Brian's POVI watched in fear as my mother passed out onto the dinner table. My dad quickly hopped out of his seat and pulled her up. I got out of my seat and Roger did too. He held my hand tight and watched in fear as my father picked up my mum.
"How about we get to the room and have her lay down. I-I'm sure she was just surprised." My father spoke softly and gave a weak smile to Roger. I'm glad he was staying calm. Although, I'm guessing he's pretending like the whole thing isn't happening. I mean, who would believe that my boyfriend is pregnant?
My dad carried my mum to the elevator and I held Roger to my side as we walked. I could hear his little sniffles as he walked beside me. He was crying, so just before we made it to the lift, I stopped and grabbed his hands.
"Rog darling, it's going to be alright. They love us together, and this baby isn't going to change that. Don't worry love, this is all going to be explained and then we can rest."
Roger nodded and we got into the lift. My father was still holding my mum. The machine dinged when we got to their floor. They were staying in then hotel for the night and were on a different floor than us.
We got to the room and I opened the the door for my dad, taking the keys out of his pocket. Roger stayed quite the entire time. When we entered, my dad set my mother on the bed, supporting her neck and fanning her face. She started to shift at the cold feeling.
Her eyes were fluttering open and she looked up at him confused.
"What's happened?" She looked around at their hotel room and then to me and Rog. "You fainted dear, do you remember what the boys told you?" My father asked he whilst taking her hand. She stared at me and Rog, shaking her head no. My father sighed and I took Roger to her side so we could explain.
"We told you that we were together. Then we, um explained that Roger and I could have babies. Our babies, bit just adopted ones."
I guess she started to remember, because her face dropped again at the thought. "Mrs. May Brian and I are in love. We can assure you that we'll take perfect care of this baby." Roger piped up for the first time. I looked over at him and he kissed my cheek.
"Roger, that was lovey. I was just-erm surprised by what you meant when you said you were pregnant."
My mum finally spoke in a hoarse voice. Roger nodded and sat on the bed next to her. "Would you like to see?" He asked, motioning towards her shirt. My mother shook her head yes and Roger pulled up his shirt a bit.
He pointed to the little swell at the bottom of his stomach and spoke. "I'm about a month or so along. It's funny really, the doctors told me I could have babies but I never believed them."
My mother reached her arm out to feel and Rog let her. She felt the little bump and smiled at me. "We're going to be grandparents" she smiled. My dad nodded and patted me on the shoulder.
"At least we know Brian's finally got laid."
"Dad!" I felt my face heat up in embarrassment. My mum and dad laughed and Roger giggled too. I can't believe he just said that. It's not like I didn't have sex when I was younger... I just never told them about it. It's not their business anyway.
"Oh, Harold give it a rest. You've made him go red." She continued to chuckle and pointed at my face. I could feel it burning.
Roger smoothed his shirt down and got off the bed. "We should be going. That you for talking to us and have a nice stay. We'll be down to say goodbye tomorrow." Roger hugged my parents goodbye and I kissed my mum's cheek. My dad enveloped Roger in a hug.

Don't You Hear My Call?
Fanfiction"I'm not enough for you!" "You'll always be enough for me Roger" "We both want this so why can't it work?" "I don't know Deaks" It's all in their heads. Brian and Roger are perfect together, but it doesn't always feel that way. John and Freddie ar...