagination.  So I figured I might as well share them with the world. 

2. I run cross country and track.  I love these two sports with all my heart. 

3.  To go along with xc and track, last year I had a deteriorating tibia bone (a stress reaction, google it)  I was out for a month, stuck in a boot, I could take the boot off to ice it and shower, I could also take it off to walk around my house sometimes.  But if I was walking a lot I had to have it on.  I always went to practice and meets.  I am all better now, but I am dumb and didn't run in the off-season so guess who will most likely be in a boot this spring.  YAY!! (*sarcasm*)I will write a whole thing about this sometime soon.  

Favorite books: Harry Potter and A Series of Unfortunate Events 

Favorite Tv show: Stranger Things

Favorite Characters: Klaus and Ginny 

My ships: Mileven, lumax, kladora, dunclet, hinny, romione. 

Here come the odd questions ig (lol)

Chrush: nope

Kissed anyone: nope 

Coke or Pepsi: I don't drink pop

Someone you hate: Idk I really hate anyone who thinks they are better than everyone else and they show it.  idk it really pisses me off sometimes.  

Best Friend:  I have three best friends ig.  They are amazing.  I love them so much.  I have only just become friends with two of them but they are still amazing.  

Dream Job: to study natural disasters 

Last time I cried: Two days ago cause our power went out and I didn't have data.  ik stupid.

Favorite Color: Blue 

Height: Ummm 5'0 yeah ik im short don't judge me.  

Birthday: April

What I love: Books, My friends, My family, hockey (ice hockey not stupid field hockey), xc, track, competing.  

Obsession: ASOUE and HP and ST

Nickname: people call me by my last name for some reason

Favorite song: Scrubs (By bastllie) Prom queen ( by molly rae i think)

Worst thing ever: being left out

Best thing ever: Having friends that care

Ever dated: no

Worst Mistake: idk

Special Talent: I can wiggle my ears.

Are you ok: yes doing pretty well rn. with not having school and all that its been pretty good.  

Worst fear: Um I have emetophobia.... uh google it.  

Thanks for reading about me and my boring life bye bye!!!

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