The ring

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I woke up to a sound of a slow heartbeat. I slowly blink my eyes open to see my head against Brian's chest. I take a long deep breath as I begin to slowly make my way back into reality. I rose out of bed and look at the clock. 9:20. Not bad. I wiped my drowsy face and climbed out of bed making sure not to wake him. I looked down at him. He was only in a pair of shorts. I blush and look down at what I was wearing. It was one of his button up shirts and a pair of white shorts. The jacket was on the bed next to him.
I took the covers and slowly covered him back up. He didn't move an inch. I smile and walk to my mirror when suddenly I hear something hit the floor. I look down and see the box. The one I saw it the car.
I pick it up and set it back on the nightstand. I didn't want to get into his business, wether it was important or not.
I respected his privacy and continued to walk to my mirror. I look at my calendar. January 13. Oh my god. My birthday was tomorrow. How could I forget? I moved over to under my bed. I pulled out my special box which contained a card with a number from 18 to 21. Each card was written by my dad and contained a small gift inside. Last year I received a small bracelet with my name carved into it. My dad has made them a year before he passed. And ever since then, on my birthday I would take a card, read the little message and open the gift.
I looked at the card with the number 18 on it written in gold pen. I lightly glided my hands over the writings. I but it back in the box and slid it under my bed in the same position it was in.
Suddenly I felt the bed shook. I stand up and see Brian stretching his arms and rubbing his tired eyes. I lean on the bed close to his face.
"Good morning sleepy head." I whisper, smiling at his tiredness.
He groans at his lack of sleep then blinks his eyes open.
"Good morning you." He whispers shooting me a smile.
I get off the bed and go to the dresser. I find a nice shirt that fit my curves perfectly and a nice pair of leggings. I walk back over to him.
"I'm going to take a quick shower I hope you don't mind." I say picking up my towel hanging by the door.
"No, take your time, but I might be asleep again when you get back." He lets out a small laugh. I smile at his comment and walk over to my bathroom.
I close the door and start undressing myself. I turn on the hot water. I let it turn to temperature then hop in letting the hot liquid hit my skin. I do my usual routines, washing, conditioning, etc. I hop out and grab my towel. I wrap it around my body and go to the mirror. I brush my wet hair then squeeze some styling gel onto my hands. I brush the product through my hair with my fingers until I could see the little curls start to form. I take my head towel and flip my hair, wrapping it around my wet head. I put some lotion on and rub all over my dry legs. As I finish up and take my picked out clothes and put them on. Shit. I forgot a bra.
I open the door to see Brian buttoning his shirt up. I looked at his chest then immediately turned away to my dresser and pulled out a bra. I headed back in the bathroom and clipped it on. My cheeks were super red. Damn. He has a pretty good looking body. No no. Friends don't do that, only lovers say that and me and Brian are not lovers. I reassure myself and head back outside. I take the clothes of his and fold them on my bed.
"Thank you for letting me sleep in these." I say handing them to him.
"Oh it's no problem. You looked very uncomfortable in your previous clothes." He says taking them from my hand.
I sit on the ground and take my hair dryer out. I dry my curls and part them to the side. I then apply some lip balm to my dried lips.
I turn to look at him.
"Hey, since this probably isn't going to be the last time you sleep here, you could leave some clothes here so you don't have to go all the way to your house to fetch them." I explained.
"That's a good idea. And maybe when you sleep at my house, you can do the same." He says.
I blush at the idea of me staying at his the same bed. Well we already do that anyway but at his house. I would be able to smell his scent all day. I snap back from my thoughts and nod in agreement.
I go to my dresser and pull out all my socks and stick them into my bra and underwear drawer.
"Here you can keep your stuff in this drawer." I suggest.
"Oh no I can't possibly take a drawer for my stuff. You need it more than me." He declines.
"Brian. I insist. Please take this drawer or else I'll put your stuff in there myself" I threaten him, giving him an evil grin.
He cheeks turn red and lets out a long sigh or approval.
"Alright alright, you got me." He laughs and throws his hand in the air as if I was about to arrest him.
"See? Now that wasn't so hard was it?" I interrogate.
"I don't know, it was a pretty hard decision." He laughs.
I grab a throw pillow and chuck it at him making me laugh so hard.
"Oh I see. Is that's how it's gonna be? Alright you asked for it." He threatens and throws one at me hitting me square in the face.
"Brian Harold May! Your asking for it!" I yell as a throw another one at him but he dodges it making me scramble to find another one. Before I could even pick one up I was hit again on the side of my head.
I lie on the ground and crawl under the bed.
"And where do you think your going?" He questions and grabs my ankles pulling me out from under the frame.
My head hits the night stand making the box fall and the beautiful ring fall out. It was gold plated with a beautiful blue crystal in the center. I look down at it and so does Brian. We stare at it until he quickly picks it up and puts it back in the box.
"Who's that for?" I question. He stands up, putting the box in his pocket.
"Um well no one. It's nothing." He says, cheeks getting flushed with color.
"That clearly not nothing Brian. Who's it for?" I ask again.
"Well it was supposed to" He mumbles.
"Me?! Why on earth would you get me something so valuable?" I argue.
"When you fell asleep the first night, I looked at your calendar and saw your birthday was in 2 days. So I decided to get you a gift." He explains, cheeks still red.
He takes it out of his pocket and open the lid. He takes the ring out and takes my hand. He slides it on my left middle finger. It was absolutely stunning as it shimmered in the sunlight.
I put my hand over my mouth as I admired its beauty. It fit my finger perfectly.
"Keep it as a symbol of our long lasting friendship and years to come." I run up to him and squeeze his chest and begin to get teary eyed.
"Well now I have to find you a ring too, now don't I?" I say still hugging the daylights out of him.
"You don't have to. I'd rather you don't waste your money on me and spend on useful things." He says stroking my hair.
"Don't fight me Mr. May. I'm going to but you a fabulous ring and you have to promise to never take it off. Under no circumstances." I say releasing my grasp on his torso.
"Well then. I promise." He says crossing his fingers.
I look at the clock. 10:37. Suddenly an idea popped in my head.
"Hey, why don't we go shopping at the mall nearby. I can get you your ring and we can shop for other things." I suggest.
"I think that sounds like a brilliant idea, Izzy." He says, as he heads towards the door.
I follow him down the stairs and head into the kitchen where my mom is making breakfast. I grab an apple and head towards the door. Brian grabs an orange and begins to peel it as he slides his shoes on.
"Morning you two! Don't you want breakfast? Ooooooooo beautiful ring Iz. Who gave it to you?" She questions.
"We aren't hungry. We're going to the mall to shop. Brian gave it to me for my birthday even though he shouldn't have spent it on me." I say turning towards him, motioning at him.
"Hey you only turn 18 once." He replies, giving me a wink.
I grab my keys and purse. I walk out and Brian follows.
"By mum! I love you."
I walk down the steps and open the door to the drivers side. I start to car and pull out of the driver way as Brian makes his way inside.
We make it to the mall pretty quickly. I park and we walk to the entrance. I stop at a jewelers as Brian makes his way to the men's clothing store.
"Excuse me? Could you show me some gold plated rings for men?" I ask the lady up front. She nods and leads me to a showcase of a ton of rings.
"Are you getting married?" She asks.
" I'm just buying a present for a friend." I reply.
I look though the glass counter at all the gorgeous rings, but one in particular caught my eye. It was gold plated with small specks of light blue gems within the band. It looked just like mine as I held my hand up in comparison.
"Could I please look at this one?" She pulls out the box and I pick up the ring. It was beautiful. I think he would love it. I was about to turn to look at the price when I felt a set of hands land on my waist.
Startled, I quickly turned to see Brian with a few bags of clothes and bottles of cologne. He looks over my shoulder at the ring I held up.
"It's beautiful." He whispers in my ear.
"What ring size are you?" I ask.
"Oh god I think maybe a ten?" He replies, questioning himself.
I turn the ring around at the small round tag. Size 10. Perfect. 57 pounds. That's actually not that much for a gold plated ring with colored diamonds. I bring it to the register and pay with cash.
"Would you like a box with that?" She asks.
"I'm not sure. Brian dear would you like a box?" I ask turning to him.
"Yeah sure." He says laughing.
"Alright, you two have a great day." The lady says as she hands me the small blue box.
I grab the box and turn to Brian. I open it to reveal the gold ring. I take it out of the box and grab his hand. I slip the ring onto his left middle finger.
"Remember what I said. Never take it off." I say looking into his brown is.
"Only if you do the same." He shoots back, smirking.
"Alrighty then. I promise." I whisper loud enough so he could hear.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now