Chapter 6| Caught

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Previously on Welcome Back

Remus then came downstairs with a pale face and then said "he's awake"


Lily's face paled and she started to go towards Harry's room. Sirius and James entered the room at that time and saw Lily going towards Harry's room, James didn't know why but he had an instinct that he shouldn't let Lily go to Harry's room. James went forward and grabbed Lily's waist and held her, not letting her move.

"Damn it, POTTER!!" Lily yelled trying to get out of his grasp. (sorry I meant DAM)

"'What happened?" Sirius asked, shocked at the way Lily was behaving

Remus still looking pale replied "He's awake, he looks weak but is awake, he wants the both of us up"

James's face was shocked as well, He wanted to go upstairs but he felt like Harry's health would worsen if he suddenly sees his 'dead' parents.

"Stop, DAMN IT EVANS" James shouted when Lily started clawing him.

Lily finally stopped and said "Evans?"

"yea," James said sheepishly his face turning Weasley red

They were both snapped out of it when Sirius and Remus quickly apologized for them not being able to come and ran upstairs. James thought of putting a disillusionment charm on themselves but decided against it, He wanted to see Harry in tip-top condition when he next saw him. Lily finally stopped struggling, she knew that James had a point, but, he was her son. She sighed and just sat down on the couch.

In Harry's room

Sirius and Remus knocked Harry's door and went in when they heard a voice weakly squeak "come in"

Remus went in followed by a Sirius who didn't know how to feel. When they went in they saw Harry lay down on his bed with a 'pirate' patch on his eye where it was bruised.

"How are you feeling pup?" Sirius asked sitting down

"pup?" Harry asked smiling

Sirius smiled seeing Harry smile and then said "yea, I'm Padfoot and your my pup and Moony's cub"

Harry chuckled hearing Sirius's logic, He suddenly realized that Remus was there and said "Thank you for saving me from there Moony"

"of course cub, It's the least we can do" Remus replied

"cub? You too?" Harry said sighing

Remus smiled glad that Harry was acting like a normal teenager but he noticed that Harry didn't answer Sirius's question

"How are you feeling?" Remus asked again

"The truth or what I usually say?" Harry asked realizing that he couldn't get out of this

"The truth Harry, You know that we are here for you, You have been through hell, the least you can do is ask for help" Sirius reasoned

Harry sighed and then said "It hurts a lot"

"I know cub, You have been so brave, We know it must hurt but we also know that you will get through it"

Harry smiled, glad for the support he was getting.

"anything else you want to talk to us about?" Remus asked

Harry shook his head

"Listen, Harry, I know you have been taught to hide your feelings and everything but you can talk to us"

Harry's bottom lip quivered and tears began falling

"It's- It's just, it's so hard to talk about it," Harry said nervously with tears falling.

"Hey, that's what we are here for, to talk," Sirius said smiling kindly

"It's just after Cedric being k-killed and the Dursley's ab-abusing me I don't know if I'm worth it" Harry said spilling everything on his mind

"Of course you are worth it, Harry" Remus said softly

"MOONY IS DAMN RIGHT" a voice called out from the corner of the room, but the trouble was that Harry couldn't see anyone though he did notice Remus and Sirius silently cursing someone along with someone hitting the voice who spoke out

a/n dun Dun DUN cliffhanger honey, yea they r back again, anyway thank u for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it, ho,nestly I do. I love hearing ur comments and feedback as always. Thank u so much for all ur support I honestly didn't expect the book to get over 300 reads already and 62 votes like honestly guys I love ya.

Click the star if you support Harry till the end



ps. I did throw in PJ jokes in there, now if you'll excuse me, I have to find the DAM snack bar

For those of u who don't get it. This is a Percy Jackson joke. They were on a dam and someone (grover I think) said that they needed to find the dam snack bar which has 2 meanings now, one meaning that they needed to find that dams snack bar and the other like DAMN snack bar.

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