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     "No" I say to the wedding dress in front of me. It wasn't right, I needed something that was
     "Oh my goodness." Mary sighs and hangs the dress back on the rack.
     I continue to browse through all the dresses. None of them have caught my eye yet and I'm desperate to find one in the next hour because we've been here long enough.
     I fly through a rack of dresses with still no luck. I walk to the next aisle and surf through the first rack.
     I go through them one by one until one caught my eye. It was white with some spots of gold towards the bottom. I take it off the rack and rush to the closest mirror.
     I hold it up against my body to get a rough sketch on how it would look on me.

This was the one

     "Mary!" I holler from the corner of the store. She quickly rushes from wherever she just was and gasps when she catches the sight of the dress.
     "Oh's beautiful. And it's in gold like you wanted." She comments, feeling the lace pattern across the bottom.

     "Well go on! Try it on!" She demands, leading me towards the dressing rooms

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     "Well go on! Try it on!" She demands, leading me towards the dressing rooms.
     I place the dress over my half bare body and look at myself in the tall mirror. It was beautiful. It even looked good on me.
     I sway the curtain open to find Mary waiting for me in a chair. She quickly stands upon and spins me around.
     "Could you clip my back darling?" I ask pointing to my bare back.
     She nods and clips the little hooks together. I feel the dress start to tighten making it a bit hard to take a full breath.
     I press my hand against my tight chest, as if the dress was gonna rip at any moment.
     "It's a bit tight isn't it?" I say taking short breaths.
     "Yeah, you'll have to get used to it. You'll be fine by the big day." She reassures fluffing the ends of the dress out as if to make it look better. "Ready to show the groom?" She asks as I continue to examine myself in the large reflection.
     "Ready as I'll ever be." I reply stepping down from the small platform towards the waiting area where Brian was reading a magazine about...himself?
     I walk closer to him making him look up. His draw drops along with the magazine he was holding.
     His eyes move up and down my body, examining every bit.
     I do a small spin to show him the whole picture. He places his hand over his quivering lips as tears begin to weld up in his eyes.
     I let out a small gasp as the tears pour down his eyes. I walk over to him and bend down on my knees.
     "Oh baby, please don't cry. Do I look that bad?" I tease, wiping his tears with the back of my hand.
     He lets out a small laugh and looks down to try and hide his emotions. He looks back up and blinks in astonishment. He slowly shakes his head and pulls me into a loving kiss.
     He releases from my lips with still tears coming out of his beautiful green eyes.
     "I can't believe I'm going to marry you. It seems so unbelievably to me." He explains wiping his wet cheeks.
     "Oh Bri, You better believe it. But hey, I found a gold dress didn't I? Now all we need to do is find you a suit and tie." I say grabbing ahold of his hands.
     "Oh Izzy. I found some bridesmaids dresses. How many are going to be bridesmaids." Mary asks from the rack closest to us.
     "Take a wild guess Mar." I reply sarcastically.
     "I dunno. Uhh...3?" She guesses grabbing ahold of 3 gold dresses.
     "Jackpot." I laugh turning to face her examining the dresses in front of her.
     I feel Brian rub his thumb along my engagement ring as Mary shows me the
     "Okay. I need to get this off. I cannot breathe." I announce and rush to the dressing room, keeping careful to not rip it along the way.
Mary help me unzip my back and allow my air to run smoothly again. I inhale a large amount of air, relieving my slight headache.
     "Well I'm glad I found the dress."
     "Me too. I'm exhausted." Mary laughs, throwing my dress over her forearm.
     "Lets go home." I suggest putting my clothes back on.


     "Well, now that we have a dress, we should pick a designated spot to host the ceremony." I say throwing myself on the couch in exhaustion.
     "I was thinking of a church to make it simple even though none of us are religious." He suggests taking a seat next to me.

Lucy's POV

     "Alright your out on bail. Don't screw this up dear." My father lecturers me as we take a seat in the car.
     While in jail, I heard Queen got popular and Brian proposed to Izzy. Izzy... I hate that name with all my might. I want her to feel what I had to feel while in jail. Alone. Scared. Forgotten. Helpless. I want her to feel everything.
     "Daddy? Where do you suppose Izzy is right now?"
     "Oh well she's with her fiancé somewhere. Perhaps they still live in London. Why cupcake?"
     "I want to...apologize for all I did. I feel absolutely terrible. Could you take me to her daddy?"
     "My sweet angel, of course. I can call and set up a time."
     "Thank you daddy." This was perfect. Now all I needed was a plan.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now