Freddie's POV
I woke up this morning feeling, well, fucked. Not fucked as in I had just slept with someone, Fucked as in I screwed up and there was no turning back.I gave John an early Christmas gift and I'd yet to hear from him. I knew It'd be too personal and I'm sure he doesn't feel the same. He probably thinks I'm some kind of idiot. Nevertheless, I have to go the the studio and act like nothing has happened.
I rolled out of bed rubbing my eye. Today's hangover was a bit different than the others, I didn't have the need to vomit as soon as I woke up. I guess today was my lucky day. It'd be even luckier if John would call me about the gift.
I stumbled into the bathroom. I splashed water on my face and looked up into the mirror to inspect the lovely dark circles around my eyes. I looked like a used prostitute. I brushed my teeth and tried to fix the mess that was made of my hair. Exiting the bathroom and walking to the wardrobe, I picked up my trousers from the night before off the ground. A little piece of paper fell out. The phone number from the man I hooked up with at the bar was written on it. He gave me an awful blow-job and thought it was a masterpiece. Probably because I came, but that was only because it was imagining John kneeling before me.
I put on some clean clothes; a new button-up shirt made of silk, and some lightly flared blue jeans. It wasn't my best look but it would have to do. The clock read 9:56. Shit, I'm going to be late again. There was no time to eat, so I grabbed my keys and coat and locked the door behind me.
The drive to the studio was longer than normal, mostly because I was late, but also because I was hungover and time seemed to stand still. I had to calm myself down when I got there, thinking to myself that John probably loved the gift and didn't think of it as romantic at all.
Before walking in, I thought about what happened after rehearsal yesterday:
John came up to me as I unlocked my car door. "Hey, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you liked my song." He said smiling at the ground.
John has written a song about our friendship and showed it to me before the break. "It was really great and I think it's gonna be one of good ones on the album" I said. John smiled and said he was gonna show the boys tomorrow. He hugged me goodbye and we went our separate ways.
I didn't want to misunderstand what happened, but I think that if he went to see me as a follow up, there must have been something going on. I shook my head, trying to get rid of all the thoughts floating about. I can't get distracted by this all the time.
I opened the door to the studio and made my way upstairs, smiling at the people in the hall. I turned the knob on the old, brown door and found all three boys there. It made sense since I was later. Per usual.
"Hello, loves. Sorry I'm late" I said putting down my coat and taking off my sunglasses. "You're always late Freddie" Roger said a bit annoyed. I glared at him briefly. This was by a good start to my day. But all changed when Deacy flashed me his signature smile. It was so warm and comforting.
"Freddie" John started, "Could I talk to you for a second?" My heart stopped. "Uh, yeah, yes. Y-yes you can" well that was smooth. I followed John out of the room and into the hall.
"I wanted to tell you how grateful I am for that gift" he blushed. "I just didn't want the other boys to get into our business, but it's really amazing. Thank you." I melted under his kind words. "Oh dear, I'm glad you liked it" I said.
"How about I make it up to you. We can go for a drink tonight" he suggested. "That's a great idea, what time?" I can't believe John just asked me out like that! I mean it probably wasn't a date, but it could be something.
"I'll pick you up around 8. There's a new place I want to show you" He said this whilst walking back to the door. "Great" I smiled. He's picking me up? And we're going somewhere different. This had to be something more than just friends hanging out, right?
We emerged from the hall and walked in on Roger and Brian snogging on the couch. Thank God we came in here before and anything else happened. But the moans coming from Brian's mouth were enough for me to yelp in disgust.
"Sorry, I thought this was a recording studio, not the bedroom of two horny band mates!" I said loudly. Rogers immediately got off of Brain and his faced turned red from embarrassment. Brian quickly grabbed a throw pillow from off the ground and set it in his lap to cover the obvious hard-on he was sporting.
"Right, now lets get to work" I said "Deacy has a new song to show you two." John began playing the bass line to ou- I mean his song. He passes the lyrics to the boys and they studied them carefully. Once he was finished playing he sat back and looked at me, a little bit worried about what the boys would think.
"It's lovely, John" Roger said in his usual raspy voice. Brian nodded in agreement. John's face flushed a pale pink and he looked at me, as if for guidance. "I think we should being working on it" I suggested. They all agreed and we spent most of the day working on it. Things were going smoothly until Roger got a bit impatient.
"You're all playing to slow!" He shouted. "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you're just going to fast?" I spat back. "I feel bad for Brian if you play as quickly as you do other things" I whistled. John tried to stifle a laugh as Brian's face went beet red. Roger threw a drumstick at me and it hit the back of my head with a "Thwack".
"You bloody idiot!" I yelled. "You could've given me a concussion!" Roger laughed arrogantly, "You sing like you already have one." It didn't take long before we were throwing all sorts of objects at each other. Anything we could find, we chucked in the others direction.
"Everybody stop!" It was John who yelled. We were all taken by surprise. It wasn't like him to shout like that. "Now both of you apologize before anyone get seriously hurt" he commanded. "Sorry" Roger mumbled as he looked down. "I can't hear you" Deacy said. "I'm sorry Freddie" he finished. "Now you" John said, motioning towards me. "I'm sorry for saying you come faster than you can say 'Drumstick'" I said grinning.
Roger looked like he was about to punch me, but the look of disappointment on John's face made me regret entirely what I just said. "Alright, I'm sorry I insulted you" I finished, sincerely. "Good" John said, "now let's get back to work".
We worked on the song some more and decided to call it a day around 5. Brian and Rog left together and I walked out shortly after. I was a bit embarrassed about the insults if thrown at Rog today, so I quickly went down to my car. "I'll pick you up later" Deacy's voice caught me off guard. "Dress a little nice, but not too posh" He said with a wink. I couldn't help but blush as I smiled at him.
I got into my car and drove home. When I got inside my flat, I squealed with delight. I was going on a date with John! I went to my wardrobe to find something to wear. Eventually picking out some black, satin trousers and a white button up shirt. I also pulled out some black heeled boots and a gold jacket. I was going to look great.
I hopped in the shower and began to wash myself. I couldn't help but wonder what he had planned for tonight.
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! The next one will also be about John and Freddie! - Deacury x💓

Don't You Hear My Call?
Fanfiction"I'm not enough for you!" "You'll always be enough for me Roger" "We both want this so why can't it work?" "I don't know Deaks" It's all in their heads. Brian and Roger are perfect together, but it doesn't always feel that way. John and Freddie ar...