Smile Darling

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    I woke up and checked my calendar like I do every morning. 'Oh yeah, the concert.' I was really excited to see Brian play in front of me for the first time. I put on a white top and black ripped jeans along with my boots. My makeup was done quickly before I get my stuff and rush out the door towards Pearl Street.
     My breath shortly runs out as I reach the corner. I look around but don't see him. Looking down at my watch, I notice it's only 7:15. 'Damn, I'm a bit early.'
     I lean against the sign and wait the long 15 minutes. About 5 minutes in, I see a familiar tall figure approach me with a white button up shirt and black jeans. Suddenly, I remember something and look down at my outfit. 'Shit.'
     We wore the exact same thing. I put down my bag and pull my jean jacket out. I proceed to button it up and wait for Brian to reach me.
     "Hey you." I say, smiling and waving at him.
     "I didn't expect to see you here so early." He says as we start in our direction. My cheeks immediately begin to flush red with embarrassment.
     "I lost track of time and came at 7:15 on accident." I lie, not wanting to tell him I was too excited to see him.
     I look at his face then notice a little silver appear on his neck. He had on two necklaces. How much do you wanna bet one is from a girl?
     I turn away and place my hand on my chest where my necklace lay. Mine was a compass pendant that was made to put ashes in. I carried my dad wherever I went. Tears started swelling in my eyes at the thought. I blink them off and continue forward, not wanting to be noticed.
     "Yes, Izzy?" He asks looking down at me with beautiful hazel eyes.
     "Where did you get your necklaces?" I ask, my tone filled with pure curiosity. He cracks a small smile before replying.
     "This one.." he starts, pulling out a short one with no pendant, "was givin to me by my mother."
     So I was right...kinda. It was from a girl, his mom. I was expecting a "this is from my ex I still love her but she doesn't love me" instead. 'I'm so embarrassing.'
     "And this one..." he continues, reaching down and grabbing a slightly longer necklace with a small gold pendant on it. "I bought from a shop in Italy. When I was visiting, I saw the design of a man looking up to the stars on a pendant and immediately bought it. I haven't taken it off since." He explains before setting it back down on his chest.
     "Oh, they're really beautiful." I compliment, still looking at them resting upon his moving torso.
     He looks down at my neck and finds my silver chain. Pulling a queer smile, he motioning a finger to my neck.
     "What about you?" He asks, gently touching the chain as shivers run up my spine.
     "Oh it's my cremation pendant. I bought at a small shop in London. I put my dads ashes in it so I carry him where ever I go." I say touching my neck again. "The compass represents the travel he used to do a lot. He loved to travel. It was something that brought him joy. I remember telling my father I wanted to see Paris one day. He looked at me and said when I graduate from high school, for my present he'll take me everywhere in Paris." I pause for a second, recalling the vivid memory. "I wish he did. I still want to go and hopefully I will be able to someday." I finish, a tear falling on to my hand that was still holding the pendant.
     I felt his arm wrap around my shoulder. Feeling lonely, I begin to slowly walk closer to him, lightly leaning myself against him.
     We eventually make it to the school and enter together. Of course though, we still get the same looks from yesterday and still, we ignore it.

     The day goes by really fast and before I know it, Brian and I are walking home.
     We talked...a lot: about his life, my life, and our futures. We end up at the sign and go our separate ways, not without hugging first though. I love his hugs. They're so warm and feel like I have a big blanket wrapped around me.
     It's 5 and I just finished grabbing a snack before going upstairs to get dressed. I put on the chosen top and curl some of the curls that didn't make it throughout the day. Adding a bit of lip gloss before walking downstairs, I rush out the door with my keys and purse. I then proceed to get in my car and head towards the awaiting pub.
     When I arrive, I notice a sign on the door saying "Performing tonight...Smile!" The poster had a large cartoonish smile with bright red lips and pearly white teeth. I laugh at the picture and head inside the crowded outing.
     As I walk in, I'm greeted by a bar and stage towards the back. There are drums and guitars on the stage already, waiting for their players to touch them.
     I approach the bar and order myself beer. I show my fake ID and drink my beverage. It wasn't my first time lying about my age. I've done it before. Almost everyone does. I sit at the bar and wait for the show to begin.
     Suddenly a man approaches me and touches my hair. Backing away, I give him a stern look before holding myself away from his grasp.
     "Smile darling." He slurs, winking and walking away. 'He must've been drunk.'
     I was disgusted but continued to wait for my Brian, I mean, Brian to come on stage and perform.
     Suddenly a small group of boys walk onto the stage: a blonde, brunette, black haired, and my Brian. I see the black haired go towards the mic. 'He seems a bit nervous, but he shouldn't since he's sang before right?' Brian goes up to the other mic and clears his throat before talking.
     "Hello everyone. Now you might see some fresh faces up here. We have our new bassist, John Deacon, and our new lead singer, Freddie Bul...Bulsara. Oh and we have the one you came to see: Roger of course." The blonde on the drums smiles and waves. A group a girls up front start squealing at his cheeky smile.
     "Where's Tim!" Someone yells from the crowd. The rest of the audience looks at him and agree. 'Wait that's not Tim? Then who was Brian talking about?'
     Roger looks at Freddie and says something before playing a steady, rock beat. Brian is playing a lovely solo and Freddie grabs ahold of a tambourine.
     He starts hitting to the beat and Roger does the same. The bassist begins to bop his head to the rhythm and plucks away.
     Freddie seems to be having trouble with his mic. He lowers it, then raises it, then pulls a few wires and lifts it in the air. In his hand holds a half broken mic. He raises it in the air and starts to sing the tune.
I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way. Once you grow a little wiser little better everyday. But if I cross the million rivers and roll a million miles than I'll still be where I started same as where I started. And I sold a million mirrors in a shopping ally way but I never saw my face in any window any day. Now those folks keep on telling you, be a super star. But I say you just be satisfied and stay right where you are.
     Keep yourself alive. Keep yourself alive. All you people keep yourself alive.
     As he sings that line, suddenly the members including Brian look at him funny. John looks confused but keeps plucking. Roger is singing backgrounds and still drumming, but looks rather frustrated. Freddie walks towards Brian and Brian says something. All I heard was "wrong line" but they still play. 'Did he sing the wrong line. I couldn't tell. They sounded amazing.' I notice my foot tapping to the beat as I take another sip of my beer.
     Brian keeps playing and suddenly goes into a solo. 'I was right, he was really good.' His fingers would move gracefully across the neck of the guitar. I saw him make eye contact with me and smile. Smiling back, I show a little wave.
     The rest of the night was amazing. They played so beautifully. It wasn't hard rock but it wasn't like blues or anything. It was a nice, soft rock and I enjoyed it. He was right, so long Bee Gees, Smile has taken your place.
     I didn't get too drunk but I wasn't exactly sober either. As they all take a bow I head backstage to see Brian. He saw me coming and ran towards me, giving me a hug.
     "You did so well! You were right! You are now my favorite band!" I exclaim, still hugging him.
     "Thank you Izzy! I'm so glad you could come." He says, picking me up and spinning me in a circle making me scream a little.
     He set me down and that's when the 3 other men approached me.
     "Guys, this is Izzy, she is a dear friend of mine." introduces Brian, gesturing over to me. I smile and give them a little wave.
     The drummer goes up to me and takes my hand before planting a kiss on it.
     "Pleasure to meet you miss Izzy." He replies. still holding my hands.
     I can see Brian out of the corner of my eye looking rather upset. His jaw is clinched, his eyebrows are furrowed, and his lips are pressed together...hard. I release my hand and see the singer approach me.
     "Freddie, to you dear. It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for the compliment." He greets before doing a little diva stance and smiling.
     I laugh and shake his hand as well as the bassist who didn't say anything but smiled.
     "How long have you been singing for the band Freddie?" I ask.
     "About 3 hours." He says laughing.
     "Wow, So that's why Brian said Tim and not Freddie." I say looking at Brian.
     "Yeah, he quit at the last minute but Freddie here did a good job for a replacement." He says smiling towards Freddie.
     Freddie leans in closer to my ear.
     "Watch me darling, I'm going to turn them into star." He whispers making me crack a smile.
     I start laughing and look at all of them. They would be a great band in the music industry. I can already see the hits.
     "Now what did he say that made you laugh that hard." Brian asks while smiling at me.
     "Freddie said he's gonna turn you all into stars and I think he's right." I say smiling.
     I look to my left at a small flyer of them on the wall. I rip it off and pull out a marker from my purse.
     "Now that we're all here, could I get an autograph?" I ask holding up the marker and flyer.
     "Would you look at that boys. Our first autograph, I told I'll turn you into stars!" He announces, grabbing the marker to sign it. He then passes it to the rest of them and they all sign it as well.
     "I'll cherish it forever, and when you all are famous, I'll be the fan with the first autograph." I say laughing.
     "We'll see about that." Roger says with a wink.
     They all put away their instruments and other stuff. Brian then approaches me and walks me out the door with his guitar case, covered in stickers, in his hand. I offer to drive him home and he agrees.
     I place the guitar in the back and start the engine. The car ride was very short and I enjoyed every second of it. We talked about the future of the band and how Freddie wanted to rename the band Queen. I thought it was a marvelous idea but Brian wasn't too fond of it. I parked by his house and gave him a quick hug before driving away.
     'How am I ever going to keep up with this and not be his girlfriend?'
     I drive home and rush upstairs before falling on my bed and taking the flyer out. Taking some tacks, I hang it on my wall with the other posters, except this one was special, this one had a meaning.
     I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Laying down in my bed, I slowly begin to drift off in my thoughts of Brian.

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