Chapter 13 - Dunclet Part 1

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IM BACK! So I've never seen this idea for A story, so I figured I'd write this.  Thanks for reading! BEGIN!

Ages: 14-16

Status: dating
Violet POV
I was coming back from the library, I had went there to find a book about mechanical waterfalls.  This was because I had saw one the other day and couldn't figure out exactly how it worked.  So I went to the library to do some reading.  I was hurrying back to the dorm, cause I needed to finish my homework.  Also I wanted to see my family, and friends since I had rushed right to the library after school. 

As I was walking back,  I saw two people.....KISSING! As I got closer I saw that it was a girl named Alison, and she was I couldn't be.....DUNCAN!!! I burst into tears and quickly ran to the dorm.  I didn't understand, I thought he loved me.  I didn't look back to see if he had seen or heard me.  I just kept running and running until I got to the door to our dorm.  I pushed it open and ran to my room crying.  I didn't know if anyone was there or not, I just ran to my room and slammed the door shut.  I sat on my bed and cried. And cried.  And cried.  I sat up when I heard a knock on the door. 
"Come in." I said shakily.

Isadora POV
Me and Klaus were in the kitchen making ou-making a snack, when we heard someone open the door, we then saw violet run into the dorm and sprint upstairs, we heard her slam the door, but then we heard her crying.  Klaus had told me even through all of the torture and unfortunate events that we had been through, Violet never cried. She always stayed strong, even when it was bad.  So when she cried it meant she was really hurting.  Me and Klaus looked back at each other. We both walked out of the kitchen and headed up stairs.  When we got to my room, which I shared with Violet, we could hear her crying.  It was crying like she was in pain.  But crying, like she had when she lost her parents. 

We knocked on the door, we heard the crying come to a stop, but we could still hear sniffles coming from inside.  The next thing we heard was "C-C-Co-ome I-n-n."  We pushed open the door, sitting on the bed was violet, with bloodshot eyes, hair messed up, and splotches of red all over her face.  Me and Klaus both went over to her and hugged her, we waited until she caught her breath, and calmed down slightly, to ask her what was wrong?

When Violet calmed down, i decided I would let her talk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you guys were here." She said

"Violet, what's wrong?"  Klaus asked.  

"I just saw Duncan, kissing Allison!" She shuddered, "I thought he loved me, but I was obviously just his best friend."

wow, Duncan.  I would think that Quigley would do this, but Duncan.  I knew that this didn't seem right, but I didn't want to tell Violet that.

"I'll kill him!" I muttered under my breath.  Thats when I heard the door open and shut.  I ran downstairs to see Duncan in the kitchen.  I went up to him, "DUNCAN!"


hey so this is a two part story cause its so long.  but I am taking a small break.  I have been getting awful grades lately so.  Yeah.  HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!!!

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