Chapter 22 - Kladora

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hi, I am back.  Are we surprised that it took me ages to update? no. no, we are not you all say cause I suck at it. I have just started school again, online and in-person so right now is very hectic but since today I only have a half-day I will update for you lovely people.  I also have no inspo so please please please leave something literally anything!

Ages: 17/18/19

 Not sure if this should be considered a TW but since I am personally affected by Emetophobia (not to the extent that some are) I figured I should put this.



Klaus POV:

 Of course, it happened today.  The day we all were planning to come around and just sit and talk to each other before going back to our busy stressful lives.  In context, Duncan and Violet are coming to Izzie and I's room for a day off from our crazy ones.  Izzie has gotten an internship type job in the library, part of that may be just cause I come to the library so much, but it is also because she likes being around all of the books so that she can find some that she hasn't read before.  However, with that job she hasn't been around much mostly us having time at night to see each other and throughout the day saying hello when we pass.  Duncan and I have seen each other more than he has seen his own sister or girlfriend.  Ducan and I have been working together on homework and projects, we are in most of our classes together, we, of course, did this on purpose.  We wanted to arrange our classes to be the same as we were in the same major, journalism, we were putting our heads together wanting to design a company later on when we graduate.  Violet has been well...stressed.  She tries to take on to much then she can handle and eventually it all comes crashing down around her.  Duncan and I warn her every time, but she just simply says she can do it and she won't panic when it gets too much.  But it happens every time.  We always support her and try our best to help but the woman is an engineering major. Math. That is literally all her major is.  Duncan and I try and help but we end up giving up and calling Izzie in to help her.  Izzie ended up going into Child Development and English as her majors.  So she has more math experience than Duncan and I do.  In simple terms, we are very stressed, and we wanted to break from everything for just one night.  But...I am sick.  Like, wake up every hour at night, emptying my stomach sick.  Izzie spent the night with Violet and Duncan last night cause she needed to talk to Violet about something, so she has no idea.  Izzie was the person that arranged this cause she needed one night to do nothing but be with the people she loved so much.  And I am gonna ruin it.  I paced around my room until I got dizzy sitting down on my bed, head in my hands. I was debating on whether or not to fake it till I couldn't anymore or just tell Izzie I couldn't.  Knowing her even if I told her she didn't need to cancel, she still would.  Knowing I didn't want to ruin it for her, I decided on my first option. Fake it till you make it.  I could do that.  I will take some medicine and hope I don't continue throwing up everything I consume.

Walking to the bathroom I grab the bottle of stomach medicine, pouring it into the cup.  I grab the cup praying it will keep my stomach calm, I down the audience and go to take a nap hoping to kill off my fever.  

* a few hours later.*

I wake up, slowly opening my eyes and feeling my forehead.  My head is slightly warm but not as bad as earlier.  I get up out of bed slowly trying not to set my stomach off.  I walk into the bathroom, splashing water on my face, then using the bathroom.  Walking out of the bathroom, I head downstairs.  Izzie had already gotten home since it was five o'clock.  We were planned to hang out at five-thirty.  Walking into the kitchen, I find Izzie standing by the sink rinsing out her glass. 

"Hi." She says back to me.

"Hi," I mumble back, sitting down in the barstool chair. Izzie turns around, looking at me for the first time since yesterday.  She looks at me from across the room, her eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

She knows. 

"Klaus. Are you ok?" She asks coming up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

Sighing I say, "Yes I am fine." She continues looking at me, not believing me in the slightest.  

"Klaus. You're not telling me the truth." She says firmly.

"Ok...I may have gotten very sick last night and this morning." I say, not wanting to lie to her.

"Oh, Klaus why didn't you tell me?" She asks very concernedly. 

"I don't want you to cancel the plans you were so excited for," I say tiredly. 

"Klaus, your running a fever! Do you really think I would care? You're sick." She rambles.

"I know but I took medicine so I am feeling better now," I say, walking to the couch sitting down.

"Ok, but if you feel sick, please tell me.  It's my brother and your sister, they will understand." She says laying her head down on my lap.  

"I will," I say, laying my head back on the couch closing my eyes.  We sat there until we heard a knock on the door, it opening shortly after. 

"DONT YOU DARE BE KISSING IN THERE!" We hear Duncans voice echo through the small dorm apartment. 

"SHUT UP!" Izzie yells back at her brother, opening her eyes to see them both walk-in sitting across from the two of them on the other couch.  

"Sorry, Izzie," Duncan mutters, cowering back from his sister. Duncan and Izzie get into a conversation, while Violet stares at me intently.  

"Klaus." She says. 

She knows.

"Are you feeling ok?" She asks.   This grabs Duncan and Izzie's attention. "You look like you are turning pale." She says concern across her face. I groan, the feeling in my stomach growing.  Izzie shoots up as she sees my face, grabbing my arm, running me to the bathroom.  She pushes open the door pushing me in, I walk slowly over to the toilet, sitting down on the cold floor taking slow deep breaths.  Izzie comes over to me, handing me more of the medicine I took earlier.  I take it from her, I down it setting the cup down on the floor. Izzie rubs my back, trying to calm me down.  I lean my head on her shoulder, the door is pushed open to reveal Violet, Duncan standing behind her.  Violet walks in with a sympathetic look.  

" could have said you didn't feel well.  We could have rescheduled." Violet says shaking her head.  

"I know but you guys were so excited, I didn't want to ruin this," I say honestly closing my eyes again.  

They all shake their heads at my, Violet and Duncan stand up from the ground.

"We are gonna leave you guys here.  Klaus please feel better and get some rest. No fooling around." Duncan says slightly stern.

"We will reschedule," Violet says, they both exit the bathroom, walking out of the house.  I hear the door close outside. I turn to Isadora. 

"I am sorry I ruined it," I say, softly touching my lips to her cheek.  

"Klaus I already told you its ok.  You have to get better first." She says.  

I smile, she quickly kisses my lips leaning her head on my shoulder, both of us closing our eyes. 


Thank you for reading! Please leave ideas and comments! 

spread love and kindness.

- han<3

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