Chapter 2| Secrets Out

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Previously on Welcome Back

"What even is this place" Harry snapped

Ron started to answer but couldn't since Fred and George apparated in to their room and said "The Order Of the DAM Phoenix"

Harry rolled his eyes and said


Harry rolled his eyes and started to say something but Fred interrupted him with saying "We heard you down the hall, its better to let it all out"

Harry was about to reply when he was cut off once again by Mrs Weasley coming inside the door and cheerfully saying "Dinner's ready"

Harry nodded and then headed down the door, followed by Ron and Hermione.

When Harry got downstairs he was met by Sirius in the doorway

"Sirius" Harry happily said and ran towards him, he winced a little when Sirius clapped his back since that stung

"Harry? You okay?" Sirius asked concernedly now noticing the bruise on Harry's face.

"Fine" Harry breathed feeling a little giddy because Sirius clapped him hard, Just then Ron ran past him which led to Harry's head accidentally (lightly) hitting the side of the door.

"sorry mate" Ron apologized

"Its fine" Harry whispered but he was feeling really dizzy now, was it him or was the room spinning, He heard someone call his name, he tried to reply the next thing he knew was falling in someone's arms and then seeing darkness right before thinking that now they knew his secret.

At Dumbledore's office

James and Lily had walked all the way to Hogwarts and were now standing outside Dumbledore's office, they were both trying to guess the password.

"Jelly slugs?" Asked James

"Cockroach Clusters?" Suggested Lily but the gargoyle didn't move

"You know the funny thing, I'm really craving acid pops right now," said Lily and the gargoyle stepped aside

James laughed and Lily rolled her eyes and they both went upstairs. They knocked on the door and went in on the sound of someone saying "come in"

James and Lily both went into his office and were met by a Dumbledore who was working at his desk. When Dumbledore stood up he immediately got his wand and held it to them

"Who are you?" Dumbledore asked

Lily noticed how tired Dumbledore was and then said "Professor, I really don't know how this happened, one minute we were dead and the next we came to life, you can test us with veritaserum if you want"

Dumbledore started muttering a few words to himself which Lily could make out only pieces of which sounded like "is possible" "graveyard" "rare" "old charm"

In the end, Dumbledore decided to test them with veritaserum. He went over to Lily first and Lily took a spoonful of the potion.

"What is your name?" Dumbledore asked

"Lily Potter" she answered

"What's your biggest secret?" He asked with bated breath

"I was the first one Remus told about him being a werewolf, I used to stash chocolate under my robes and used to give it to him," Lily said as if she was reading off a piece of paper

Dumbledore was satisfied, Then he gave a spoonful of the potion to James and Dumbledore asked him questions

"your name?" Dumbledore asked

"James Potter" he answered

"Biggest secret?"

"I'm an unregistered animagus"

Dumbledore was satisfied with the both of them, he gave them both a potion that would get rid of the veritaserum effects, they both drank it and became themselves again.

"How are we back to life?" Lily asked while James asked, "Is Harry a quidditch player if he is alive?" At the same time

Dumbledore chuckled and then said "to answer Mrs. Potters question ("please call me Lily") Harry was in the Triwizard tournament and while he was there a charm was activated, its a rare charm but it brought the 2 of you to life, As for James's question Harry was the youngest seeker in a century for Gryffindor"

James punched his fist in the air for celebration while Lily wondered why she ever married him.

"When can we see him?" Lily asked, as soon as she asked a dog Patronus came in the room which James recognized as Sirius's. It said "Harry's is ill, he was abused by the Dursley's, Laura is looking at him right now"

(Laura is an OC, she is a small one, she is a healer who is also in the order)

"YOU SENT HIM TO THE DURSLEY'S?" James asked angrily while Lily was shocked her sister would let Harry get abused

a/n here is another chapter y'all thank u so much for reading, I really appreciate u all, u know tht, I am open for ideas and suggestions for the next chapter and yea, I'm really tired and wont bore u with a long a/n


Ps what do u want to see in this book?

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