Me Talking :)

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Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing well in these difficult and hard times!  I just wanted to give a little update to say that I am not dead.  I have just taken a hiatus for the school year lol....(I promise I am coming back, I am not one direction lol).  

The school year was hard and easy at the same time.  I made some new friends, and I also learned more about myself as a person.  

I am currently in the process of writing a chapter, it is just taking me some time cause I want to make it perfect and I am struggling to make it sound how I want it to.  

I have gotten so many comments on the book recently saying "Update please" and "This is so good, please Update"  and I just wanted to thank you for all the kind words cause if no one was voting or commenting I don't think I would have wanted to continue the book.  So once again thank you! 

continue voting and commenting, please!

only spread love and kindness.

your author,

han <3

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