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     He drives me in my car to a coffee shop. It's very quite and I look out the window the entire time, avoiding his worried eyes.  We arrive at a small bakery and get out of the car. We walk inside and find a small table.
     We order our drinks and sit in silence. Dried tears were pierced to my face making me look even more hideous. I continue to look away from him until he glanced and me, folding his hands on the table, leaning in close.
     "When did you start disliking yourself?" He asks. I wait a few seconds then look at him. I turn my body towards him and look into his beautiful brown eyes.
     "Ever since Peter said I was. I began stress eating and I never lost the weight. I used to be beautiful, I'm gradually losing the extra pounds, but it's been a slow process so far." I reply. He looks down at his hands and back up at me.
     "What are you doing to lose this extra weight?"
     "Mostly eating less, working out, walking a lot. I rarely use my car anymore. I usually skip breakfast. It's working so far, but the scars will always remain." I reply again.
He looks down and blinks back tears. It was heartbreaking to see him cry over my flaws. I don't want to see him this way.
"Brian...I...I promise." I mumble, grabbing and holding his hand.
He looks up with redden eyes. He raises his eyebrows in confusion.
"I promise to try and love myself again. I won't ever do anything, I'll...I'll do anything to make me stop, but please don't cry, that breaks my heart even more.
He wipes his eyes with his sleeve. He looks up to me and smile. I smile back. Suddenly a group of boys dressed in wild clothes and sunglasses enter the shop making me and Brian glance. It was the band. The look around until their eyes meet ours.
The walk up us as if they're in some rush. Roger goes and pats Brian on shoulder
"Come on pretty boy, we got an album to record." He says taking his sunglasses off.
"This really isn't a good time guys" he replies motioning to me.
"Don't worry darling, Izzy can come along as well." Freddie offers gesturing his hands in a dramatic way.
"No guys this REALLY isn't a good ti..."
"It's ok Brian. You can go, I'll just drive myself home." I say getting up and flashing him a quick smile.
"Don't be ridiculous darling your coming with us." Freddie shouts, and suddenly picks me up over his shoulder. He walks out of the bakery to their conferable.
"Freddie Mercury! But me down this instant." My cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
He sets me down in the car. He's really strong to be able to hold someone like me. I look over to Brian running out of the bakery, along with John and Roger.
"Freddie what the bloody hell!" Brian, following Freddie.
"Come on darlings. We have an album to record." He claps his hands above his head.
John and Roger strut to the car waiting for Brian who continued to stand there, confused.
"Brian get in the bloody car." Roger demands motioning him to the car. I sit there and look down at my twirling thumbs. This was so embarrassing. I don't want to see them record. I mean I do but with the place Brian and I are at right now, I don't think it's a good idea.
He looks at me than at Roger, than surrenders his hands.
"Alright Alright. I'm coming." He gets in and sits right next to me which honestly be better than having flirtatious Roger next to me.
The whole car ride was silent even when "Keep Yourself Alive" came on the radio. No one said anything. Brian was tapping his foot while I was looking out the window. Rog and Deaky kept doing hand signals, trying to not break the silence, and Freddie kept looking at us through the rear view mirror, even turning around on occasion.
"Since when have you two been so quite around each other?" He asks looking at me through the rear view.
We look at each other in silence.
"It's nothing Freddie. Just not on the mood for talking I guess." I reply facing the window.
Freddie slams the breaks making all of us launch forward. I hit my head on the back of Freddie's seat.
"What the bloody hell!" We all yell. He looks back and points at me and Brian.
"Something's wrong." He mumbles, cars honking their horns as the swerve us, trying to avoid an accident.
"So what?! Keep driving!" Brian shouts.
"No, if something wasn't wrong you two would be talking so why aren't you?" He asks still cars driving passed us.
"Well I forgave you so I don't see why we aren't talking." I declare looking at Brian.
"Their dating." Roger spits out. We all look at him as he forms a evil smirk on his face.
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" I ask rubbing my sore head.
Roger points to our rings. We both look at him, pleading mentally that he wouldn't say anything more.
"Look at those promise rings. Only couples wear those." He laughs.
"Piss off Roger Meddows Taylor." Brian yells.
"Is this what's been going on? You two are too afraid to date?" Freddie questions looking at me.
"Well we aren't exactly dating." I declare.
I see Brian out of the corner of my eye as he looks down at his hands. Did he think we were dating? I thought it was a friend thing.
"Have you two snogged?" Roger questions.
We both look away, blushing.
"No way!! Izzy dear tell me all the details. Did you two make love?" He asks suddenly looking so interested.
"Freddie Mercury!!" I yell. I open the door and get out of the car walking away. I hear Brian yelling at Freddie as I got farther and farther away from them. I suddenly hear footsteps running towards me. I turn to see Brian and the car about 10 feet away. They were all looking at me.
"Izzy I'm so sorry about him..."
"No Brian. I'm sorry. I've been ignoring you for no reason but your beautiful gestures and voice are making me go mad. I was mad at my past and I don't want to be. Brian...will you be my boyfriend?" He looks shocked and his jaw drops. I see the others snicker some words to each other. I look back up to him and his lips spread into a smile.
I grab his neck and pull him into a kiss. Our mouths move in rhythm as our hands get caught into each other's hair. I could hear whistles and shouts coming from the car. I smile and separate from him.
"Well?" I ask holding his hands. He smiles and kisses me again. He then whispers into my mouth yes. "Oh sorry I couldn't hear you." I joke parting from his pink lips.
"I said...yes!" He yells so the boys hear it. They go mad in the car with whistles and clapping from all over the place.
"I know I just wanted to make sure." I wink. He smiles then picks me up bridal style towards the car.
"Brian May! What is with people picking me up?" I say I lay in his arms.
"Your extremely light and your reaction is priceless." He whispers in my ear. I blush as he calls me light.
He sets me down in my seat and climbs in next to me. I lean against and hold his hand. I bring it to my lips and place a kiss.
"Well now that that's been taken care of." Roger comments.
"Let's go record!" Freddie states the engine and drives toward the studio. I let a sigh of relief as if a heavy load has been lifted off my shoulders. He turns and kisses me on my head.
"I love you." I whisper to him.
"Good lord Freddie now they're all over each other. Way to go." Roger states, shaking his head.
"Funny how love is darling. Ohhhhh that's a good title. Deaky write that down." He demands, pointing to the small man.
"Already on it Fred." He replies writing it down in a small notebook with the initials J.D.
We arrive at the studio and all get out. Brian and I walk towards the doors hand in hand. When I get it I see a large glass box with hundreds of switches and buttons. There are guitars and a drum set in the corner. Wires laid whenever someone stepped. I look around the beautiful room and follow Brian into the box. There's a couch and cigarette trays everywhere. I take a seat and look at all the buttons.
"We will he recording but Freddie will be in here." He says pecking my lips and walking out. "I love you." He whispers than walks to his guitar.
I stand and move towards the sound boards. I was very used to one since I was usually a stage crew member for plays. I look at all the formats they have laid out. A lot of treble. I wave at Brian through the glass as he picks up his red guitar. Freddie walks in and take a seat.
"Please don't touch the board dear. I'm very technical when it comes to perfection." He states.
"I worked for the school play for 4 years. It was my job at the sound board. I know how it works." I reply sitting down next to him. His jaw drops and turns towards Brian at the other side of the room. He press the button to the mic.
"Bri...she's a keeper." He says releasing the button. Brian smiles as he hears the words thrown his head set. He lowers his head to the mic on his guitar.
"I knew that the moment I saw her." His voice echoing through the box. I smile and blow him a kiss.
Roger rolls his eyes and stands towards his cymbal mic.
"Ok love birds, lets get recording." He sits back down at winks at me. I flip the bird and smile. He laughs and John just shakes his head in embarrassment.
Freddie leans towards me as the members tune.
"You get to help me get these little assholes voices perfect." He smiles. I laugh and nod and put a headset on. Freddie presses the button. "You guys ready?" They give thumbs up. "Ok, take 11 on chorus for killer queen." He press play and the tape rolls.
They began playing a great tune. It was wasn't hard but it wasn't soft. It was like a nice rock beat. I nod my head and listen in, I place my finger on the tenor and slide the peg up a bit. I listen to the bass guitar plucking away and Brian playing his beautiful part. I lower the bass, that kick drum was killing my ears. Freddie raises the treble a bit and I continue to lower the bass a little bit. The cymbal bounces in my ear, allowing me to lower the pitch a bit.
Freddie looks over to me slightly closing my eyes and nodding to the beat. I shake my head and raise the amp. Brian does his little solo and it sounded absolutely beautiful, I turn up the filter and envelope. I lightly lower the speed and bring down the pitch a bit more. He listens presses stop. He then proceeds to throwing his headset off and press the mic button.
"This girl is amazing! You guys sound absolutely brilliant!" I smile and Brian winks towards me. Roger give him a glare then rolls his eyes. Jealous much?

We played for hours. They would sing and I would be in the box fixing all that needed to be fixed. It was like working with magic. I felt like a witch mixing different musical sounds to make something absolutely brilliant. The song killer queen was stuck in my head the entire time. I stretch and walk into the room. They are discussing or should I say yelling about some stuff. When I say they I mean Brian and Roger.
"Your not good enough for her she deserves a real man!" Roger yells. They don't seem to see me come in, I walk over to John and Freddie and plop down next to them.
"I've never heard them fight over a girl like this." Freddie smiles and looks at me.
I blush and just listen to them argue.
"She clearly picked me over you Rog. Deal with it. Plus I've known her much longer."
"So! She doesn't deserve sooner who doesn't take care of her!"
They go on and on. I sigh and get up. I slowly walk in between them and they grow silent. I look at them both and burst out laughing.
Freddie and John start laughing too as the two boys' faces become bright tomato's. I hug my stomach as I laugh some more. They were so ridiculous fighting over something with no value.
"Izzy What seems to be so funny?" Brian asks crossing his arms.
"You...haha..two sound like...ha... a bunch of dramatic girls!" I burst into tears and fall on the floor. Freddie and John are still laughing their heads off.
Roger and Brian glance at each other and smile. They too begin laughing as Brian picks up my arm and pulls me off the floor.
"Roger.. don't fight over me. I'm not gonna date you and you know that. So just let it go." He seems a bit disappointed but shrugs.
"Oh well worth a shot." He comments and packs his things.
We all pack up and head for the car. It was dark now as we drove to a bar to get a bit excited for the upcoming album. I lean against Brian and smell his aroma. I was the happiest I've ever been in all my life. Brian was mine, the band was great, my mom was great, school was great, what can possible go wrong?

My Love, Brian MayWhere stories live. Discover now