The Incident

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     We are now in Las Vegas, Nevada. We've been on tour for 2 weeks now. It's exhausting but each place we visit gets better and more exciting than the last.
     America is so unique and fun. I've lost about half of my usual sleep and am now wishing I was back in school.
     We are half way done til we can go back home to London and finish our schooling. I am sitting on the tour bus, hauling drums into the vehicle.
     "Is it just me or did these drums get heavier." I pant as I carefully set the bass drum in the bus.
     "It's just you." Roger laughs as he sets his cymbals on a nice cushioned platform. He wipes his sweaty forehead from the recent performance and closes the truck.
     "Then I guess I've just gotten weaker throughout this long tour." I say cracking my sore back.
     He lets out a small laugh and motions me to the van. I follow him to the other part of the group.
     "Sorry we took so long. Izzy here can't carry 4 bloody drums without stopping 5 times." He laughs pointing behind to me.
     "Oh piss off!" I reply, roiling my eyes at his teasing. He can really tick me off sometimes.
     I take a seat next to Brian as the van drives towards the hotel.
     "I'd like to treat all of you to a drink at the nearest bar. Who's in?" Roger announces.
     "I could use a drink." I reply leaning back against my seat.
     "Me too," They all reply, laughing afterwards.
     "Excuse me? Could you drop us off at the nearest pub?" Roger shouts to the front of the van.
     "Of course sir." Our driver replies as he pulls over to a nice looking bar with outdoor lights and drunk citizens roaming the entrance.
We all get out with Roger behind me and a wide smirk spread across his face.
We all sit at a table and order some beers. Dom and I on the other hand order some shots to ease the tour stress within our aching bodies.
"Wow now Izzy. You sure you can handle hard liquor?" Roger questions smiling a pearly grin.
"Shut It Taylor. I need something a bit more hard tonight if I'm gonna survive the rest of this tour." I reply leaning back in my chair with a long sigh.
He lets out a small laugh in return. We all begin to talk until our drinks come.
"IDs please." The waitress demands holding her hand out. We all pull out our IDs and band them to her. She looks at each and every one of them. "Britain, huh?" She notices the birthplaces.
"Yep. Good old London." Mary replies, showing off her classy British accent.
"Very unique. Enjoy your drinks." She hands us back our identifications as we all begin to get wasted.
     Dom and I start with 2 shots just to warm up for the many to come. Brian, Freddie, Roger, and Veronica go for beers while Marg settles for a margarita.
     I start to slightly cough. "God. American liquor isn't as strong as I thought it was. It's actually more bitter." I comment and continue to let out small coughs.
     "That's cause they don't make it like they do in England, Darling. It's just cheaper and crappier here." He says as he begins to light a cigarette.
     "God this margarita is so dull." Mary says as she takes a sip of the colored drink.
     "I already miss London." V comments taking a small sip of her beer.
     I turn towards Dominque with a small smile spread across my lips.
     "Ready for the first round?" I ask. She smiles an evil grin. I knew we wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.
     "I cannot wait to carry you to the hotel room at 1 am." Brian responds taking a long drink of his alcohol.
     I motion my hand to the waitress walking by. "Could we get a round of shots?" I demand.
     "Of course. I'll be right back with them." She responds and head to the bar.
     I could already feel the previous alcohol begin to run through my veins causing my energy to kick in a bit.
     Our next round arrives and immediately Dom and I start to shoot it.
     I grab my last shot and hold it up. "Here's to 2 more weeks til we'll be back in London." I toast probably slurring my words.
     They all raise their glasses with their drunk coordinations and toast with me.
     "Freddie dear? Do you have a light?" Mary asks as she pulls out a cigarette from her purse and puts it in between her small lips.
     "Of course darling." He responds and pulls out a lighter from his pocket, lighting the weed.
     A cloud of smoke and the smell of alcohol hangs in a cloud around us as we drink the night away.
     I'm on my third round and should probably stop, but I'm not gonna since I'm not in the right state of mind and don't give a shit about anything right now.
     "I..I have to go to the loo." I slur and clumsily get up and stumble to the one room bathroom. It's quite big to be honest.
     I look into the mirror and see the disaster I've caused. My hair was a mess. The curls weren't even waves anymore. My makeup was slightly smeared on either end. There was even small splats of whiskey that missed my mouth and had fallen out my top.
     I run the water and splash my face with the warm liquid. I wipe off my makeup with a paper towel and toss it in the wastebasket. I was just about to reapply on when I see the door open from the mirror reflection.
     I turn to see Roger coming into the small bathroom. He smiles at me then closes the door behind him.
     I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows in confusion.
     "Roger what are you.." But before I could finish my sentence I feel his lips crash onto mine. My eyes grow large as he tangled his hands in my hair as he deepens the kiss while I just stand there in complete shock.
     I suddenly snap back into reality and push him away from me making him almost fall from the walls impact.
     "What the bloody hell?! What are you doing?" I yell stepping away from him and grabbing my things.
     "Oh come on, no one will ever find out." He slurs, slowly walking towards me and touching my waist.
     "Roger please stop." I politely ask as I lightly shove his hands away from me.
     He begins to kiss my neck, throwing me off at what I was trying to do.
     "Mmmm your so beautiful, Izzy." He whispers into my ear.
     I push him away once more and grab him by the collar.
     "Roger Meddows Taylor, if you tell what happens in this restroom, you'll never see the light of day again." I threaten in a low tone and release his shirt. I open the door and quickly walk back to our table.
     I grab my coat and begin to head outside before Brian stops me.
     "Hey hey, what's wrong love?" He asks, his voice sounding full of concern. I don't make eye contact with him and continue to put my coat on.
     "Lets go. I'm ready to go back to the hotel." I mutter back, quickly walking out the door just as Roger appears to be coming towards the table.
     I get into the van and sit all the way in the back towards the window. I didn't want to speak to anyone at the moment. How could he do that. I just cheated on my boyfriend with his best friend. No, no you didn't. He kissed you first. Yeah, but you let it happen. How could you? Tears begin to swell up in my eyes as my thoughts get the worst of me.
     Brian hurries into the van after me, sitting down right beside me. He wraps an arm around me and hugs me tightly.
     "Love, what happened?" He whispers into my ear. The memory of Roger whispering in my ear came to mind making me push Brian our of my grasp.
     His face expression turns into complete shock at what I had just done.
     "Brian...I .." I couldn't speak. The words wouldn't come out like Roger was holding his hand over my mouth to keep me from saying anything.
     I burst into tears and fall into his open arms. He's in such confusion at this point as I continue to cry in his arms.
     "Izzy...please tell what's wrong." He mumbles wrapping his arms around me.
     "I can..can't." I manage to get out.
     "And why's that dear?" He asks while stroking my hair.
     "Be..because." I was interrupted by the R.V doors opening and the rest of the crew filling in. I catch a glimpse of roger and jerk my head the other way.
     I feel Brian's body shift forward to the curtain that separates the small space in the back in which we were in. He leans back again and continues to stroke my hair.
     "You can tell me when we get to the hotel." That gave me more time to think about how I was gonna tell him. I..I can't tell him. He'll break up with me and the rest of the tour will be so awkward.
     The thoughts continued to swarm around my head like pesky flies feeding off my brain energy. I had to tell him. I'd rather him know the truth now than later. Even though it was my fault. I should have prevented this from happening.
     He was trying to get this to occur. He got me drunk on purpose, so he could use me to his advantage. I knew he still kinda liked me but I wouldn't have guess that he'd go this far. I should've known, god I'm an idiot.
     We arrive at the hotel and I get out of the vehicle as quickly as possible without knocking myself over.
     Brian and I waked into the hotel to our room. As we entered I quickly kick off my heels and slump onto the bed with my face in my palms.
     I feel the bed shift as Brian sits next me, rubbing my back.
     "You gonna tell me what happened?" He whispers continuing to try and calm me down.
     "Ro..Roger.. came into." I take a deep breath and swallow all my guilt. "the bathroom...and..k.kissed me." I begin to cry my eyes out again as Brian stops rubbing my back and stares at me in shock.
     "He...what?!" He begins to raise his voice and stands up, rubbing his confused mind.
     "I swear...I didn't do anything. It was all his doing. I tried to push him away but he kept touching..." I was stopped by a kiss on my lips and hot tears falling onto my hands gathered in my lap. I open my eyes and see Brian crying.
     "Don't say anymore. That bastard. We are gonna take care of this, I promise." He whispers and holds my shaking face.
     " not mad?" I mumble as I wipe my tears away.
     "Why would I?"
     "Because, I thought you'd think I kissed him back when I didn't." I reply, wiping his tears away from his hot cheeks.
     "Never. I know you'd never do such a thing." He says kissing me again.
      What a shit show. What am I gonna do?

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now