Uh oh...

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     We enter the club and begin to party. It's really crowded for a Sunday night. Roger moves to a corner of seductive girls, John sits next to me and Brian at the bar, and Freddie goes off and hits on a pretty blonde.
     John, Brian, and I sit and drink shots. I feel super dizzy and imagine what the next morning if gonna be like, but of course I'm too drunk to think about that. My mom is goons be pissed if she finds out where I've been. I excuse myself from the bar and stumble to the bar tender.
     "Can I borrow a phone?" I slur.
     He laughs and looks at me up and down. He realizes that I'm drunk and places his hand on my waist abs brings me closer.
     "There's one in the back, I'll show you." He whispers in my ear. I nod and stumble to the back with him. There was a phone so I dialed my moms number and explain my absence. I hang up and turn back to thank him. He presses his lips on mine.
     I pull away and run. I open the door and go back out to the bar. Before I could get to Brian, the man grabs my hand and pulls me close to him, rubbing his front against me. I push him away but he has a strong grip on me.
     "Brian!!" I yell. He probably can't hear me from his drunken state. Suddenly the man is on the ground. I open my eyes and see Roger, John, and Brian standing in front of me. Rogers fist is in mid air, but soon lowers it to message it. I run to Brian and embrace him. Tears start falling down my eyes.
     "I...I wasn't cheating..I swea..."
     "Shhhhhhhh baby. It's ok. He was a creep, and was trying to hurt you. It's not your fault." He mumbles kissing the top of my head as I continue to grip his shirt and wet his shirt.
     He grabs my face and pulls it, making me look at him. He smiles and slowly kisses me. John is still standing their, slightly petrified. Roger has gone back to his night stands, and Freddie was making out with the blonde in the corner.
     He gently pulls away. I smile and peck him again. We all walk back to our seats and continued to get wasted. The images of the man touching me were sewed into my brain. He reminded me of Peter. Horrible, asshole, Peter. I shoot another shot and look at what I've accomplished. 5 shots. That's kinda a lot.
     My brain begins seeing the walls and lights move. People were a blur, I could barely see my beautiful boyfriend in front of me. I ask for another shot. I wanted to forget that horrible incident. I shoot it and begin to laugh at the most random things.
     Brian looks over to me and laughs at my drunk state.
     "I need to take you home." He says holding me up, as I begin to lean off the stool.
     "Non sense." I heated from a familiar voice as Freddie approaches us with the blonde under his arm. "I got hotel rooms for all of us, right next to the eye of London." He declares, pecking his 'girlfriend.'
     We all nod and I try tot get up. My legs were jelly and I almost fall when Brian catches me.
     "Wow, too much to drink huh love?" He laughs and carry's me bridal style to the limo, where the rest of the band was waiting. Brian sits me upright and I immediately lean against him again.
     "You sure got her wasted." Roger says, taking a drag on his cigarette.
     "She chose to. I did nothing of the sorts." He mumbles, kissing my cheek.
     I almost fall asleep when the car comes to a stop and Brian carry's me out. I for some reason get more energy and leap out of his arms. He's surprised but laughs it off. I walk, almost perfectly, to the elevator to our rooms.
     We all squeeze into the elevator making it awkward. I look down at my feet as I stand in between Roger and Brian. The tension becomes more noticeable until the elevator doors open. We all walk out into the hallway and look at Freddie for rooms.
     "Brian and Izzy are in room 246, Rog you get 247, John you get 248, and me and Mary will have 249." He says and walks towards his room.
     Brian and I stumble to our room and open it with the key Freddie handed us. It's very nice and big but only one bed which I don't mind since we usually sleep together anyway.
     I kick my shoes off and fall of the soft bed. Brian lays next to me as we look up at the ceiling. I turn to him and kiss him passionately on the lips.
     Our kids grows more demanding by the second. Brian begins kissing down my neck as I let out a small moan. Wait! This was my first time! I didn't know what to do. I was too drunk to care anyway. I began unbuttoning my top revealing my black bra. Brian continues leaving small love bites on my neck and stomach, making me arch my back. I bit my lip while unbuttoning his shirt. He pulls it off himself and continues to kiss me all over.
     "What is it love?"
     "This is my first time. I don't know what to do."
     He stops kissing me and looks into my eyes. He plants a small kiss on my lips.
     "It's ok. It's my first time too. We'll take it nice and slow. We don't have to go all the way if you don't want to." He says stroking my strands of hair.
     "No. Brian, I want to lose my virginity to you." I demand pulling him into a kiss. He kissed me back...hard. I could feel his manhood pressed against my jeans. I begin unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them off my body.
     Brian does the same, leaving him only in his boxers. I blush at the sight as he begins kissing down my stomach to the hem of my knickers. I moan as he bites my panties, sliding them off with his teeth. He turned me on so much, I was about to release my love for him right then and there.
     He takes two fingers and slides them into his mouth. He hovers above me and looks into my eyes as he slowly slides his fingers into my. I grit my teeth and inhale sharply.
     "Do you want me to stop?" He asks slowly sliding his fingers out from within me.
     "No please continue Brian." I whisper.
     He nods and continues looking at me as he pumps his fingers into me. It felt so good. Why is this my first time? He slides his boxers off still making eye contact with me and slowly rubs his tip against me. He grabs protection from his shirt pocket. Not a great place to put that but whatever. He slides it onto him and slowly pushes into me.
     We both gasp as he begins to slide all of him in me. I had to get used to the size and spread my legs a bit farther. He began going back and forth into me. Beads of sweat form on our bodies as I begin to feel an unusual feeling build up in my stomach.
     "Bri...I'm..close." I manage to belt out.
     "I know love, me too." He mumbles as he grits his teeth. I could feel my walls tighten around him as our bodies began to shake. I try to quietly moan making sure roger next door doesn't hear. We both ride out the excitement as he pulls out.
     He falls next to me, both of us panting from the love we just have to each other. He takes off the rubber and throws it in the close waste basket. I snuggle next to him, our hearts still thumping in our chests.
     "That was amazing." I whisper.
     "I love you so much Izzy." He replies giving me one more passionate kiss before we both fall asleep on top of the covers. I loved this man with all my heart. I never wanted to lose him.

Next Day

     I wake up with an abnormal headache. I feel sick to my stomach as I slowly wake up.
     I try to sit up and look over at Brian, he's naked and I'm in only a bra. Images of what we did last night flashed in my brain. I smiled and got up to go to the bathroom.
     I felt like i was gonna throw up, and that's exactly what I did. I puked to in the bathroom toilet and layer on the bathroom floor, hugging my stomach.
     Suddenly a thought comes into my mind. Did Brian use protection? I don't remember. Shit! What if I'm... no no no no no! I quickly get up and hurry to get dressed.
     I throw my old clothes on and scurry downstairs. I go to the gifts shop and scan the medical section. I find a pregnancy test and pay for it up front. I run back upstairs and open the door. I kick my shoes off and race to the bathroom. Brian is still asleep and hasn't moved an inch.
     I follow the directions and set it on the sink for it to process. If I'm pregnant, my mom would make me get rid of it. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. I should have thought this through
     I hear and knock at the door and see Brian come in with only pants on.
     "Izzy are you  alright?" He pauses and looks at my tears and the test. He gets in and closes the door. He hurry's and sits next to me, holding me as I wait for the results. "I swear I used protection." He whispers.
     "What if it..broke?" I question and look at my watch. The longest 5 minutes of my life have finally passed and I reach over for the test on the sink. We both stare at it, as the screen shows a minus sign. I sigh in relief and dry my tears.
     "Oh god. Brian, I thought that...wait then what made me throw up?" I ask and look up at him.
     "It was probably the alcohol from last night. You have a hangover. I don't know how you managed to even get up." He laughs. I fall into his arms and throw the test in the garbage.
     "I'm not ready to start a family yet." I giggle.
     "Neither am I...yet." He replies and looks down at me, smirking. I knew what he was thinking and slowly shook my head laughing.
     "It's gonna be awhile if you want a small being running around the house." I reply.
     "I can wait." He says. I smile and hold him close.


My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now