A Slight Move Change

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     "Now class. We have a few new faces here today." Mrs. Stabe says looking over to a few boys in the back whom I haven't noticed.
     I turn around to see John, Freddie, and Roger. They all wave and me and Brian.
     I wave a happiness rushes over me. They never told us they transferred schools! This is amazing! Oh my god what if the girls are here as well. That would be a dream come true. Just then the door creaks open, revealing the principle.
     "Mrs. Stabe? You have 3 other students joining your class today as well." He announces. In walk 3 familiar girls whom I love  so very much. They look around, smiling and waving at all of us.
     What are the odds? This is the best thing ever! I'll be able to see them everyday.
     "Alrighty then. Ms.." she looks down at her clipboard. "Austin, Beyrand, and Tetzlaff. Please have a seat in the back row across from Mr. May and Ms Curry.
     They happily walk over to us, smiling uncontrollably. I still can't believe they transferred. This is amazing. Dom take a seat behind me with Veronica right behind her. Mary sits behind Brian, wiggling her fingers towards me as a hello. I wave back, my face beaming with joy.
     "And Mr." She pauses again. "Mercury, Deacon, and Taylor, please take the seats behind the girls." She points Mary and Veronica.
     They gladly take their seats. John behind V, Freddie behind Mary, and Roger behind Fred.
     This was absolutely perfect. I look back at them still astonished at the news. I look at Brian with a confused yet overjoyed look. He shrugs his shoulders and smiles, also filled with excitement. He didn't know about the transfer? Those sneaky rats. How did they do it? At this point I don't care. I love this new environment already.
     "Alright class, now that our new students have seated we will begin the lesson over angles and formulas."
     Roger lets out a long heavy sigh, making all 7 of us quietly giggle. Dom presses a finger to her lips shutting him up. He pouts against his seat. She shakes her head in annoyance. What a strange couple.
     Freddie is playing with Mary's hair making her cheeks turn multiple shades of pink. John and V are passing small notes, and blowing each other sweet kisses.
     Numerous girls in the front keep turning around starring at the hot drummer. They blush and try to make flirtatious moves on him. He rolls his eyes and winks towards Dom, signaling his relationship to the giggling girls. They all become stern and dramatically turn in disappointment. I let out a small exhale. Oh Roger, always being himself.
     Class got dismissed allowing us to go to our lockers. Dom, V, and John were across the hall from me and Bri. Freddie, Roger and Mary were a few lockers away from us but still pretty close.
     Brian and I lead the new students to the lunch room where jocks and cheerleaders try hitting on them.
     We all sit down at our usual spot with our lunch bags and trays.
     "I didn't know you had already changed your name already Fred." Brian comments biting into his salad.
     "Changed it legally. Got a new passport and everything." He replies feeding Mary a fork full of salad.
     "Freddie, I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself." She laughs chewing the lettuce.
     "Whatever you say my darling." He places a small kiss on her lips.
     "Ok we can't just wipe away the fact that you all transferred here! Without telling us?!" I exclaim.
     "We wanted it to be a surprise." Dom laughs, as Roger places small kisses on her neck. "Roger! We are in public!" She shrieks.
     "I can't contain myself when around you, Dom. Your too beautiful." He replies still kissing her. She lets out a heavy sigh and rolls her eyes.
     We all laugh at her response. Brian plants a small kiss on top of my head, allowing my heart to flutter to his actions. A bunch of other students are all looking at us. My eyes dart to Lucy's(rip) table.
"L Gang minus Lucy 10:00." I announce in a low tone.
"What?!" They all ask except Brian.
"Just act normal. They kinda hate my guts right now." I whisper to them.
"What on earth did you do to deserve hate?" John asks taking a bite out of his cheese sandwich.
"She got their leader in jail." Brian replies poking his salad.
Nearly all of them either spit their food out or spray water everywhere. Brian and I look at each other as if nothing happened.
"What?! What did you do?" Mary shouts wiping her mouth.
"She captures me in my sleep. Tied me to a chair and physically tortured me cause Brian asked me to prom and not her. I was trapped in the equipment shed for about 7 hours." I reply in a straight tone.
"That bitch did that to you?! What the bloody hell?!" Freddie turns around eyeing the table. The girls stare back at him and whisper to each other. They suddenly get up and walk towards our table. My breathing hitches causing Brian to rub my back for comfort. My pulse starts to race. I didn't look afraid of them but deep down I was terrified.
The 4 girls walk up to us 8 with hands on hips and crossed on the chest. Bella, walks behind roger and starts touching him on the neck. He looks petrified.
"Hey baby, you want to come over and have some fun tonight?" She asks seductively. Dom looks pissed, her face turning a jealous red.
Roger whips his head away from her.
"I'm taken, by Dominque." He mutters at her. She looks at Dom and lets out a small laugh.
"How pathetic. Well if you need me here my number." She hands him a slip of paper.
Kathy squeezes in between Brian and I, looking at bit of us with death glares.
"You know Lucy is being testified for child endangerment all cause of this little bitch." She scowls at Brian.
"Serves her right." He replies turning away from her.
She scoffs then gets back up, walking back to the table with Bella. Cary and Melissa remain.
Cary bends down and strokes Freddie hair. This is starting to make all of us really uncomfortable. She runs her hand on his jawline. He pulls away, glaring at her.
"I've already found the love of my life darling." He says kissing Mary on the cheek.
"I know you Freddy Mercury." She mutters.
"Is that what you think? Oh no you don't know me. You only see what you want to see. Now can you please fuck off so we can enjoy our lunch." He shouts at her making her scowl and turn away to her table.
Melissa remained for god knows why. She looked around at all of us kinda terrified as we stare her down. She swallows then quickly turns to go back at her seat.
"This is what you had to deal with for all your education life?" V asks, concerning.
"Yeah but I've gotten rather used to it. I can't fit in the lockers anymore so I don't get locked in there anymore." I giggle at the harsh memories.
"That's fucking awful!" Dom shouts.
Roger grabs the piece of paper with the number and pulls out his lighter. Bella turns to him and stares at the paper in his hand. He places the lighter and note in mid air with the lighter underneath it. He ignites the flame as the paper starts to turn black and shrivel up. He drops it on his tray and goes to throw it away. Bella's jaw is dropped. We all laugh at what had just happened. This was gonna be the best year ever.
The day went by pretty fast and before you knew it, we all we headed to our cars, shoulder to shoulder. Roger and Freddie light each other's cigarette, blowing smoke into the breeze. We all cough in response since non of us like it. They all head to their cars and drive off leaving Brian and I stranded on the street to walk home. I love my life so much already.

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