Chapter 14 - Dunclet Part 2

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Hi so I am in English right now, bored out of my mind so here we are typing the part two to the story.  I am really hating school right now.  Like my group project is awful.  my friend's arent in it.  So im dead and class is almost over so see ya in Social Studies.  (shhh i never got the chance to write in ss)

same ages as before

Also this is written in mostly duncans POV


Duncan POV

I walked in to the dorm room, not paying attention, lost in my own thoughts.  Isadora yelling  "DUNCAN!!" was the thing that snapped me out of my thoughts.  I whipped around and saw Isadora stomping towards me.  

"How dare you cheat on Violet! She only ever loved you, you meant everything to her and you ruins that.  Great job dude, I mean really I would expect this out of quigley but you.  Duncan Honestly."

 I stared at her taking in her words.  How had I Cheated on her I hadn't even talked to any girls besides Violet, Sunny, and Isadora in around a week.  No girls wanted to talk to me anyways.  

"what are you talking about Isadora?"  

"I am talking about how you kissed Alison today, and Violet saw!" 

"WHAT!" I yelled, "I didnt kiss alison, heck I dont even think I know who that is." 

"I thought there was something off about this." Isadora said.

"wait you arent going to yell at me more?" I asked nervously.

"No, I belive you, one because I am your sister, and your triplet, but also I know you are not lying because when you do, you blush and clench your fist.  Which I can see that you are not doing." Isadora said calmly.  

I was realived, but I still needed to find out what was going on.  

"Izzie? What did you mean by Violet thinks I cheated on her?"

"Oh yeah about that, Violet came in to the dorm crying so me and klaus went up there and then she told us what happened, I thought something seemed wrong because you would never do that.  But I didnt really know for sure."  

"OH my gosh what am I going to do." I said putting my head in my hands.

"It gonna be ok.  I am going to go talk to Klaus and explain to him what happened, so that he wont kill you, while you talk to Violet.  Explain to her what happened.  If you need to get Quigley to tell her.  But give her space if she wants it, cause she has been very upset."  Izzie told me with her arm around me comfortingly.  

I took a deep breath, and got up to go explain to Violet. (Isadora had already gotten Klaus downstairs)  I was shaking like crazy, I didnt know what to do.  It felt like I was falling into doom.  I never had felt this before.  It was like the world was closing in and I didnt know what to do.  When I go to the hallway, all I can remeber is falling.  The world closing in on me and my breath shaky.  I had gotten a panic attack.  I had gotten a few before, but violet was there to help.  But she wasnt here.  She was gone.  I didnt know what to do.  I sat there in the hallway crying, breathing loudly.  I didnt know what to do.  Violet had always been there.  She is hurting so much and I cant do anything.  I hated these. Panic attacks were awful for me.  They would come when I didnt excpet it.  It was something I got even when my parents were around.  It was just normal for me.  

Isadora didnt get them as often, but she still got them.  She would get sick a lot as child, and so would I.  She developed a fear of getting sick or hearing people get sick or anything to do with that.  (its called emetaphobia, yes its a real thing)  She would panic if someone around her got sick.  she felt like she was doomed.  That's what she told me.  I felt a pair of arms around me.  They were Violets.  I could tell by her sent that she always wore.  Lemon.  "shhh its ok." and "your ok, your safe, I am right here."  I colapsed crying in her arms.  I had gotten a panic attack from losing her.  I hated to see her sad.  I knew she was upset, even if she was comforting me.  This always happens, Quigley makes me lose someone I love.  It wasn't the first time.  But this time it hurt.  

"I'm so sorry. It wasnt me I swear, It- it was Quigley kissing Alison.  We are triplets, I am so-s-o sorry.  I hate to see you sad." I studdered.  

"Duncan, please calm down.  I belive you.  I know you would never do something like that, I should have stopped and looked closely to see which one of you it was.  I am so sorry, I didn't want you to get a panic attack.  I know how much you hate them." She said.

I smiled at her and placed a small kiss on her lips.  It was a sweet but passionate kiss.  I missed these lips on mine even if it hadn't been that long.  I was happy to be back with her.  She was my only one.  I would never leave her.  I was in love with Violet Baudelaire.  


THANK YOU FOR READING!!!! I hope you enjoyed this story.  I was super excited to write it.  I think that it was super fluffy and sweet but also sad, which in my opinion is the perfect commnation.  Sorry for any spelling errors.  I suck at spelling! YEAH SO BYEE!!!

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