Chapter 8 - Kladora and Dunclet Part 1

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HOLA! so I am very very sorry for not posting. I have had to school one day this week because of the weather being so awful. I have been spending it sleeping over at my friend's house cause heck why not. I have also not done my homework yet, and it's all from Tuesday cause I didn't have school Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday. It is really great not having school it feels like one loooooonnngg weekend. So sorry for this long message and BEGIN!!! ON YEAH PS THIS STORY IS KINDA LIKE SOMEONES I READ BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ANY IDEAS>


Violet POV

We slowly pulled away from the mob of people that wanted to burn me and my siblings to death. Sunny was driving, I know that sounds really crazy but sunny is a very good driver. I was sitting in the back seat with Klaus, we both haven't spoken. I decided to break the silence. But when I turned to see if Klaus was awake, I saw that he had his head in his hands.

"Klaus are you ok?" I asked. He slowly took his head out of his hands, his eyes were red, his glasses were slightly off his face. I moved over to his seat and gave him a hug.

"Want to talk about it?" I wondered if it had to do with the fact that we had just said goodbye to the quagmires. More specifically Isadora.

*Klaus nods*

"I really miss Isadora, Violet. She was the nicest person I've ever met. But then we just lose her."

I didnt know what to say back to my brother so I just sat there and gave him a hug. Little did we both know that we would be seeing the quagmires very soon.

TIME JUMP (they are now just getting back to proof rock that they are going to be forced to go back to, it has been around 2 years since they last saw the quagmires. Count OLAF is dead btw)

Klaus POV

We are going back to Prufrock again. We are not very happy about this because of the fact that we have so many good (and bad) memories here. We both met the people we thought we would always have. But instead, we never saw them again. Me, Violet, and Sunny were all going to attend classes here. We were told that there was a new vice principal. We were currently sitting outside the office, eagerly waiting to see who it was. When the door opened my siblings and I all said at the same time "OLIVIA!" "You are the new vice principal?!"

"Yes, children I am. I am very excited to say that you guys will be able to stay in a dorm room. I also have some people that are waiting in your dorm room ready to help you get settled. They will also be your dorm mates.

"Will Sunny be able to attend school?" I asked

"She will live with me, and attend a real preschool, but don't worry you can see her whenever. Well, you children should head up to the room."

Me and Violet gave Sunny to Olivia, as we walked up to our dorm we both talked about who our new roommates could be. At the bottom of our hearts, we both hoped it was our old friends.

we arrived at the dorm room door, we pushed it open to see our new roommates watching tv. We could only see the back of their heads but they seemed very familiar. Me and Violet looked at each other.


When the two kids that were sitting on the couch turned around, me and Violet's jaws drop in surprise. It was Isadora and Duncan, they both got up and ran towards us. I quickly grabbed Isadora and hugged her. I hugged her for what felt like days. When I pulled away from her, she was smiling with tears in her eyes. I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and pulled her into another hug.

Duncan POV

I got up off the couch and ran up to Violet. I pulled her into a hug and vowed to never let go. "I'm so happy your back." I pulled away from Violet and saw that she was crying. I pulled her back into a hug. "I'm so happy that you guys made it here." I away and smiled at Klaus and violet. I was generally so happy they were back, I got my best friends back. "So want us to show you, your rooms?"


"sure," I said

we headed up the spiral staircase and up to the rooms.

"This is my room Klaus you get to share with me, *even though you probly want to share with Isadora* I mumbled.

Klaus looked down his feet, to keep Isadora from seeing his very red face. Next thing I knew Isadora had kicked me in the shin. I jumped up and grabbed my shin. I was hopping around when I fell into Violet. I quickly regained my balanced and quickly apologized to Violet.

Klaus POV

I looked up from my feet to see Duncan hopping up and down holding his shin. I looked at Isadora who was looking at Duncan very angry. " OKAAAYYYYY" Violet says trying to break the tension.

" Ok, yeah right. Follow me to my room Violet." Isadora says.

Violet leaves with Isadora, to go to her room and unpack. I head into Duncan's room where he was sitting on the bed. I walked over to my bed and started to unpack the stuff that I had. I started to unpack when Ducan said something. "Klaus,,can I ask you something?" "sure, whats wrong?" "Do you like Isadora? You can tell me, I wont go all big brother on you, I just want to know cause you guys were hugging for an extremly long time."

I looked down at my stuff and felt my face heat up. I guess I did like Isadora. I hadnt seen her in 2 years but my feelings came back when I saw her. "Ummm..I guess so...she is an amazing person, and I missed her so much. So yeah I guess I do. " I liked Isadora and I just told her brother.

Isadora POV

I headed to my room with Violet, so that she could get settled. I sat down on my bed and waited for her to be done.

"So what was that with Klaus earlier?" Violet asked.

I blushed knowing that she was talking about our particularly long hug.

"Umm we havent seen eachother in a while so we were hugging eachother." I said very uncovincingly.

"Really??" Violet said. "Sure it wasnt I dont know mabye some feelings flying between you two?" She added.

"Mabye...Mabye not." I said as I walked out of the room. With her following behind me.

TIME JUMP THEY ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE(sorry ik its kind of repetitive but it is leading to stuff)

General POV

The newly reunited friends were sitting in the living room.

" Lets play Truth or Dare." Isadora said.

"Ok." They all responded.

"I'll go first." Duncan said. "Isadora Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." Isadora said

"Give Klaus a kiss." Duncan said with a smirk on his face.

"I hate you." Isadora said. Isadora got up and walked over to Klaus and put her arms around his neck, and pulled him in to her lips. They held the kiss, for a very very long thing. Duncan and Violet looked at eachother and smirk.

*HEM HEM* Duncan and Violet said. The two pulled away and blushed. They both moved so they were sitting, but they were now sitting next to eachother.

"okkkkaaayyy, my turn!" -isadora says

"Violet Truth or Dare?"


" Would you make out with Duncan right now?"

"sorry what now?"

"Would you make out with Duncan right now, if me and klaus werent here of coures?"


Duncans eyes widened, and his face went red. Klaus and Isadora started to laugh their brains out. Violet runs to her and isadoras room.


This chapter was really long WOW!!! PART 2 COMING SOON

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