First "Date"

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     Brian invited me to the pub later today. The band wasn't playing but it was still a nice opportunity to spend time with him. I've grown rather fond of him, and I think he has too. We are inseparable lately, and it's driving me mad.
     He was planning to pick me up at 7:00 to socialize, not date, although I wish it was.
     I race upstairs and get ready for this 'outing.' I end up with a yellow top and white jeans with my short black boots. I do a settle makeup and curl the stretched out waves before taking one last look and leaving.
     I wait outside my house. Two minutes have passed before I see a red car pull up in my driveway. A smile was spread across his face as I approach the awaiting vehicle.
     I smile back and open the passenger door of the beautiful red vehicle. It's the exact same color as his gorgeous guitar. Taking a seat, I shut the door and fasten my seatbelt.
     "You look very beautiful tonight Miss Curry." He compliments, shooting me a wink.
     "You don't look too bad yourself mister May." I reply with a jokingly smirk.
     He blushes while pulling out of the driveway and beginning our to downtown London. I smile at the city view as we drive by the lights and shops.
     We arrive at the pub and get out of the parked car. We walk to the door and he holds it open for me. I smile in return before walking inside. It's packed tonight. Nothing but drunk men and young teenagers like us. We show our "IDs" and order two beers before taking a seat at the bar.
     "So how's the band doing?" I ask, taking a sip of my requested beverage.
     "Really good actually. Fred found us a recording studio to record our first album. And we've officially changed our name to Queen, which is alright I guess." He replies, rolling his eyes at the name.
     "Brian, that's amazing!" I congratulate, putting my hand on his shoulder sympathetically.
     "You think so?" He asks looking up at me as he takes another sip of his beer.
     "I know so. Your going to do such great things." I assure, smiling into his deep hazel eyes.
     "You are like my personal cheerleader, aren't you." He chuckles, shaking his head at my statement and cracking a smile.
     I grab two napkins as pom poms and move them around in a cheerful manner.
     "Best fucking cheerleader ever!" I say putting the napkins down as he laughs at my little skit.
     He looks at me with his usual sparkle in his eyes before flashing his gorgeous smile at me. I almost melted right then and there.
     Suddenly, a slow song turns on and Brian looks at me. 'Oh no. Please don't make me.' I squint my eyes and grit my teeth as I read his thoughts.
     "I'm not even gonna ask, come on." He says,
taking my hand and bringing me to an open area with very few people. He spins around and wraps an arm around my waist allowing me to place my hands on his shoulders. We sway back and forth, our bodies unbelievable close together. I could almost feel his breath on my face we were that close.
     Taking the hand on his shoulder, I reach for his necklace before pulling out from within his shirt to gaze at the pendant. It was absolutely beautiful.
     I rub my thumb on the picture.  Brian sees me smile and begins to blush. I put it back in his shirt and continue to rest my hand on his shoulder.
     "That pendant is very beautiful." I compliment, looking into his eyes.
     "So are you." He whispers in a tone so quietly, I couldn't quite understand what he said.
     "Sorry?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in misunderstanding.
     "Nothing. Hey we should get back to our spot. You left your purse there and I don't want someone to steal it." He says, clearing his throat as I nod and take my hands off him.
     I follow him towards our seats when I suddenly feel someone grab my ass. I turn quickly to see a really cocky man, drunk as hell, hitting on me. The smell of his alcohol scrunching my nose.
     "Excuse me?" I mutter, swatting his hand away. Brian looks behind at me and furrows his eyebrows in anger before grabbing ahold of my hand, pulling me towards him.
     "Aye mate! Do you mind?" He says grabbing my hand and walking away from the disturbing man.
     "I'm so sorry you had to witness that, Izzy. That man was disgusting." He apologizes, looking back and glaring at the drunk.
     "It's fine, it's not the first time." I whisper in a low tone as the memory of my past boyfriend appeared in my head.
     I hated the man with all my might. This was one reason I didn't want to actually date Brian yet. I knew he would treat me right but the verbal abuse I got from my ex was still swarming within my head. I even tried to commit suicide once.
     I had stolen an Exacto Knife from my art teacher and try to slit my wrists. I was stopped by my mom as she walked into the bathroom as the knife was inches away from my skin. I was in rehab for months, recovering from the damage he had caused. It's still not completely gone. I get nightmares about what he said to me. He called  me a slut, a whore, a bitch, ugly, faggot, anything you can think of, he said it.
     "What do you mean?" He asks, looking at me with concern. I slide my hand in my sleeve of my jacket, feeling the scars of the cuts on my wrists.
     "Brian, can we go please?" I whisper, tears swelling up in my eyes as I bow my head in sorrow.
     "Is everything alright? Please don't cry." He says getting up to help me leave and wrapping an arm around my shoulders
     "I'll...I'll explain in the car." I reply, grabbing my purse and walking out to the car tears streaming down my eyes. I open the door and burst in tears as I plant my face into the palms of my hands. Brian gets in shortly after only to quickly comfort me once again.
     "Oh my god Izzy, what's the matter? I'm right here." He asks, pulling me into a hug as I cry into his shirt. He rubs his hand on my back and hair, trying to calm my emotions.
     I release from his embrace and wipe my tears.
     "My previous boyfriend," I start, choking up as the words become stuck in the back of my throat. "he would verbally abuse me. It was to the point I would cut myself and even tried one time" I push back my sleeve showing him the scar. His mouth slightly drops as his eyes begin to water.
     "He never kissed or hugged me. I was just there for show. To let people know that he had a girlfriend making him popular. He would try and touch me to get me to sleep with him. I refused every time and in return, I received insults and even beatings. I dumped him after school one day and he moved away shortly after. His words were stuck in my head for a long time."
     "My mom caught me in the act of almost ending my life. I was sent to rehab for 3 months and left last year. I've been so alone for so long, that is...until I met you. You made me feel special, and I'm so glad your my frie.." He quickly pulls me into another hug, interrupting my sentence as tears run from his eyes and fall on my hair.
     "Please don't say anymore. I can't stand the thought of you being in this much pain." He whimpers. My lip quivers and I begin to cry again.
     We sit this way for what felt like hours until he finally releases revealing dried tears covering his face. I pull out my makeup wipes and clean my entire ruined paint off. Smudged eyeliner and running mascara everywhere.
      He clears his throat and starts the engine. We ride in silence, not knowing what else to say.
     "Bri...Brian?" I mumble, turning my head to face him.
     "Yes, love?" He asks, locking eyes with me for a split second before going back to the road. I can't stand that "love" thing he does. It's driving me mad.
     "Can you stay with me again tonight? Please. I don't wanna be alone." I plead, gazing into his beautiful hazel eyes.
     "Of course I'll stay with you. Let me stop at my house for a few clothes, okay?" He replies, holding my hand and gently stroking it. I nod in return as we pull up to his house.
     "I'll be right back." He assure, closing the door and leaving me all by myself.
     I nod and look around his car. It was very organized, as usual. My eyes suddenly avert into the cup holder where a small box sits.
     'A ring? For who? Probably some other wonderful girl who's won his heart.' I look away, not wanting to think of who this girl could be. 'She must be really pretty
and smart.' Jealousy began to boil up in my blood. 'I shouldn't be jealous, he clearly has other tastes.' I blink the incoming tears away, as I see Brian go up to the door, opening it.
     He comes in with a small bag and looks down in the cup holder. Heaving a sigh, he quickly picks up the box and shoves it in his pocket. I don't make eye contact with him to avoid awkwardness.
     He starts to drive towards the direction of my house. Tomorrow was Saturday which was a relief, I've already missed 2 days of school. It would be a shame if I had to make up any more.
     We arrive at my house and he parks by the curb. I get out and I trudge to the door. Brian suddenly appears next to me and wraps an arm around my waist. I shiver but continue on.
     Opening the door, I almost collapse on the floor. My body aches and my head was pounding. I kick my shoes off and throw my coat off. As I plop my bag on the table, I desperately go for a glass of water as well as a bottle of aspirin. Tossing two into my mouth, I take a gulp of water and wash them down with it.
     I rest my elbows on the counter and press my hands against my aching head. I feel Brian place his hand on my back, rubbing it in a calm manner.
     "We should go to bed. You need to rest and it's pretty late." I look down at my watch. 10:05. I nod and walk with him up the stairs to my awaiting room.
     I fall on my queen size bed and instantly begin to doze off only to feel Brian lift me up and take my shirt off.
     "Don't worry I'm just gonna help you get dressed. Those don't look very comfortable." He whispers allowing me to nod and raise my arms up, giving him permission to take off my top revealing my black bra. He blushes at the sight and finds a shirt in my dresser before pulling it carefully over my head and onto my torso.
     My eyes are half closed at this point as he slides my jeans off. His face is redder than ever making me crack a small smile. I almost fall asleep until I feel his hands slide a pair of shorts on my waist. I feel myself shiver until a jacket is wrapped around my shoulders.
     I could smell his aroma on me, allowing me to figure out that the jacket was his. I feel the bed sink as his body lays next to mine.
     He doesn't seem to be real close to me so I turn over and press myself against his warm chest. He looks down at my sleeping face and smiles before wrapping an arm around my back, pulling me closer. We both fall asleep to the sound of our warm breaths.

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