My Love, Brian May (part 1)

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Ever since I met him, I knew he was special. The way he made me feel, his voice, his hair, and his caring personality. I loved everything about him. He has and will always be, the love of my life. My name is Isabelle, but most of my friends call me Izzy. I grew up in London and I love it here. But the existence of Brian, made me love it even more.
Let's start from the beginning with seventeen year old me in high school, senior year.


"Now remember to turn your projects in at the beginning of the period tomorrow. Thank you, your excused."
I got up and sighed. I hated school. I wanted to just skip to the part where you become an adult and go to college. People always say college is great, I'm just praying I'll make it into one. I'm a good student but I'm not a great one. Sure I study and all but I will never choose a book over anything else.
I had science next period. My favorite class. This class actually brought me joy instead of learning about other studies in school. I walk down the corridor to the classroom, greeting my teacher before take a seat in my desk. I put my books down and open my notebook to yesterday's notes.
I was writing the points on the board when I see a man pass me and sit in the empty desk next to me. 'Who's this?' He was tall, very tall, with long curly brown hair. He was very good looking I must say. I turn away, noticing my starring.
"Okay class, this is our new classmate, Mr. Brian May." She says, motioning towards the timid looking student.
The entire class, including myself turn to look at the man who immediately begins to flush red.
"Hello, my names's Brian. It's great to be here." He says, turning even a darker shade of red.
"Miss Curry. Would you please give Mr. May a small tour of the school? I will give you both a hall pass." She asks, looking at me.
"Sure, Mrs. Stabe." I say.
I get up and walk towards her desk, Brian following behind me. I receive the hall pass, as well as he, and begin the tour out the door.
"So this is the high school, as you already know. That's Mr. Krams room, he teaches Geometry 1 and Calculus. Over there is Mrs. Webs room. She teaches Economics, and World History. And over there..." I introduce, pointing to all the nearby classrooms. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him subtly looking at me. I blush and move on to the cafeteria.
"Ok, a few things you should know, that table is completely off limits." I say pointing to the table on the far side of the cafeteria.
"Why?" He asks looking down at me.
"That's where Lucy and her gang sit. You don't want to mess with her, mate. She'll ask you to sit with her cause that's what she does with every new kid. Then she'll dump you like a pile of garbage. I should know, I was one of them." I say to him turning back around to the other tables.
"Yeah, So we won't mess with that. That table is Jocks, that ones the Nerds, that's Out Casts, that's Theater Group, Cheerleaders sit there, and last but not least, the Science Kids."
"Where do you sit?" He asks, still looking around the fairly large commons area.
"Oh me? I sit with the Science Kids. It's the only place that kinda actually suits me. Hey you can sit with me if you want, I don't usually talk to anyone. They only ever talk about whether the earth is flat or round and then do a ton of problems trying to prove it." I explain, followed by a small laugh.
"Oh ok, thank you."
"No problem. Hey, wants your favorite topic? School or hobby I don't care." I ask, leading the way around the premise.
He stops and looks down at his feet, in a shy way. Not replying, I nervously smile and shake off the question.
"Hey it's fine, like I said I don't like talking eith.."
"Astronomy," he replies, cutting me off. I stare amazed at his response before replying.
"Oh wow astronomy? You must be really intelligent. I'm terrible at it." I reply laughing.
I hear him laugh a bit in return. My lips spread into a smile knowing he's not scared of me or anything.
"Oh I totally forgot to tell you. My name is Isabelle Curry. Most people call me Izzy. It's very childish I know. But you can call me either or. Some people even call me Iz." I introduce, holding my hand out to him.
"Oh, okay. I like your name, it's very beautiful." He says. I look down blushing...a lot. 'Beautiful? I thought it was a silly name. Why would he say that? It's not beautiful. It's anything but beautiful.'
"Oh uh thank you. In Hebrew, it means gods child. I'm not religious at all but I still like how it has a meaning." I add, stuttering nervously.
"I'm not either. I believe that what we've discovered so far is the truth and only the truth. I think stars created people and the universe did the rest."
'Wow. That was the longest thing he's said all day. I was shocked. How did he know so much? He was like Einstein.' My dreams of being the next one were quickly gone.
"Wow. I never thought of it that way. You are truly smart, Brian." I compliment, looking up at him.
"Thank you." He replies rather bluntly.
The tension was building up again, I could feel it. It was getting too quiet so I brought up another topic.
"Do you have any hobbies?" I ask.
"I play guitar for a small band. We are called Smile. It's not that popular, we only play for pubs."
"You truly are unbelievable. That's amazing. I've always wanted to be in a band. I play drums for the school band. And yes, I know what your thinking: oh a girl can't play drums but I assure you, I'm pretty good."
"I wasn't thinking that. I think it doesn't matter what gender you are, I bet your better than our drummer to be honest."
"And what's your drummers name?"
"Roger Taylor. He's alright, I bit bitter at times but we still like him."
"That sounds incredible. I should see you play sometime."
He immediately looks down at his shoes again, blushing.
"I don't think you should, I'm really bad." He stutters.
"With what I've heard today, I highly doubt that, Brian." I say giving him a wink.
He blushes once again making me smile brightly. 'He's so cute when he blushes.' I look up at the clock, noticing we had 5 more minutes left of class.
"Shit, we got to go." I grab his hand and pull him down the corridor, back to the classroom.
As I open the door, pairs of eyes were set on us. I immediately let go of his hand and walk back to my desk.
"That seemed to be a bit longer than expected, Miss Curry." She announces, looking at me through her small specks.
"It's a big school ma'am. I wanted to make sure to include everything." I say getting really tensed up.
"I bet they were snogging in the locker room!" Lucy yells out. My jaw drops and the whole class starts laughing. Brian and I turn super red as I shoot her an angry look.
"Miss Cooper! I'll be seeing you after class." I let out a long shaky sigh of relief.

The next periods were pretty normal and then it was lunch. I wait by the door as all the students leave until I see Brian walk out. I follow him out and walk to his Locker which so happened to be right next to mine.
"Do you want me to walk with you to lunch? You are very welcome to sit at our table if you want." I say putting my stuff away and turning to him.
"Yes, I'd like that Izzy." I smile as he says my name. The way he said it made it sound so much prettier and more likable. I wait for him as we walk to the lunch room.
We pay for our lunches and move across the room to my table where I usually sit at the end. I liked it here. I always sit in front of a glorious mural with so many colors. It helped me think and I enjoyed thinking.
As we walked by the tables to ours, we got some whistles and looks. I tried my best to ignore them and continue walking. As we walked by Lucy's table, she sticks her foot out, making me trip...right into Brian's arms.
"Izzy! Why don't you watch where your going, you'll make him uncomfortable. God, he hasn't been here for a whole day and your already falling for him." She laughs, the rest of the girls snickering with her.
I mean it was true. I somewhat was, but I wasn't gonna let her know that. I glare at her and motion Brian to to go the table.
"Hey Brian, why don't you sit with us. We'll be great company and won't snog you in the hallways." She says looking at me with a grin.
I look towards Brian and shake my head. He looks back at me and smiles. Turning towards Lucy, he holds the smile.
"That's alright, I'd rather sit by her anyways. She's already great company." He says and walks towards me. I press my lips together as I could feel my whole body getting hotter and more shaky. I proceeded to turn and follow him to the table.
"I wouldn't Brian! She's a sick little virgin." She yells across the whole room. People stop their eating and look at me as we both sit at our seats. I don't look up and continue to open my sack and eat. People slowly begin to laugh and giggle, but soon the silence was replaced with people talking again, probably about me.
It was true about what she said. I was a virgin. I've never even kissed someone and I was a senior. I usually didn't let it get to me since my mom didn't get her first kiss til she was 22...sad I know.
My eyes start to get glassy as a tear falls on my sandwich. I hated Lucy with all I had. I felt a hand rest on mine as I look up at Brian with tears rolling down my cheeks.
"Don't let her get to you. I like you and I think your brilliant to be around." He says smiling. 'What a gentlemen.'
I wipe my tears and continue to eat, flashing a small smile his way.
"No Jimmy! You have to do the proportion to find the circumference." Says some nerdy kid from the other side of the table. Brian and I exchange looks and laugh.
I can already see that this friendship will last forever.

Thanks for reading the first chapter. I hoped you liked it. I might even write a couple more chapters today. I'm sorry if it was bad. Thanks for reading ❤️

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