Chapter 72

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Valen and Derek were training in an unused room just like Caspian had suspected. The two were clashing with styles that vastly differed. One was like a monster in human flesh, swinging his claymore as though it weighed less than a feather and launching vacuum blades at a rate so fast few people would be able to respond. The other was darting around like a nimble fox. He avoided most of the vacuum blades with ease, though sometimes he couldn't and was forced to slice them apart with his sword.

Caspian didn't interrupt the spar and instead moved over to the side, so he could sit down and watch the pair. He took a seat against the wall and leaned back.

He no longer felt inferior to these two incredible warriors. Although Caspian knew that he was still not at their level, he was growing stronger every day and could at least keep pace with them, though every time he sparred either one of them, he ended up losing. That said, he felt like he was closing the gap.

The spar eventually ended on a mutual understanding, with neither side gaining a true advantage over the other. Of course, Valen had kept himself from using most of his spells. He was one of the better spellcasters. The amount of spells he possessed and his proficiency with them was what made him one of the most powerful warrior's in the elven guard under King Vaculus' employ.

"Caspian," Derek greeted as he wiped the sweat from his shirtless body. "It's good of you to come. Are you here to train with us?"

Caspian nodded as he stood to his feet. "I was hoping to spar with one or both of you."

"In that case, I will spar with you first." Valen stepped forward and brandished his curved sword. "I'd like to see how well you've mastered your spellcasting, so don't hesitate to use your spells."

Nodding, Caspian wandered into the center of the room with Valen, while Derek crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

He wouldn't say his relationship with Valen had improved much. At the same time, it was easier to talk with him now than it used to be. Before, whenever they spoke, Caspian had this distinct sense that the man did not know how to approach him, but now, even though he kept Caspian at arm's length, he was at least willing to hold a conversation and help him with his training.


Since Valen had asked him to use his magic, Caspian didn't hesitate to sound off his most dangerous spell. Halkiasta meant "to split in two". It granted him the ability to cut through any substance that existed. Even adamantine, the strongest alloy in the entire world, could be cut with a simple steel blade when he used this spell.

"Turvata," Valen said calmly as he raised his sword and prepared to defend the attack. However, Caspian had no intention of doing what Valen expected of him.


With mana exploding from the bottom of his feet, Caspian leapt into the air, flipped around, and landed on the ceiling. He was only there for a moment before he said the spell again and blasted back toward the ground.


While in midair, he intoned another spell. Feeling his mana filling in the cracks of his body and strengthening him, Caspian flipped over again, landed on the ground, and swung his sword at Valen's back.



Valen turned quickly and blocked Caspian's swing, but the attack was so powerful it sent Valen skidding backward. However, while that seemed impressive, it was clear to Caspian that Valen was not injured. Also clear was that Valen had only used the one spell. Turvata. To defend. It encased Valen's sword in a layer of mana that protected it from spells like Halkaista. While it was possible to break the defense spell, doing so required his mana to overpower Valen's--and that just wasn't possible.

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