About the author (2020 Edition)

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So I started this book about 3 years ago now, and my about the author is very well old.  So while I am writing the new chapter I figured I would leave you all with something to read or pass time with.


Name: My nickname is Han 

Eye Color: Blue 

Hair Color: Blonde

Age: 15 Years of Age

3 Facts About Me:

1. I struggle to put into words what I am thinking.  I hate writing when it comes to essays for school or having being forced to write.  But I love to come up with stories and concepts. 

2. I love sports, half my life has been spent training and working out because it really makes me feel happy!!

3.  I really want to be a social worker or therapist when I am older.  I want to help people through things that they can't get through on their own. 

Favorite Book/s: Harry Potter ;)

Favorite Tv Show/s: Stranger Things,  A Series of Unfortunate Events, Outerbanks

Favorite Band/Musician: One Direction :) 

My stans: Niall Horan, Noah Schnapp, Dylan Kingwell

Fandoms: Harry Potter, One Direction, ASOUE, Stranger Things

Here are the more personal questions:

First Kiss: No

Crush: No

Coke or Pepsi: I don't drink pop

Someone you hate: See I have a hard time hating someone.  You would really have to get on my bad side for me to hate you. 

Best Friend/s: I have a very small group of friends and they are amazing.  Love them to death.  

Dream Job: I don't really have a dream job I just kind of want to do something that will make me happy. 

Last Time I cried: Last night I was listening to "Story Of My Life" and I cry every time I hear that song. 

Favorite Color: Probably Blue or Peach

Height: I am 5'3.

Birthday: April 

What I love: 

- Reading

- Being with my friends

- Running 

- Hockey 

- I like watching planes 

The thing you can't get over at the moment: How amazing Harry Styles was at the age of 19.

Nickname: Han <3

Favorite Song: I have way too many. Anything off of one direction albums, or off of Niall Horan's albums.  

Worst thing ever: Losing someone you thought you would have forever. 

Best thing ever: Having caring  people around you.

Ever Dated: No

Worst Mistake: Not standing up for myself when I should have.

Special Talent: I have no clue.

Are you Ok?: You know I am.  I have been really happy this year. 

Worst fear: Being left behind by people I thought cared, or getting sick.

Thank you for reading this...if you did.  

Once again.

only spread love and kindness

your author,

han <3

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