Chapter 46| Harry's Birthday

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Previously on Welcome Back

When Hermione went away to call everyone else Lily noticed Harry staring at the food.

"What's wrong honey?" Lily asked watching Harry

"Never had Chinese food. I was always starved, and by the time I got to Hogwarts I couldn't eat much without throwing up." Harry confessed, he then turned to his mother and gave her a hug "I know that you have been slipping a potion in my food to help my diet, to make sure my body can digest food without throwing up"

Lily hugged her son back and said: "That's what mothers do."

Harry then went to sit at the table while everyone else came and sat down and ate with jokes being made and stories being told. It was yet again, a perfect day


The next few days seemed to fly by for everyone and soon enough it was Harry's birthday. The preparations were all secret. Harry knew nothing of the cake that was shaped like a Quidditch field that Lily was making, or of the fact that James and Sirius were trying to transfigure chairs into brooms so that they could eat their meal in the sky with a few cushioning charms and such.

The day after was Harry's birthday. Everything for his party was in place. From food to decorations, everything was ready.

Lily had bewitched the room in which the party was held to look dark and bleary to Harry instead of bright and colorful with all the decorations, so whenever Harry stumbled on the room he saw repairs going on instead of banners being hung.

Harry offered to help but whenever he asked to help the person who he was spending time with pulled him away saying "no, it's fine."

Harry was always confused because this had happened twice but he shook it off both times.

Finally, the day had arrived and Lily took off the charm and made the room look like a party room which they had been preparing for all week.

On Harry's birthday, Everyone pretended to forget Harry's birthday. It didn't work really well because it seemed that Harry himself forgot his birthday.

However, no one wanted to arouse Harry's suspicion so they didn't bring up the subject of his birthday at all over breakfast.

After breakfast, everyone rushed to the party room and temporarily charmed the walls to disappear so that they could celebrate outside. Once that was done they called Ron who was distracting Harry, Ron rushed over to Harry's party room while Harry was in the bathroom.

Once everyone hid they waited to hear the click of the bathroom door right across the hall that would tell them that Harry had come out of the bathroom.

Once they heard the door click Lily called Harry saying "Harry dear, could you please come over to the room at the end of the hall? I need some help."

Lily then heard Harry answer "coming mum" and hid.

Once Harry had gone into the room and everyone had heard his footsteps, they turned on the lights, jumped, and yelled 'SURPRISE!!!'

Harry was taken back but a smile soon replaced his face filled with shock.

"You remembered, even when I didn't," Harry said happily

Lily walked over to Harry and hugged him and said: "of course we do, we love you remember."

Harry hugged back and then everyone joined in for a group hug.

After that, they all felt that Harry should open his presents first.

After a huge mound of wrapping paper lay forgotten on the floor, Harry found out that he had gotten;

Several books on defense from Remus and Sirius

A wand holder from Lily

A new broom service kit from James who get a newer version than the one he got from Hermione

A few books on Quidditch from Hermione "I thought you would like them" Hermione said when Harry opened it and Harry replied with a hug

Top of the line Weasley Wizards Wheezes products. "We have been developing these. These are perfectly safe but we haven't introduced them to our customers" George told Harry and Harry smiled his thanks

Ron and Ginny had combined their money and had gotten Harry a set of Quidditch balls.
"They aren't as good as the ones we had seen but these are a bit better than the school ones. Ginny and I thought that it would be better to get you something nice together" Ron said sheepishly and Harry hugged his friend.

After opening a few cards and gifts that he got from other Order members Lily brought out the cake.

Harry stared in awe at the snitch cake Lily had made. When the cake was cut after Happy Birthday was sung and the candles were blown. The cake showed to be a red velvet cake with buttercream frosting.

"So, how is it?" Lily asked once everyone had taken a bite and was answered by a round of amazing's, best cake ever's, I love it's, and Thank You's

After the cake, they all decided to play a bit of Quidditch before going to eat lunch. They stayed in the same teams and Harry's team won again! After Quidditch, they all ate and drank and by that time the other Weasleys had come and wished Harry and celebrated with him.

For Harry, this was the best birthday ever

IMPORTANT: Before i get to the other a/n, I wanted to ask how many of you would be interested in a time travelling fanfic, and if you want harry to be abused in that one too. I know whos gonna be there and what generation is going to time travel, just wanted to know if you want harry to be abused there too. If i get at least six people comment yea, ill write it after this... And yea

a/n: so tired... sorry, hi guys, how are you all? I am really tired which is the reason why I haven't posted any good chapters. I am thinking to make the next one in Hogwarts skip to the end of summer. How about it? Anyways gtg bye!! Thanks for reading!!


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