Baby... It's You?

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Freddie's POV
My life was officially hell. I'm no longer as safe and sound as I used to be. Not that I was much at all, but everyone was on edge after everything that happened to Roger. Nobody wanted to talk about it much, but I believe something is going on.

I've haven't told John about Richard. I haven't  told anyone at all. It's too hard to try and talk about it. The events that occurred were so terrible and horrible, it makes me sick just thinking about it. But the boys need to know about Richard. They deserve to know that Richard isn't good for us.

John had consoled me these past few weeks. I never went into detail about my problems with Richard. I just told him how he made me feel and how unsafe I felt. He understood that I don't like or want to be around the leech. John didn't push me to say anything, which was nice, but it seemed unimportant to him.

John has begun sleeping over at my house recently. More often than usual. I'm just feeling, kind of watched at the moment. I feel like no that Richard was in our lives, he was always around. Even when he wasn't.

The night I met Richard wasn't the last time I saw him. The other times were even worse, if you can imagine. I was in danger for a good part of my life. But I never told a soul, for fear Richard would hurt me even more. I'd thought he was gone, that I was finally safe. However, now I know that isn't the case. The second I heard John say his name, all of the bad memories came flooding back.

I called Roger this morning. Things seemed off within our group. I know I wasn't the only one affected by him. Roger seemed put off by him as well. Strange, since Rog is usually open to new people. Though Richard is scummy all around so I'd see why. But nevertheless, Roger definitely didn't want to be around him. Almost as much a I did.

I wanted to make sure the band knew what was going on with our new manager. They have to be brought to light about the danger of this new man. We're all going to meet at our bar around noon.

I thought of all of this whilst I lied in bed. I called Roger pretty early so I could go back and sleep for a while. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten much shut-eye. John rolled over to face me. He was still half asleep and mindlessly snuggled up into my chest.

He was so beautiful when he woke up. Despite him taking care of me recently, I was almost always the one being the big spoon. He was taller than me, but his body was smaller. His skin was soft and smooth and his hair was comfortably fluffy. He looked like an angel all cuddled up against me. He made me forget all the terrible things running around in his head.

I ran my fingers up and down his arms, then brushing the hair out of his face. The morning light was coming through the windows so it spread across his face in a panel pattern. He smelled sweet like honey and old cologne. His nose twitched a bit and he let out a soft yawn. My prince was finally waking up.

"Good morning, darling" I whispered softly. Johns eyes opened slightly and he looked up at me with a weary smile. "Good morning, dear" he said as he reached up to kiss me. I cupped his face in one of my hands and let my thumb stroke his cheek. His eyes were sparkling bright.

He pressed up against me more to get warm. He let his arms hug me tight and nuzzled up. "Today we're going to meet the boys at the pub" I said. I needed to tell him sooner or later so he wouldn't get any... morning ideas. I don't know why, but John always seemed to be horny when he woke up. We couldn't be late and I know John would do anything to get some alone time.

He looked at me puzzled. We only went to the pub at night. We also had scheduled practice for today, so we'd be skipping. "Why so?" He asked. I sighed at his early morning brain, "I think I'm ready to tell them about, um you-know-who" I explained.

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