Chapter 17 - both

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this is going to be very short I think cause it's 11:30 pm

ages: 16-18

so don't blow your shi*^^

oh god people are going to literally scream at me 

but yeah that's fine


Violet pov 

Creak creak creak.  is what me and Duncan hear coming from the room next to us.  The worst part about the sound was that the people making the sound was our siblings.  Yes, Isadora and Klaus...were doing something.  I felt Duncan tense up next to me at the sound. 

" Duncan.  Are you ok?" 

"NO!" he yells.

I jump back very frightened at it.  He notices and takes a deep breath.

"i am sorry, it's just..." Duncan says. 

"what is it Duncan," I ask.

"That's my sister with him, and all I can think about is what happens if they are doing what we think and i am scared and i don't know what to do....violet how are you so calm right now?"

"Hey hey listen to me, whatever happens, Klaus would never hurt her.  He would never do anything without her saying it is ok."

Duncan took a deep breath.  

I and Duncan went back to our nap, we tuned out our siblings and went to sleep.  

time jump to later that day 

Duncan POV

i woke up from my nap to see my lovely girlfriend sitting next to me reading a book.  

"how are you doing now?" violet asks.

"better now that I could calm down a bit." 

we decided that we should go downstairs, and grab some food since it was around 6:30 pm.  we got up after about 20 mins of not doing anything but sit in the bed and talk.  

Once we finally got up, we headed downstairs to get some food.  When we got downstairs, we found our siblings sitting on the couch all cuddled up reading a book together.  The events from earlier came flooding back to me.  I felt the anger rush to my head.  Violet squeezed my hand, to remind me she was still there and it was all ok.  

I gave her a small smile.

When our siblings realized we were there they put down their book and turned around.  They were both smiling. At what...I didn't know.  But what I did know, was that I was going to ask Izzie what the HECK was going on in her room earlier.  

"Izzie can I talk to you for a second?"  

"sure!" she said very bubbly. 

We both walked up to my room.  I watched violet go and sit next to Klaus.  


"what?" she asked very taken back.  

I realized what I had done, I apologized and restarted. 

"izzie? were you and Klaus...umm..well you know what I mean, were you doing it earlier? cause it certainly sounded like it." 

I watched izzies face go red with embarrassment.  I knew it. I knew it.  i thought to myself. 

But then Isadora started laughing. 



"my back was sore, so he was giving me a massage.  that's why it sounded like that.  I am sorry.  I didn't mean to make you mad or anything.  but Klaus is a really good masseuse.  

I started laughing at izzie.  at me.  the fact that I actually distrusted her that much to think that made me laugh.  

"I am sorry Isadora. I really am." 

"its ok, Duncan.  you are just looking out for me." 

"love you." was the last thing we said to each other before we left the room.  

General POV

little did they know that the Baudelaire siblings were having the same convo just down the stair well. 


sorry this is so short but THANK YOU FOR 1.2K READS!!! thats amazing! please forgive me for not updating this is ages.  

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