Chapter 5 - Dunclet and Kladora Part 2

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hey, guys so here is part 2 of my chapter.  I'm not gonna go all into detail like normal.  So yeah BEGIN!!!!


they are all asleep at this point.  They ended up going to sleep in their dorm rooms.  klaus is having a very bad dream.  and into the story, we go.


Duncan POV 

I wake up to the sound of crying and tossing.  it was coming from Klaus's bed.  I quickly got out of bed, knowing that we all got the nightmares.  I quickly shook Klaus awake.  He shot up, breathing very hard.  He turned to look at me and started crying.  I knew that he would probably not want to talk to me about it.  So I quickly ran into Isadora and Violet's room.  I quickly shook my sister awake, she sat up knowing what was wrong.  I decided to wake up Violet and tell her what was happening.  Plus I thought that Isadora would most likely sleep in bed with Klaus, so that meant I could sleep with Violet. 

Isadora POV 

Duncan shook me awake.  I knew that it probably meant that Klaus was having a nightmare.  We all got them.  Klaus being the youngest (out of the teens) got them more often.  He often would get anxious about them, which meant he could never sleep.  I would get them often too.  But I never told anyone about it.  

I ran into the boy's room, Klaus was sitting on his bed shaking, and crying.  I went up to him and sat down next to him.  I just held him until he calmed down.  I gave him one sweet kiss.  He smiled weakly.  

" Want me to sleep here? Duncan is most likely in bed with Violet right now anyway. "

He nodded and pulled back the covers.  I snuggled my head into his chest as he pulled me in closer.  We both fell asleep in each other's arms.  Even though we all got the nightmares, we all knew that we could always talk to each other about it.  


sorry, I know its really short but it was a continuation of the story before.  I really liked this as well as it was fun to write.  Please comment ideas.  Thanks for reading. LOVE YOU!!!

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