Chapter 18| Discussions

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Important authors note at the end

Previously on Welcome Back

"I'll do it" Harry replied seriously


"I'll let you all discuss this" Dumbledore said and then left the hospital wing

"Prongslet, are you sure?" Sirius asked concernedly

"yea, Moony must have told you how dangerous it was" James argued

"I know but it's better than lying here in bed all day, It already hurts so much I just want it to stop" Harry pleaded

James and Lily looked at each other worriedly and then said "Fine"

"You're just going to let him do it?" Sirius asked with his eyebrows raised

James then looked like he was about to change his mind but before he could voice his thought Harry spoke up.

"Listen, theoretically this should be my choice, You don't even know how much pain I am in right now even though I am awake and looking fine, I have been put under the cruciatus curse before and this is as bad as that. If there is another choice that will put an end to this even if it is more painful I want to take it" Harry said firmly

James still looked conflicted but Sirius and Lily dragged him out of the hospital wing

Remus just gave Harry a sympathetic look and stayed on his bed.

"Did you really mean it? Does it really hurt that bad?" Remus asked Harry

Harry sighed and just nodded. He looked at Remus wondering if he was going to pity him but Remus didn't, he knew that Harry hated pity so he spent the rest of the time (15 minutes) telling Harry stories of how his mom hated his dad.

After 15 minutes An annoyed Lily, A grim Sirius, and a conflicted James entered the room.

"We have decided that you can have the treatment if you want," Lily said "We had a... fight outside, where Sirius said that you don't ever express your feelings if you're in pain and then these 2 (points to James and Sirius) had a huge fight that you would have heard throughout the school if I didn't put a silencing charm around us"

Harry just smiled gratefully while Remus rolled his eyes at James and Sirius and then said: "wasn't James for the treatment and Sirius against". Lily just sighed and shrugged, she was clearly annoyed

Dumbledore returned in half an hour to ask them what their answer was

"I'll do it" Harry answered shortly

Dumbledore smiled but the usual twinkle in his eyes was gone, "Excellent, I'll go make the necessary arrangements." And with that, he left again.

"I'm tired," Harry said yawning

"Then go to bed" Lily urged

"can't," Harry said shortly

"Why not pup?" Sirius asked confused

"nightmares" Harry answered shortly yet again.

Lily sighed and said, "Poppy told me that we can't give you a dreamless sleep potion because you may get addicted to it, but I'll ask her if you can have it just this once."

Harry smiled gratefully as Lily got up to ask Madam Pomfrey for the potion, she came back a minute later and gave it to Harry, Harry winced at the smell but drank it in one gulp and then instantly fell asleep.

Lily exchanged a worried look with her husband and then stroked Harry's hair. James decided that it would be best if he, Sirius, and Remus left Lily and Harry alone for the night, They headed out of the hospital wing after telling Lily that she could just send them a Patronus. They then headed outside to Hogsmeade and then apparated to 12 Grimmauld Palace. They all knew that they should get to bed since it was midnight but decided against it, instead, they gathered in Sirius's room to talk

"I don't know guys, I really worried" James confessed

"If you weren't worried then I would call you a, what was it, Sirius?" Remus asked

"Arrogant toe rag" Sirius answered smiling

"yea that, I would call you an arrogant toerag if you weren't worried" Remus finished with a grin

"HEY" James exclaimed

"but seriously (What? Asked Sirius) I don't blame you, Harry is your son and you have every right to be worried, All of us are worried, but Harry is definitely in a lot of pain if he said so, He doesn't confide in people about his problems, like how he got abused at the Dursley's, he never said a word about it" Remus reasoned

"I know but *sighs* I don't know, I just feel like I don't know Harry at all, I mean you instantly knew that he was in a lot of pain when he confided to you, and look Moony, He talks to you easily" James argued

"Prongs, we know its hard, but it is what's best for Harry, and you don't don't know Harry at all, He showed you ALL of his memories, the kid clearly trusts you, He has clearly been through a lot" Sirius explained

James just sighed again and then stood up "You know what guys, I'm just gonna call it a night, Goodnight" and with that, he walked out of the room

"you know it feels really weird," Remus remarked

"what?" Sirius asked

"our lives, it's like someones controlling them, like we are in characters in a book" Remus explained

Sirius laughed "Your imagination is amusing"

Remus rolled his eyes "whatever, good night"

"good night"

a/n author winks, hey yup I did put that last part in on purpose cuz y not. Anyways hope u liked this chapter I spent a lot of time on it and yea, I really should be studying now so BYE!!! THNX FOR READING



If you have any specific scenes that you want in this book then just leave them in the comments, I know that I have gotten 1 request and I promise that I am working on it (user will not be revealed)MORE IMPORTANT: If I was to write another fanfic which one would u want?A Percy Jackson and Harry Potter cross over where:They can both be brothers ORHarry goes to Camp half blood or Percy goes to Hogwarts PLEASE CHOOSE ONEA time-traveling fanfic where:Harry's kids and Ron's etc travel to the past ORThe marauder's travel to either Harry's time with his kids or during the second wizarding war PLEASE CHOOSE ONE

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