The Question

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I'm sitting on the plane to Paris. Brian fell asleep and it's pitch black outside with nothing but the moon and stars lighting the pilots way.
     "Ahem, bonjour ladies and gentlemen. We are approaching La Paris. We will be landing shortly." The pilot announces over the intercom.
     A bright smile spreads across my lips. I would be arriving at the City of Love with the love of my life. I couldn't wait.
     We land with the usual loud land and the plane makes its way to an outside stairway.
     I wake Brian up and we grab our things from the overhead bins. We all make our way to the exit in a single file. Brian is still tired and wobbly from being woken up from his slumber.
     Queen was a celebrity in France as well as an other country so we had to keep a low profile. That meant putting sunglasses on and hurrying past other travelers.
     We made our way out of the airport, not without giving autographs to some clever fans that caught us.
     A limousine was parked outside the airport with the name Peut on it, which apparently meant May in France.
     The chauffeur drove us to our hotel next to the Eiffel Tower. I place my hands on the window like a little girl as we drive passed to lit up tower. It stood so tall in the sky making it the brightest thing you could see throughout the entire city.
     Brian laughs at my behavioral we make our way out of the car and into the magnificent hotel.
     It was ginormous. The ceilings we tall and almost everything was in gold or silver. A enormous chandelier hung from the gold plated ceiling, giving the room light.
     We checked in, well Brian did since I know nothing about French. We take an elevator to the highest floor where our suite was. God this place must have been so fucking expensive.
     We reach a door demanding a key card. We slide it into the slot and make our way into the room.
     Holy shit.
     This is the most amazing hotel room I've ever seen in my entire life. One, it was huge! It looked like we were back in the lobby again. The trimming along the walls and ceiling were gold as well of the bed frame, most of the bathroom, the tables, and chairs.
     There on the coffee table stood a note and a bottle of champagne. Brian picks up the note and translates it.
     "Enjoy your stay at the 'Pullman Paris Eiffel Tower Hotel.' We hope you have a great time here in Paris. Thank you for choosing us as your new home." He reads out loud.
     "Well that's rather nice of them. This is amazing Brian. I'm speechless on how great this is!" I exaggerate looking around the room once more.
     He lets out a small laugh and sets our luggage in the master bedroom. I follow him looking around the massive room.
     The bed was a King size with Snow White covers. There was a large set of windows showing the beautiful tower. There was a small balcony on one of the windows.
     I race towards the door and swing it open, letting the evening air in. I take a deep breath of the fresh air and lean against the balcony, looking at the magnificent work of art.
     I feel a set of hands grasp my waist but I continue to look at the bright sculpture. My dream has finally been fulfilled. If only my father could see me now.
      Brian begins to plant kisses on my neck and jaw. I smile and turn to face him. I was almost in tears of how happy I was.
     "So? What do you think?" He asks motioning towards the tower.
     I blink back the tears and turn back to the tower. It was so beautiful I had no words to describe it.
     "It''s wonderful, Brian. Thank you so much!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a massive hug.
     He hugs me back, lifting me off the ground. I grab his face and pull his lips onto mine. My kiss was full of happiness and passion as we parted for air.
     "Screw the last day and I can't wait any longer" He mutters under his breath and grabs my hands.
     He clears his throat and reaches in his pocket where he pulls out a small box. My eyes grow big as I stare at him in confusion. Was he gonna...?
     He gets down on one knee still grasping my hands. I release one from his grasp to cover my shocked expression.
     "Isabelle Curry, ever since I've met you, you've brought me nothing but joy, love, and happiness. When I first laid my eyes on you, I knew right then and there that you were the one. I love you with all my heart and I want you to be my wife forever until the day we die." He pulls the box out and presents it to me.
     Tears stream from my eyes as a beautiful ring is revealed from the small box. It was so beautiful with a beautiful diamonds attached to the silver band and one big one in the center.

 It was so beautiful with a beautiful diamonds attached to the silver band and one big one in the center

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       I couldn't breathe I was so surprised. My mouth was still dropped and my hands continued to try and hide it. The tears just kept on coming as he opens his mouth once more.
     "Izzy? Will you marry me?" He asks proposing the beautiful ring to me. I couldn't say anything. My mouth felt so dry and my vocal chords refused to reply. Those 4 words, I'll never forget until the day I die.
     "I..I.." I clear my throat and look down into his desperate eyes, searching for my answer. I smile spreads across my lips as I open my mouth to answer.
     "Yes! I do!" I reply as he gets up off the ground and hugs me like there was no tomorrow. I hug him with all I had and have him my most passionate kiss I've ever given. He takes the ring out and grabs my left hand.
     He slides the symbol of our future marriage onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly and it looked so beautiful under the city lights.
     He takes his hand and wipes away my tears. I'm no longer Isabelle Curry. I'm now Isabelle May and I felt so prideful in the name.
     I cup his face and pull him into another kiss. It lasts longer this time before I pull away.
     "Well Mrs. May, would you like to down to the bar with me and get free drinks for being newly engaged?" I laugh at his offer and nod my head in approval.
     He places one more kiss before heading into the bedroom to get dressed. I follow him and change my shirt to something a bit more...less sweaty and gross.
     I place my top on and slide my heels onto my feet. They were sore and in pain but in this moment, I didn't feel a thing. I grab my purse and follow Brian to the front door.
     We head into the elevator and make our way down to the bar. I see and phone booth and ask him to wait. The girls need to hear about my engagement.
     I grab some euros from my pocket and slide them into the slot. I punch Mary's number in. She would be the first to know since she was familiar with being married.
     "Hello." I hear a voice from the other end ask.
     "Mary! It's me. Brian proposed and I said yes!" I yell into the receiver.
     It's dead silence before I hear a high pitches squeal from the other end. I hear her jumping up and down and even yelling to Freddie to tell him.
     "Give me the phone darling, let me congratulate her." I hear Freddie say in the background.
     "Hello darling! Congratulations!" He shouts. My smile grows bigger as I thank him and Mary.
     "Oh dear. Your getting Married! Who's the best man?!" He asks in a excited tone.
     "I think we are deciding between you and Roger." I reply leaving a little laugh with it.
     "Who's the Maid of Honor?" I hear mary ask from the background.
     "Dominque is But you will be my bridesmaid as well, don't you worry." I reply.
     "She says it's Dom." Freddie says on the other end to Mary.
     I look down at my ring that would be forever on my finger. This was the happiest day of my life.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now