I love you too

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     We continue to shop and look around, hand in hand. I walk by a window display and see a manikin with a familiar logo on it. I saw the beautiful crest with two lions, two fairies, a crab, and a magnificent Phoenix. I press my hands against the window to look at the bands merch.
     "Since when did you guys make t-shirts?" I ask turning to Brian, smiling at his band family.
     "Ever since Freddie said it was a good idea." He says chuckling at the thought of his amazing singer.
     "Legs go." I say and pull him into the store.
     I walk up to the counter and lean towards the clerk.
     "How much for that shirt in the window?" I ask pointing to the piece of clothing.
     "10 pounds." He says. "You want it? It's been sitting there for a few days now." He says sighing at the work of art.
     "Impossible, I'll take two please." I say pulling out my wallet.
     "Alright." He mumbles, shuffling towards my future shirt.
     "Now why on earth did you get two?" Brian asks, crossing his arms and showing his teeth.
     "Why do you think?" I say winking.
     "Never even heard of the band." The clerk comments as he walks up to me with the two shirts.
     "Well your looking at their lead guitarist." I shoot pointing at Brian. "You'll regret saying that." I point at him.
     "Mmhmm good for you lad." He mumbles and checks my purchase. I hand him a bill and take my change.
     We turn around to leave the store, just then I spin and look at the clerk once more.
     "Your witnessing the futures most famous band in the world leave your shop. Have a nice day." I say raising my hands for a more dramatic look. I turn back and walk out with Brian.
     "You really are something aren't you." He says smiling and shaking his head.
     "Just you wait, he'll come crawling back one day." I say looking back at the store.
     We continue to walk on until we reach a small coffee shop. We each order a latte and grab it for the go. I see a small rack of sunglasses by a store entrance. I run up to it and try on a pair. I shoot Brian a pose. He laughs and goes up to try a pair as well. I take out my camera from my bag and flip it so the lens faces us. I smile and push the button. A small flash goes off and I put it back in my bag.
     "You actually look quite nice in those Bri." I say as I take mine off.
     "Not in a million light years." he laughs and puts them back on the rack. We continue walking when I check my watch.
     "How about I treat you to a nice dinner somewhere." I say looking up to him.
     "But Iz, it's your birthday. I'm not letting you pay for food on your birthday." He declines.
     "Then how about this future astrophysicist, I'll pay for 2/3 and you can pay for 1/3 of the bill. Does that sound fair?"
     "No but I'll do it anyway only because you want me too." He says. I can tell he's making an excuse.
     "Sure you will." I mumble smiling the other way.
     "What was that? Did you just question my reasoning?" He asks with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
     "Oh no what ever will I do. I cannot escape the hands of the great Brian Harold May." I say dramatically throwing my hand on my forehead.
     "Bold of you to call me by my middle name Izzy Marie Curry."
     "Okay now you've pushed it." I turn stern and jokingly pierce my eyes at him.
     "What on earth will I do." He mocks me. I laugh at his tone.
     "You will pay nothing if this attitude continues." I threaten.
     His eyes become large. And he looks back down at me.
     "Ok ok I surrender," He laughs, throwing his hands in the air.
     "I'm just kidding." I say giving him a small shove.
     We reach the entrance, and walk out into the bitter cold. I wrap my arms around myself as I feel my teeth starting to chatter as we head towards my car. I take out my keys with a shaky hand and unlock the car. We get in and I instantly turn the heat on. I feel the hot air hit my cheeks as I sigh in warmth.
     I see Brian take off his scarf and wrap it around me.
     "Thank you, dear." I say blowing him a kiss which I instantly regret. I clench my jaw and pull out of the parking lot, towards a diner.
     I pull into the small parking lot. We get out and head quickly into the restaurant. We were greeted by a nice young lady behind a protium.
We take our seats in the nice small restaurant.
We look through the menus and I decide on a grilled chicken salad.
     "What would you like Bri?" I ask peering over my menu.
     "I'll take the Cesar salad. In case you didn't know, I'm vegetarian." He says putting down his menu.
     My eyes grow big in response.
     "Woah, that's very impressive. I could never give up meat." I say putting down my menu.
     "I only do it cause I think of all the animals that go through pain everyday. It breaks my heart so I thought I'd save a few and become vegetarian." He replies, playing with his new ring on his finger, making me look down at mine.
     "That makes a lot of sense. I guess I've never thought of it that way." I say, lightly brushing my finger over the blue diamond. It was truly beautiful about what he said. I question if I should transfer to vegetarian or not. I liked meat. It tasted good but there is more to the story like Brian was saying.
     The waiter comes over to us and fills our glasses with ice water.
     "Oh and can we have a bottle of Moët Chandon?" Brian asks the waiter.
     "May I see your IDs please." We both give him our IDs and he hands them back to us. "I'll be right back with your beverage sir." He replies.
     "Thank you" we both say.
     About five minutes later he returns with a bucket of ice and a Champagne bottle. He pops the top and pours us some in tall glasses.
     "Enjoy. And what would you like to eat?" He asks taking out his notebook and pen.
     "I'll have the grilled chicken salad please." I say and turn to Brian.
     "And I'll have the Cesar salad. Thank you" He says as the waiter wrote down our orders.
     I lightly grab ahold of the glass and raise it a bit.
     "Cheers to you and your marvelous band." I say.
     He raise his as well and smiles.
     "Cheers to you and your wonderful birthday tomorrow." He says as we clink glasses and take a sip.
     "Only 3 more years and then I can legally drink." I whisper to him, winking.
     "Now don't be too loud darling." He whispers back, smiling.
     We receive our food in no time and start to eat. I should have dressed a bit nicer but oh well, too late now.  I stab my lettuce and shove it in my mouth. I take another sip of my drink and continue to eat. Brian seemed to enjoy his salad. I watch him in amusement as his lips would part for another bite. Wait, No! I need to stop doing that! I'm not even ready to date yet. I straighten my shirt and take yet another sip.
We both finish eating and decide to head out.
     Brian does the math and finds out I owe 6 pounds and he owes 3. We payed and left a tip. We head out once more into the bitter cold and head into my car.
     "Hey, how..how about you...you stay with me tonight at my..my place." He suggests with in between shivers.
     "Okay sure, do..do you think I should bring any clo..clothes?" I chatter as I bring the engine to a start.
     "Just wear my clothes again. They don't seem too big on you." He says, with less chatters.
     "I can also wear my new shirt I bought today." I say, turning and smiling at him.
     "Christ." He laughs.
     "You love me, quit your pouting." I reply.
     "I never said I didn't love you, love." He then gives me a peck on my cheek. "Is that what I have to do to prove that to you?" He asks, smirking.
     I blush and push back a piece of my hair behind my ear.
     "I don't know. You tell me." I say looking ahead at the road smiling.
     "Alright, I think yes, since you're so stubborn." He laughs.
     "Hey I'm not always stubborn. I get it from my dad blame him." I smile and place one hand on my necklace.
     "I bet he was a great man." He says grabbing my hand. He was rubbing my ring as our hands clasped one another. I smiled at his comment and rubbed my thumb on his hand in return.
     I pull up to his house and turn off the car. I get out bracing the cold and walked towards the house holding Brian's hand. He opens the door and lets me in. I'm greeted by a big hug from a middle aged women.
     "It's so nice to finally meet you Izzy! Brian has talked about you non-stop." She says still squeezing me to death.
     "Oh has he?" I look over to him as he's taking his coat off. His cheeks are super red.
     "Why yes, Brian has a huge cru.."
     "Ok mum, me and Izzy are going to go to my room now thank you. I love you." He quickly says, embarrassed by what she was about to say next. I smile and release from her grasp.
     "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. May." I say shaking her hand.
     "Oh please, call me Ruth." She replies giving me her old lady smile.
     She looks down at my hand, at the ring. She looks at Brian's crossed arms and stares at his ring.
     "Brian? You never told me she was your girlfriend." She says motioning towards the rings. He immediately puts his hand behind his back and grabs my hand. He pulls me to his room which was on the same floor as the living room.
     "Mum. Please." He yells at her. I felt bad. I didn't mean to embarrass him. He pulls me in and slams the door making me jump and hold my hands behind my back. I just stand there as he sits on the bed messaging his temples. I walk up to him and sit next to him.
     "I'm so sorry about her Izzy. She can be a pain sometimes." He lets out a sigh. I rub his back and smile at him.
     "No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come. I was just an embarrassment." I say looking down at my ring.
     He stands up and looks down at me with open arms.
     "No your not Izzy! Your the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please don't leave. I...I love you!" He pleads holding my hands.
     I look down, tears in my eyes. He liked me. No. He loved me. I look down at our joined hands. I blink as a tear falls on his thumb. I look up at him and release a hand from his grasp. I slowly place it on his warm cheek, looking into his deep brown eyes. I lightly brush his hair with my fingers, then I...I pull his lips onto mine.
     He was shocked as he slowly bent down to his knees, without breaking the kiss. Tears were still streaming down my hot cheeks. So this is what a kiss felt like. It was magical. I could feel the electricity running through my veins. He releases his hands and runs them through my curls. I break the kiss and look into his eyes.

     "I love you too." I whisper.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now