Chapter 21 - Dunclet

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Hi again!! I am so so so sorry for not updating I just haven't had any inspiration to write recently! I'm trying to get better at being consistent! I am also think about starting a new story. It would not be ASOUE, however if you like one direction you might just like this new story!
Ages: 16/17
General POV:
Violet and Duncan were currently snuggled up on the love seat, reading. They were not reading just any book however, they were reading "The Great Book Of Misfortunes". This book told a story similar to theirs. This book was about twins, a boy and a girl to be exact.

The twins parents passed away in a fatal fire, that for some reason, only they survived. The twins have to run away from a bad bad man, who was after their parents fortunes. Throughout the story the two children get closer, they then meet some friends that are also running away from the same bad bad man. The girl, Arabella, gets close with the boy they had met, his name was Roman. Arabella or Bella for short became very close. Both their siblings got close as well. Arabella's twin brother, Samuel, became close with Roman's sister, her name was Rosemary or Rose for short. The four children slowly got closer and closer, and even after the misfortunes were lucky enough to live together in a big house.  They made a business out of the twins love for baking, Roman and Rose handled the business part of the bakery as they both loved math. 

Violet loved this book as it showed that even through hardships your friends are always there.

Duncan and Violet arrived at a new chapter, Violet closed the book.

"What was that for?" Duncan asked.

"It was a good stopping point." Violet said certainly.

Duncan gave her a soft smile, he leaned in and pressed a soft sweet kiss to Violets lips. Violet returned the kiss with a slight bit more passion, as she wrapped her arms around Duncan's neck.  Duncan reluctantly pulled away and simply look into Violets eyes.

"Can I take you somewhere tonight?" Duncan questioned hopefully.

"Hmm where will we be going?" Violet asked with her arms still wrapped around his neck.

"That my dear is a surprise, but until then kiss me."

Violet obliged gladly. Their lips were firmly pressed together simply lost in each other. Duncan moved his hands to Violets waist and firmly holds her waist in his hands. At this movement Violet gasps and Duncan Takes this opportunity to slide his tongue into Violets mouth. They eventually get so deep into their  make out, that they don't here the door open, and Isadora and Klaus walk in.

"OI Duncan get your hands off her right this instant." Klaus yells.

The two lovers jump apart from each other, blushing ferociously.

"Klaus...." Violet groans.

Isadora slaps Klaus up the back of his head.

"OW! Izzy what the...what was that for?" He asks.

"We could have just walked around them but you HAD to interrupt them." Isadora says matter-of-factly.

"His hands did not need to be that close to her butt." Klaus says angry, as a slight blush creeps on to both Duncan and Violets face.

"You wouldn't want them interrupting us would you?" Isadora whispers to Klaus, unfortunately loud enough for Duncan to hear.

"WHAT?" Duncan yells, as Violet grabs him and pulls him back.

"Nothing...!" Isadora says and pulls Klaus quickly up the stairs to their bedrooms.

"And he was making me feel bad, I bet he has done the same thing to Izzie." Duncan mumbles.

"Oh come here." Violet says and pulls him back to her lips.

*A Few Hours Later*

"Ready to go?" Duncan questions you Violet who is sitting on their bed.

"Yeah, just give me a second to change my shirt." Violet says.

Violet stands up and heads to the shared closet and grabs a different t-shirt. Her outfit is a light purple shirt and some black leggings.

Duncan reaches out for her hand and she gladly takes it.

They get in the car and head to the mysterious spot that Duncan is taking Violet.  It is almost dark out, they had ate dinner at home since dinner was not included in this date.

The finally arrived at the place.  They parked the car, It was a small clearing in the woods. Duncan opened Violets door and helped her out of the car. They locked the car and began walking down the path.  Violet has no idea where they were going.  They continued walking for about five more minutes until a glow of a greenish blue was seen illuminating from a few meters a head.

"Is that what I think it is?" Violet inquires.

"It is. It's a glowing spring I found it the other day while I was out walking."

"It's beautiful...but I don't have a swimsuit." Violet says with a slight pang of disappointment in her eyes.

"Don't worry i brought your favorite swimsuit." He says proudly.

"Oh thank you!!"

"Ok so I was thinking since no one can really come back here but us I thought we would just turn around from each other and change, or if you want you could change here and I can go back to the car." He rambles.

"Duncan slow down we can change here." She says confidently.

"Ok sorry.." He mumbles.

Violet rolls her eyes and Duncan begins to get dressed.

"Ok you can turn back now." He says.

He had light blue a swim trunks on and no shirt. Violet couldn't help but stare.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." Duncan jokes.

Violet shakes herself out of her trance, she grabbed a her suit out of Duncan's bag and brings to get undressed. When she is down to her under garments, Duncan turns around so she can complete putting her suit on.

When they are completely dressed, Duncan takes her hand and they walk over to the glowing waters.

When they get to the waters edge, they both slip into the water.

"Thank you for this." Violet says.

"Always." Duncan replies and goes to kiss her but places a kiss on her nose instead.

"Such a tease." Violet jokes, as she places a hard kiss on his lips in which he gladly returns.

They both enjoyed each other's company and lips for the rest of the night. They returned home and fell asleep on the couch wrapped up in each other's arms.

Wow! I am actually proud of something for once. I'm gonna be honest I was gonna have the go skinny dipping but that seemed a little odd for their in their ages in story. So I changed it so they had clothes on!

Also the fake book they were reading I almost want to make that a story, like a parallel to ASOUE.

Hope you enjoyed!

spread only love and kindness,

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