Chapter 23| Going Home

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Previously on Welcome Back

What happened next, Ginny almost didn't believe it, It was so low that if she didn't see Harry's mouth move, she wouldn't have believed it

"I think I got my voice back" Harry whispered in a raspy voice


Ginny immediately rushed outside and yelled "NURSE"

At the sound of Ginny's voice Lily, James, Sirius, Remus, Hermione, and Ron immediately ran inside the room. The rest of the Weasleys tried to get inside as well but they were blocked by a nurse who had arrived at the scene.

"What's wrong?" Asked Laura entering the room after the nurse called her

"my voice" Harry said his voice weak and sounding like cats on a chalkboard

If Laura was surprised  she didn't show it. She asked for her diagnostic wand into her intercom set again and soon enough it was brought to her.

She scanned Harry's throat with her wand and then later turned around to give his friends and family the verdict

"I honestly don't know how his voice came back so early, He is recovering pretty quickly for someone who has gone through this procedure and had the sacrificial love charm taken off of him. At the rate he's going, he'll definitely face weakness, headaches, nausea and more but not as long as we expected, though I can't say how long it will last. He should rest his voice as much as he can until it's cured. I suggest using muggle remedies like chicken soup"

Laura then looked at Harry and said "Harry, I want you to honestly tell me how you are feeling"

Harry looked at her and blinked, he then turned to his notepad and wrote

"Sore, my head hurts like hell, my insides feel like they are going to sprout out of my mouth, and my legs feel like they'll fall off if I use them" he showed it to Laura and after she read it she nodded her head understandingly

"It'll be like that for a couple of weeks probably but after that, you'll feel as good as new. I'll give you a few potions and with trial and error, we can decide the amount you have to take. Does that seem ok?"

Harry looked at her again and slowly nodded. Everyone else in the room sighed with relief, they knew now that they could get the Harry they knew and loved back, it would take some time but they all knew that with help Harry would come out of his shell.

Harry stayed at the hospital for the rest of the week, the healers wanted to monitor him for a while. Ron, Hermione, Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius all stayed at the hospital. Remus and Sirius had convinced the rest of the Weasley siblings to go home and rest.

"Harry will be really mad at you if he realizes what you are doing" Remus warned them

"Harry has Lily's temper and lets me just tell you that you don't want to face it" Sirius added

The Weasley siblings looked at each other and finally decided to go home, they promised that they would come as soon as they could but it might take a while since Molly needed help in the house and Bill and Charlie had to go to work. They all, however, promised to come when Harry was shifted into Grimmauld Place.

At the end of the week, Laura came in to visit Harry and cheerfully said

"good news Harry, the healers told me that you can go home now"

Harry smiled at her, one of the first genuine smiles he had on his face since the sacrificial charm was lifted off of him

Harry's family and friends were overjoyed to hear that and Harrys parents soon set up a schedule for Harry to meet her once or twice more after a while so that she could check his health to see if he how he was doing.

A few hours later Harry was discharged from St Mungos, Harry's parents asked for him to be discharged at night so that he could safely apparate into his home. St Mungos has anti apparation charms so they had to go outside on the streets.

James and Lily both supported Harry on themselves since he was having trouble walking. Remus and Sirius both ordered Ron and Hermione to go home since they had been with Harry all week and Ron and Hermione both needed rest. They both reluctantly agreed and promised to come tomorrow.

Remus and Sirius then stood behind Lily and James, ready to help if needed. James and Lily both apparated at the same time with Harry to Grimmauld Place. Once they reached Grimmauld Place Harrys knees buckled on the ground and he puked his lunch out.

"sorry, apparation just doesn't suit me" Harry apologized

James and Lily just smiled at him and helped him inside the Grimmauld Place with Remus holding the door open and Sirius rushing inside to get a room that was on the ground floor ready. Harry was soon inside his room lying down and being forced to rest since it was late. That night Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face

a/n so so so so so so super sorry for the extremely short chapter, ik I didn't post on Tuesday cuz I changed my schedule I will be posting on Sundays and Wednesdays and lets hope I can stick to it.


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