Chapter 32| Order of the Phoenix

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Previously on Welcome Back

Dear Hermione and Ron,

I know that you are probably together at this point so I'm going to write one letter and send it to the Burrow. I am fine. Mum finally stopped forcing me to stop in bed. You guys can definitely come. Does 4:00 pm work? Sirius wants to talk to Mrs. Weasley about something as well so ask her to come over as well


Harry then re-read the letter and then sent Hedwig off with it pleased that he would be able to have some fun today.


Harry then chose a change of clothes, a white shirt, and black jeans, and showered. After showering he went downstairs and looked at the time, he still had an hour until Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George would arrive. Harry decided to go downstairs and listen to his parents, Sirius, and Remus talk about the plans for today at the ministry. He headed into the dining room and sat down on the couch right beside his mum.

"So Prongs, what do you plan to do after this?" Remus asked James

"I was thinking to go back to being an Auror again after Sirius' trial," James said thoughtfully

"I was honestly thinking the same thing, I want to help in the war. The ministry may be corrupted but they still need someone to go after deatheaters" Sirius said seriously

"I don't know about me. I don't think I'm suited to be an Auror again" Remus said thinking back to the days when the 3 of them used to be Aurors.

"I am going to go into Auror training and hopefully become one" Lily declared.

"I'm pretty sure you both will be amazing as Aurors. Moony you were a really good Auror last time around and Lily couldn't be one because of Harry and she wasn't safe because she was a muggle before our marriage" James explained

"Wait... all three of you were Aurors?" Harry asked surprised since no one had told him that before.

"yea, we urged Peter to join too but he said he was 'to scared'" Sirius said with venom in his voice

Remus noticed the hate in Sirius' voice and noticed the look on James' face and wisely decided to change the subject. He hated the rat but getting mad at him would be fruitless at this point.

"So, Harry, what are your future plans?" Remus asked as a change of subject.

Harry ran his hand through his hair and answered "I don't know yet. My main options are Auror or professional quidditch player for now, but I don't know yet." Harry confessed

Remus smiled at him and answered "Its fine, none of us had any idea what to go after until after our NEWTS."

"Yea, Moony was driving us crazy! Always pestering us to figure something out when he had no idea himself" James said and chuckled

"The only reason I knew what to do was because of James' father," Sirius told him

"What does my grandfather have to do with this?" Harry asked curiously

"Sirius moved in with me and my family after our sixth year," James told him

"Yea, my family was a dark bunch as you can tell by this house. They weren't as bad as the Dursley's, but they were still bad" Sirius confessed silently

Harry looked at Sirius with awe. He didn't know that Sirius had gone through the same thing as him! He was shocked. Before he could say anything Lily changed the subject seeing Sirius' discomfort

"Harry, we want to talk to you about something important. It's a secret and no one is to know about it. But you can explain it to Hermione and the Weasleys." Lily started the conversation that they all wanted to have with Harry

"What exactly is this?" Harry asked his curiousness levels peaking

"Its a secret organization founded by Dumbledore during the first wizarding war. Its called Order of The Phoenix and its purpose is to destroy Voldemort and his followers." Lily explained

"So what is the organization doing right now?" Harry asked

"We haven't gotten it back together yet. That's why we asked Molly to come over today. She and Arthur are a part of it as well as Tonks, Mad-Eye, Kingsley and a bunch of others." James told him

"We are going to tell you what the Order is doing but we are not going to tell you everything," Remus told him sternly

Harry agreed immediately since he knew they wouldn't budge even if he tried to convince them. Harry was going to ask a question then but the floo roared announcing the arrival of the Weasleys and Hermione.

Harry looked at his parents and James said "go on, we will tell you the rest afterwards. Just tell Molly to come in here"
Harry nodded and headed off to the fireplace to greet his guests.

a/n: heyo, wassup? I actually posted on time. YAY!! I think this book will be longer than prongslet but idk rn. I have to go now so BYE!!!! Feedback? Suggestions? Leave them here. Thank u, u guys r amazing

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