Chapter 10| 2nd Year

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Previously on Welcome Back

Then they were all transported out of Harry's memories when Harry said: "Year 1, The least dangerous one" as everyone groaned.


"Can we please go eat lunch?" Ron asked startling everyone since they forgot that he was still there with Hermione

"I am hungry too" Harry said voicing his stomachs opinion

"Fine we will go eat lunch but you will show me the rest of your memories after we are done," Lily said sternly

"Yes Professor McGonagall," Harry said before running off with Ron and Hermione as Lily scowled while the men were stifling their laughs.

Lunch was a pleasant event. There was a lot of chatter. Ron talking to James, Hermione talking to Lily, and Harry talking to Sirius and Remus. Lily served a steak with mashed potatoes which was delicious.

After lunch, the plates cleared themselves away when Lily swished her wand. After that, she turned to Harry and said "I want to see the rest of your memories"

Harry sighed and nodded and the charm was cast again, and they all found themselves in Harry's mind. The memory started with Harry being sent to his room while the men were gagging when Dudley was being fussed over on what a gentleman he was.

They laughed when they saw Dobby banging his head when Harry asked him to sit down and were gritting their teeth when Vernon beat Harry up for what Dobby did.

Sirius and James pretended wiping tears of joy from their faces when Harry and Ron decided to fly the car to Hogwarts while Lily looked like she was going to kill them.

Remus was startled when he saw who the DADA teacher was and shook his head disapprovingly.

"Blimey Mate, sorry for not believing you when you talked about those voices" Ron apologized after they heard the terrifying basilisk saying. "Rip... tear... kill"

Harry just mentally shook it off and Ron was grateful for that.

They all watched with bated breath (except for Ron and Harry) as the two entered the chamber of secrets alone

"This Ginny must be a lucky lady if two dashing men are entering the chamber to save her" James joked trying to lighten the mood

Harry just mentally blushed while Ron mumbled something alone the lines of "She's my sister"

They cheered when they watched Lockhart's memory charm backfired and hit him instead.

"Your broken wand came into use eh Ron?" Teased Sirius

"Stupid bloke," Remus said

Then they both shut up since Voldemort was talking to Harry

"Funny old man Dumbledore is," Sirius remarked as he saw Fawkes and the Sorting Hat appear but he took back his words when Harry pulled out the sword of Godric Gryffindor and watched in awe along with everyone else.

Then they watched as Harry defeated Voldemort and went out of the chamber. Then they got transported out of Harry's memories and Sirius said: "Kid, I don't know how you constantly find yourself in danger"

Harry, Hermione and Ron looked at each other and then replied with a smirk "We don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds us"

a/n hey guys (laughs nervously) yea ik this is really cruddy and short but I didn't have the chamber of secrets pdf saved on my computer so I couldn't take text from the book and put it in this chapter, however, I do have POA so hopefully the next chapter will be good. I am posting this early in hope of u not getting mad at me

CLICK THE STAR IF THE WATTPAD UPDATE IS WEIRD and if you don't want me to kill Sirius


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