Chapter 26| Frank and Alice Longbottom

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Previously on Welcome Back

Lily smiled and said, "yea, She and Frank were perfect for each other, she is your godmother, what happened to her?"

Harry awkwardly looked around, not liking where the direction this conversation was going towards.

"She and her husband were tortured into insanity by my deranged cousin," Sirius said his voice filled with sadness and hate


Lily felt like someone was constricting her lungs, she was having trouble breathing, everything around her was moving in slow motion. She saw James suddenly getting up and bombarding Sirius with questions but she couldn't hear what he was asking or the answers he was receiving, she tried to speak but her voice failed her. She felt tears burning her face. She got up from the chair she was sitting down on and ran to her room. She heard Harry call her name but she couldn't control herself so she just ran. She reached her room and locked the door behind her.

She sank on the floor and started crying. She couldn't believe that Alice had died. She used to be her best friend at Hogwarts. She was always the one who she went to after James had annoyed her or if she just had a bad day in general.

Lily didn't know how long she was on the floor but she knew she stopped crying when someone knocked on her door. She unlocked and opened it to see Harry limping up to her.

"Who brought you here?" Lily asked worriedly

"no one, they were all too busy downstairs talking" Harry answered

"Then why did you come?" Lily asked trying and failing to sound angry

"I couldn't leave you all alone, I left the moment you ran away but it's hard to walk with this leg" Harry gestured to his leg "besides, your room is really far away, it took me 15 minutes to get here"

Lily frowned but her lip was still quivering. Harry limped over to her and hugged her. When Harry hugged, Lily couldn't stop her tears. She started crying into Harry's shoulder while Harry comforted her.

After a couple of minutes, Lily backed away from Harry when she heard an outcry downstairs calling Harry's name. Lily managed a small smile when she said "We better get downstairs before they think you're kidnapped"

Harry chuckled, "I have an issue of going after trouble"

Lily laughed and agreed, knowing that it was true after seeing his memories. She then helped Harry go downstairs.

When they got downstairs they were met by Sirius and James looking everywhere for Harry including under the sofa while Remus was leaning against a wall smirking at them.

Lily rolled her eyes and then cleared her throat while helping Harry to a sofa

"do you guys think that Harry is a coin? Because it sure looks that way with you guys looking under the sofa" Lily fake scolded

Sirius and James turned around to face her and they looked embarrassed.

"Why weren't you helping us look?" Sirius asked Remus looking annoyed

Remus grinned and said "because I later realized that he snuck off to go see him mum"

Sirius rolled his eyes while James hit the back of Remus's head. Even that, however, couldn't remove the grin from his face because he kept replaying the moment when James and Sirius were looking under the sofa

(I definitely don't think that Sirius and James are that stupid but it makes good comedy)

"are you ok?" James asked noticing the tear lines on his wife's face

Lily nodded her head and went to go sit beside Harry. James smiled and then went to join her.

They talked for a while before Harry suddenly got up and said "We should have a trial as quickly as possible for Sirius"

James nodded and said "yea, I completely forgot with taking care of my Prongslet and grasping the concept that I am back to life. I will contact Dumbledore tomorrow and ask him when we could hold the trial"

Sirius's eyes widened at that, he knew in the back of his head that he would be free when James had come back to life but he couldn't believe that it would be so soon! He kind of got tired of constantly using his animagus form to travel anywhere, like when he stayed at the hospital for Harry, he went in as Padfoot and with a couple of disillusionment charms, he managed to stay at the hospital lobby without anyone questioning him.

Sirius looked around the room and smiled, he was going to be a free man

a/n AY OH, wassup? I released a happy chapter for u all so yea, hope u enjoyed it, thnx so much for reading, and I have to get back to my h.w


this chapter is dedicated to Alice and Frank Longbottom, in my fantasy, u guys get cured

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