Chapter 12 - Dunclet

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another update wow I'm on a roll, I'm writing this in the car on the way to a hockey I apologize for any errors that might be in this! BEGIN

Age: 13-15

Status: Dating
Duncan POV
I am in English right now, it's absolutely horrible . Normally I wouldn't be awful, because Violet is in this class and I really enjoy English, considering I'm a journalist. But the only problem is that Quigley is in this class....and he sits next to Violet.

I am watching them from this side of the room, they kept passing notes to each other, I wasn't the type to get jealous. Quigley knew violet was with me, and he wouldn't do that to me. But I just was getting this bad feeling in my stomach.

When class was over, I grabbed my stuff and left, I didn't wait for Violet like I normally did. I just left. The devil voice in the back of my head was telling me "she wouldn't want you to bug her about her knew man"

Violet POV
English class was fun. I sit next to Quigley, which is amazing even though I would rather sit next to Duncan also. Me and Quigley were passing notes most of class. When class got out I packed my things and started to walk to Duncan's desk, but when I looked up, he was running out of the room. I turned to Quigley, he shrugged his shoulders. I guess I'm walking with Quigley back to the dorm. "Hey Quigley, can I walk with you?" "Sure!"

When we got back to the dorm, Duncan was sitting there writing something in his CommonPlace notebook, he had a mad expression on his face. I looked to Isadora who was sitting with Klaus on the couch. She motioned for me to meet her in our room. 

Isadora POV
Me and Klaus had gotten out of class early so we went back to the dorm.  When we got there we sat on the couch, Klaus was reading a book next to me while I was working on homework.  We had been there for around 10 mins when My lovely brother came storming through the door.

"WHAT!" He said
"What's wrong," I asked slightly taken back.
"Sorry! I just- I- I'm mad at Violet."
"What why?" I asked.
"Cause Quigley and her were passing notes all of class. She never even once looked at me she was all smiles for him."
"Someone's jealous" I said laughing.
Duncan blushed at what I said.
"Honestly Duncan get over yourself.  Violet loves you.  She would never leave you for anyone, even your identical triplet.  If it makes you feel better I will talk to her for you."
"Thanks izzie!"

So with that we went back to doing homework.  Me and Klaus sat on the couch while Duncan went and sat at the table.  I was not convinced that he was fully happy with what I had said.  Sometimes he was so stubborn.  I was knocked out of my thought when the door opened and in walked Violet and Quigley.  Violet looked to Duncan worriedly, then looked to me.  I motioned for her to follow me.  She put her stuff down, said hi to Klaus, and then followed me up to our room.  We sat down on our beds, that were sat across from from each other. 
"What did I do?" She asked with tears threatening to fall.
"You didn't do anything," I said moving to hug her. "Duncan got jealous and decided to take it out on you!"
With that I got up and went to the edge of the stairs.

Duncan POV
"DUNCAN GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE!!" Isadora Yelled from the top of the stairs.  I got up and ran up the stairs.  "Go talk to her now!" I walked into the room to see Violet with tears down her cheeks.  I immediately felt like the worst person in the world.  I went up and sat down next to her.  I sat down next to her and lifted her chin, I planted a sweet kiss on her lips.  I wiped the tears off her face. 

" I'm so sorry Violet!  I got inside my head and let my conciseness get a hold of me!"

She gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

" I take that as you aren't mad." I asked.

She gave me a small smile. 
with that all my worrying was gone.  I was finally with the girl that had kept me going for years.
Thanks for reading! I'm writing the next part rn! So leave prompts, thanks! BYE!!!!

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