Let me Go

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I wake up in a chair. It's dark except for an over head light. There's a camera in front of me and a dark figure sitting in a chair across from me. I try to move, realizing I was tied up. The figure laughed and walked up towards me. I saw it was Lucy.
"You! What do you want from me?!" I yell. She slaps my face leaving a red mark and shutting me up.
"You know exactly what I want. And I won't stop until I get it. Brian wants me I can tell. And I'll be the one taking him to prom." She whispers in my ear. I jerk my head knocking it into hers. She winces in pain then slaps my face again. I wasn't wearing my boots meaning, I couldn't pepper spray her.
"He doesn't want you!! He asked me for a reason!" I yelled at her. I again received another slap. My face was beginning to hurt like hell.
"Now now Izzy. We are going to send a little message to your boyfriend. Smile!" I look into the camera with tears in my eyes.
"Hello Brian! Look what I have. Your little Izzy! If you want her back you have to take me to prom and never talk to her agai.."
"No Brian! Don't come for me! Just go with her it's oka.." SLAP! "will you quit doing that!"
I received yet another slap, tears started running down my face at this point.
"Help me..." I whisper as I start to faint from the pain.
"You see Brian!? Be my boyfriend and we won't have to ever deal with her again, okay? Bye! I Love you!" She presses stop and takes the tape out.
I watch as she goes up to my ear with the tape in her hand.
"Look what he'll be receiving today. Night night hon."
And with that, she walks out and locks the door. I fall into a deep sleep, not caring anymore.

Brian POV
I wait by the street sign like usual. It's 7:45 and she's not here yet.
'I guess she's sick or something.'
Not wanting to be late, I begin to walk alone, missing her loving presence.
As I open my locker, a tape falls out. I pick it up and wonder why the hell someone would give this to me. Skipping first period, I go to the vacant science lab that's under construction from a science project fail.
It's dark. I go to the tv and turn it on, sliding the tape in and watching as the screen lights up. Suddenly before my eyes, Izzy is there. She's in a chair with scratches on her cheek and tears down her face. I drop my jaw at the horrific sight.
Hello Brian look what I have.


'Why would she do this? All because I'm not going to prom with her?' I continue watching the screen to see what happens next.
Brian, don't come for me. Just go with her it's okay.
Suddenly tears start pouring out of my eyes as Lucy slaps Izzy across the face really hard. It was if I could feel her pain.

Help me...

The screen goes black. I rewind it as I notice something. 'Is that a shovel behind her? and right next to it , is that a bucket saying "school property."'

I knew exactly where she was.

     I take the tape out and shove it in my bag before racing out of the building towards the track field. I make my way towards the equipment shed and notice it's locked.
Looking around for something, I find a big rock before smashing the lock in two. The door opens and there in the middle of the room is Izzy tied to a chair, passed out. 'Oh, my love. What has she done to you?'
I hurry in and begin untying her. She falls forward but I catch her before carrying her bridal style towards the nearby benches.
I lie her down on her back and see all the scratches across her face.
"Izzy! Please wake up!" I yell, lightly shaking her shoulders. I begin to cry as I hold her hand that felt so lifeless in mine.
Just then her finger twitches and she begins to cough.
"Bri..Brian? What, what am I doing here? Wait?!" She shoots up and crawls off the bench but immediately sits back down and holds her head.

Izzy's POV

I sit down from my headache. I look around and then at Brian. He was crying. 'Oh my god.' His beautiful eyes continued producing tears as I started to tear up too and crawl into his arms.
"Lucy she...she tried to get you to.." 'she's insane.'
"I know I know...it's alright. Your safe. If you were gone I would never be the same." He cried into my shirt, holding me close to him.
"I love you Brian." I say not caring what he thought.
"I love you too Izzy." He says giving me a kiss on the cheek.
At this point I didn't want to do anything but stay in his arms. I hear sirens and police cars begin to pull up in the gravel.
Brian and I stand up and make our way to them before telling them everything. Brian gave them the tape and they arrested Lucy, for child endangerment since she was 18 and I was 17, making me a minor.
My mom came to school crying as I ran up to her. She held me so tight, I held her tighter. She looked up to Brian standing there and crying as well.
"Thank you for saving my daughter." She whispers pulling him into a hug.

The rest of the day was a blur. I mostly stayed with Brian the entire time. My mom and I offered him to stay over to comfort me. He agreed and slept next to me in my bed. Nothing happened, although I sorta wish it did.
I currently lay next to him, holding him close to me and my trembling body. I was too scared to sleep. My whole figure ached and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Brian held me close and would gently rub my back to sooth my pulse.
I quickly fell asleep knowing he was next to me and would never leave my side. I loved him so much. I would never leave him for any reason and I know he would do the same.

At least, that's what I thought.

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now