Nothing more

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I run into Brian's dressing room as he was applying his eyeliner.
"Oh your up." He says running the pencil on his eye.
"What did you say to him?" I ask, still panting from the run to the other side of the arena. The dressing rooms were on two different sides.
"What do you mean?" He questions, doing the other eye.
"What exactly did you say to Roger?" I repeat.
"I only said what needed to be said." He replies, applying some mascara now.
"Forget it." I pause and suddenly wonder something. "I can't seem to wrap my head around why you thought me sleeping in Rogers room was a good idea." I blurt out. Brian doesn't seem to care and for the comment and continues to apply his makeup.
"I threatened the shit out of him." He replies, blinking his eyes at the final product.
     I nod in return and then head out to find Dom. She's still taping down cords even though we are leaving first thing tomorrow.
     "Hey Dom." I greet looking down at her on her hands and knees taping down cords.
     "Oh hey Iz. Jesus, this is gonna take ages." She lets out a sigh.
     "You know you don't have to tape all of them. We would only have to do that if we had enough time after the important tasks are done." I let out a laugh as Dom looks up at me as if I was talking in tongues.
     "You got to be fucking kidding me." She sighs letting her tensed shoulders fall.
     My giggles turn into full on laughs as she stares dumbfounded at her hard work. I look at the nearest clock and see that it's 5 minutes until showtime.
     The boys stand there and wait for the right time to walk on. I give them a thumbs up as the snaps are introduced making the crowd grow silent.
     The stadium goes dark as well as the stage as the boys secretly walk on in the dark. Freddie voice is projecting throughout the entire arena as the lights on stage suddenly enlightens making the crowd go while as the boys play their part.
     I've heard the song a million times but it still never got old. It was so catchy I couldn't help but dance to the beat.

     Finally, another concert done. Only about 8 more to go. I honestly couldn't wait to just go back home, but it was worth the experience of touring in my life.
     We all end up in the hotel, heading to our rooms. I walked by Rogers room as he went in. He didn't even look at me. Maybe this is all finally blown over. I wouldn't have to worry about cheating or betraying or anything.
     Brian and I enter our room and I immediately fall on the bed, still in Rogers clothes. I fall asleep in no time as Brian takes a bit more time to brush his teeth. I however was too tired to even take my shoes off.
     It's 2 am and we are back in the Rv heading up towards Los Angelos. I fell back asleep on Brian's shoulder as we headed upstate.
     When we both woke up, we played a few rounds of scramble. He's was really good. He would take an average word of mine and transform it into an even bigger word. He even kept a dictionary by him so he could prove that it was a true word.
     I got tired of playing so I decided to sleep again. I ended up falling asleep and slept for the rest of the ride.
     We reached the heart of LA and began to unpack our things like we always do.
     We were a bit behind schedule so we had to set everything up as fast as we could. We had 2 hours before the concert. Tonight was also the concert where Queen would introduce the girls and I to the fans and how they met us.
     It would just be a little segment of the concert that would last about 15 minutes. Freddie thought it was a good way to "share the world" with us. I didn't mind the idea. I love seeing jealousy fall upon people's faces.
     Snap snap snap snap
     They were on and LA was going mad for them. There were signs and banners everywhere. It was a beautiful sight to see the different color of lights since they offered their lights instead of ours.
     They really brought the show together. It looked magical as always in my opinion.
     They ended Killer Queen when suddenly Freddie clears his voice wanting to say something.
     Brian grabs a stool from the sideline and grabs a nice country looking guitar from a stand.
     "Thank thank you. Your too kind." He smiles at all the clapping and banners. "Now we got a song coming on our next album. We thought to give you a sneak peek of it. This one is for our darlings who have been backstage while we performed. Come on out loves." Freddie motions us to join them on stage. We all blush in embarrassment as we all walk on waving at all the clapping fans.
     I cover the beaming light from my eyes. It was so fucking bright. No wonder Roger wore sunglasses most of the time. It felt as if 15 suns were all staring at me.
     "This is the love of my life, Mary Austin. Now before I carry on we are all going to introduce our darlings who've not only helped us on tour but have captured our hearts." He wraps an arm around Mary as she plants a kiss on his cheek.
     "Mary and I met in a bar. I was watching the old band Smile perform in London when I locked eyes with a beautiful girl." Mary blushes uncontrollably at his description. "I asked her where I could meet the band. She told me they met out back and instantly there was a connection." You could hear some awwws from the crowd as Freddie continued his story while the rest of us stood toward the side and listened.
     "She's always there for me, even when I'm a total bitch." Some people from the crowd laugh. "We're a great team and I hope I never lose her. I love you Mary. I also want to dedicate this next song to her." He gives her a sweet kiss upon her lips as the crowd goes wild. I clap along with the crowd as Brian begins to play a soft tune on the guitar.
     Love of my life
     You've hurt me
     You've broken my heart
     And now you leave me
     Love of my life
     Can't you see
     Bring it back bring it back
     Don't take it away from because
     You don't know
     What it means to me.
     People began to pull their lighters out and wave them above their heads. The whole stadium was covered in small lights among the dark figures.
     The song ended making the whole arena go wild. Their cheers made Mary blush even more.  Freddie gives her one more kiss before gesturing John to go next.
     John looks nervously at the mic before speaking. Veronica walks up to him with a soothing smile and grabs a hole of his shaky hand.
     "This is Veronica. We have been together for 2 months so far and I've been enjoying every second of it. We met after one of Smile's concert. She came up to me with a warm smile and congratulated me on joining the band. I was amazed by her kindness. Now many of you know I'm not much of a talker but she got me to always run my mouth." The crowd laughs as we all nod our heads in agreement. "She's helped me with my social anxiety and I'm absolutely blessed to have her. I love you Veronica." He finishes planting a small kiss upon her lips. The crowd "awwws" at the sight.
      Roger was next. He got up from his drum set and grabbed the mic from his snare. Dom walks up to him with red hot cheeks. He wraps an arm around her waist.
     I look out to the crowd. Some girl's jaws were dropped to the floor. Jealousy was written all over their faces. I silently laugh to myself.
     "One question a lot of you have asked is 'is Roger Taylor single?' The answer to that is no." A few Awwws in disappointment are heard form the crowd. "It's devastating I know." He chuckles with the crowd.
     "This is my love, Dominque. We have been together for what? 2 and a half months? And those last months have been absolutely incredible with this women." Dom smiles in appreciation.
     "We've has our down sides so far, but we've always found a way to move along and fix it. She's a big help on the road. She's always helping me unpack and.." my thoughts cut him off. She doesn't unpack your shit. That's my job. She grabs the lights. Roger looks over to for a split second. He knew he was wrong. But he continued on.
     "We met..oh god it's so embarrassing. So let's just say I was in a club drunk." The crowd starts to ooooooooo. "I know I know, not a good sign. So I was in this club and I begin to dance with this blonde. She ends up passing out and her friend comes and retrieves her. That friend happened to be Dom. She apologizes to me from dragging her wild friend to a bar. I brushed it off and focused on how pretty she was." Dom tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as her cheeks get even more red.
     "We talked and laughed as we both got drunk. She came to my place we talked some more and I asked her to be my girlfriend right then and there. She thought I was mad for asking so soon but she agrees and we've been together ever since. I love You Dominique." He places a long kiss on her lips as the audience cheers them on. It was now Brian's turn.
     "The women who has stolen and my heart is this beautiful angel right here." He gestures to me. I do a small wave to the audience as Brian sets down his guitar and heads towards me.
     "Izzy and I have been dating for 2 months, 9 days, 14 hours, and 27 minutes." I stare up at him eyes. He counted?! What the fuck!? The crowd seems to thinking what I'm thinking as Brian continues.
     "We met at school actually. Oh god it seems like it was yesterday. I was the new kid and Izzy was assigned to show me around the school. She offered me to sit by her and even protected some bullies one day." I remember that day perfectly. He then came to my house and we hugged for the very first time. It did feel like it was yesterday.
     "She and I are inseparable these days. I love her more than there are stars in the galaxy. She brightens me everyday with her humor and kind personality. She is truly the love of my life and I hope she feels the same because I would never be the same if I lost you." He lowers the mic as the crowd begins to clap. I smile in amazement and grab his shirt collar. I pull his lips onto mine as the audience shouts and cheers.
     I release our kiss and look into his eyes. Those beautiful, warm eyes that I had forgotten how much I loved.
     "I love you too." I whisper crashing my lips onto his again. In this moment, I wanted nothing more. It was if time had stopped and it was just us left in the universe. It felt so right to be with him right here, right now.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now