Chapter 27| Joking Around

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Previously on Welcome Back

James nodded and said "yea, I completely forgot with taking care of my Prongslet and grasping the concept that I am back to life. I will contact Dumbledore tomorrow and ask him when we could hold the trial"

Sirius's eyes widened at that, he knew in the back of his head that he would be free when James had come back to life but he couldn't believe that it would be so soon! He kind of got tired of constantly using his animagus form to travel anywhere, like when he stayed at the hospital for Harry, he went in as Padfoot and with a couple of disillusionment charms, he managed to stay at the hospital lobby without anyone questioning him.

Sirius looked around the room and smiled, he was going to be a free man


The rest of the day was spent planning Sirius's trial and what his plans would be if he were freed

"well, I was thinking that I actually get this place cleaned up and move here, I want to reapply to the DMLE but other than that I have no idea," Sirius confessed

"yea, I think that I want to become an Auror again too," James said thoughtfully "I want to help take Voldemort down. Besides, the public hasn't seen much of us" James suddenly said his face lighting up "Imagine all the attention we'll get"

Harry groaned "I have much more than I want already, everywhere I go someones staring at my scar, or just looking at me strangely because I'm the stupid 'boy who lived' or 'the chosen one' or whatever they are calling me these days"

"Undesirable no 1" Sirius supplied with a grin

Harry rolled his eyes and said "thanks a lot Padfoot"

Sirius ruffled Harry's hair and said "anytime pup"

Remus rolled his eyes wondering how he got such immature friends

Lily sighed at the boy's idiotic antics and said "It must be so annoying, these reporters just never leave you alone, I remember there was this girl a year below me. Her name was like Rita Skeeter or something. She kept prying into other peoples business. Oh how I hated her" Lily shuddered at the thought of Rita

"yea, she's still here," Harry told her

"Please don't tell me she works for the Daily Prophet" Lily pleaded

When everyone remained silent Lily got her answer

"ugh, she rips everyone's reputation apart" Lily complained

"She does that. You should see the articles she has written about Harry" Sirius said happily

Lily looked furious but gestured him to show her the articles

Sirius went up to his bedroom and got all the clipped out articles he had of the 'Daily Prophet' that made contradicted Harry. He planned on keeping them until Harry was married, and when Harry had kids, he would take out the articles and show it to them.

With a grin on his face, Sirius headed downstairs and showed Lily and James the article.

He sat on an armchair beside Harry. He looked with amusement at Lily's face when she read the articles and could see Remus trying not to laugh.

Lily's face turned Weasley red, James was trying his best to follow Lily's example but was failing horribly because he kept trying his best to no laugh.

Lily noticed this and smacked the back of James' head and said "Look at this article 394, undesirable no 1? How dare they"

"but honey, what can you do about it?" James asked finally bursting out in laughter

"her father will hear about it?" Harry asked mimicking someone's voice

Sirius, Remus, and Harry burst out in laughter, they couldn't keep it in them anymore.

Lily was looking at them disapproving while James was listening to the explanation of that joke

"ooh, you want to hear another one I came up with?" Harry asked eagerly

The Marauder's agreed readily while Lily finally caved in and agreed

"I throw my ferret into the air sometimes, saying ay-oh, this is Draco," Harry said moving his hands up and down.

Everyone started laughing until their sides started to hurt. As the day came to an end and they headed to bed, they all felt that this was a good day

a/n: hey, so I get it, I'm horrible at writing, I'm sorry, but some of u r still reading, y idk, but I'm in class so bye


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