The Very First Time

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John's POV

The wedding had finished. Fred and I were on our way to our honeymoon. Knowing Freddie, I knew it was going to be lavish. And the destination he chose was nothing short of it. We were off it Paris.

"Isn't this exciting?" Freddie asked. We had our bags packed and put into the car before we left. We were in the airport about to board, sitting first class of course.

"It really is, husband" I said. Freddie giggled and bit his lip at the term. "I hope we get there for a dinner tonight" he said. "The flight is less than an hour, I'm sure we'll get there in time" I chuckled.

Soon, we were on the way. We barely had enough time to get settled before we actually arrived in the city.

"Here we are" I said, grabbing our luggage from the baggage claim. I handed Freddie's his and we went to find our ride. There was a man holding a sign out for us with our last names on it. He smiled at us and we followed him out of the airport.

There, he opened the door for Freddie and me. We were in a new modeled limousine, and the man spoke gently as he started the engine.

"Hello, my name is Louis and I will be, uh driving you to your hotel." His French accent was thick.

"Well thank you for picking us up darling" Freddie said as he sipped on the complementary champagne. It wasn't Cristal, but it was free.

Louis made a noise of thanks and continued to drive smoothly, putting up the divider as he drove. Freddie found this as a way to start a more private conversation. I just made myself comfortable in the leather seats.

"So, are you ready for our wedding night?" He whispered in my ear. I shuttered at his words. Freddie could make me melt in a second when he dropped his voice.

"With you? I'm always ready" I said.

True, this would be the first time Freddie and I ever actually had sex. Different from all the other times we've done stuff, but never the whole thing. And recently we've been putting off anything at all. Just because we didn't want to take things too far. And Freddie's been so helpful along the way.

"I'm glad, after dinner. And we'll go as slow or fast as you'd like"

I couldn't help but giggle at his words. He made me feel like a school girl. Well, I was about to lose my virginity so I guess that allows me to feel this way.

"I love you" I said. Freddie squeezed my hand and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I love you too."

The car pulled up to the grand hotel and the driver stopped the car. Louis opened the doors for us and handed us our things. We waved goodbye to him as we walked up to the front doors together.

We had to keep our sunglasses on and our collars up. If anyone sees us and asks us anything, we're just gonna day that we're here to work on some new music.

A woman checked us in at the front desk and then we were on our way to the elevator to drop off our things in our room. No surprise, Freddie booked us the honeymoon suite.

With the ding of a button, the door opened and let us on to the top floor. The rooms were spaced far apart and ours was on the end. Freddie and I walked in together and took in the gorgeous sight in front of us.

"Well, this is lovely" he sighed, staring at the satin sheets on the bed. He dropped his things by the door and jumped onto the mattress.

"How many people do ya think had sex here?" I joked. Freddie stuck out his tongue, "Probably a thousand"

"But soon to be a thousand and one" he added.

I felt myself blush and joined him on the bed. "I can't wait for tonight" I said. Freddie kissed me softly, "Me either. You're so fucking hot it's driving me insane."

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